Founded in Brussels the National Energy Ombudsman Network (NEON)

Date of article: 27/01/2015

Daily News of: 28/01/2015

Country:  Spain - Catalonia

Author: Regional Ombudsman of Catalonia

Article language: en

Catalan Ombusman is one of the fourth founding members

The European Parliament hosts the first Conference on " Strengtheing Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in the Energy Sector"

(c) Síndic

Catalan Ombudsman, Rafael Ribó, took part in the first General Assembly of the National Energy Ombudsman Network (NEON), held on January 27th in Brussels. The main purpose of the meeting was making NEON'S founding official and adopting the Statutes by the founding members: Service de médiation de l’énergie (Belgium), Ombudsman Services (Great Britain), Médiateur national de l’énergie (France) and the Catalan Ombudsman.

On the ocasion, NEON organized a Conference at the European Parliament on Strengtheing Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in the Energy Sector. The European Ombudsman and several representatives of the European Comission were invited and took part in it.

NEON's ( main goals are to promote ADR in Europe in compliance with the recommendations of the Commission and EU Directives;to encourage the protection and empowerment of energy consumers;to represent its members at European level and to link up with European counterparts in the fields of energy and consumption and to facilitate the exchange of information, experience and good practices among members.

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