The court agreed with the CHR and ordered the German TV station to publish an apology for using the term „Polish death camps”

Date of article: 22/12/2016

Daily News of: 09/01/2017

Country:  Poland

Author: Polish Ombudsman

Article language: en

The Court of Appeal in Kraków thoroughly agreed with the CHR’s argumentation and ordered the German TV station ZDF to publish an apology to Mr Karol Tendera for using the term “Polish death camps”. The Court pointed that the term’s use in relation to the Auschwitz prisoner may suggest he was not a victim but a perpetrator.

In the opinion of the Commissioner for Human Rights, the previous apology by ZDF was inadequate. Given that the claimant was offended in public, on a commonly accessible website, an apology in the form of a letter addressed only and directly to him (via his legal representative) was insufficient


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