Promoting Global Human Rights through Cultural Diplomacy

Date of article: 02/01/2017

Daily News of: 09/01/2017

Country:  Malta

Author: National Ombudsman of Malta

Article language: en

jsp1The Former Parliamentary Ombudsman, Chief Justice Emeritus Joseph Said Pullicino was invited to participate as a keynote speaker at the 2016 Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy organised by the Institute of Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin. The theme of the four day conference held in December was ‘Promoting Global Human Rights through Cultural Diplomacy’.

The title of the Former Ombudsman’s contribution was ‘Cultural Diplomacy – an active agent for change to ensure good governance and respect for Human Rights.’

The 2016 Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy focused, on raising awareness and support for activities that promote global human rights and aimed at presenting practices to the international community to remedy and ease growing global challenges.

The Conference was also addressed by Former Presidents and Former Prime Ministers of European countries, Judges of the European Court of Human Rights, senior academics and from the current President of Albania, H.E. Bujar Nishani

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