Ombudsman urges Government to act now to prevent avoidable harm of people with eating disorders

Date of article: 27/03/2024

Daily News of: 03/04/2024

Country:  United Kingdom

Author: Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

Article language: en

The Ombudsman has written to the Minister for Mental Health, Maria Caulfield MP, outlining his concerns over the lack of progress in eating disorder services which is causing avoidable harm.

In his letter, the Ombudsman warns that patients are being repeatedly failed by the system. He raises issues such as a lack of funding, difficulties in accessing primary care, and palliative care being offered to patients deemed too difficult to treat.

The Ombudsman calls on Government to prioritise eating disorder services and ensure there is parity of access and quality of eating disorder services for all age groups across the country.

Read the letter.

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