FRA Director and European Parliament President discuss fundamental rights challenges in the EU

Date of article: 21/01/2015

Daily News of: 21/01/2015

Country:  EUROPE

Author: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Article language: en

FRA Director meets EP PresidentOn 20 January 2015, FRA’s Director met with the European Parliament President Martin Schulz to present the Agency’s work and priorities that are relevant for the new parliamentary term.

Among the issues discussed were the importance of giving fundamental rights due regard when discussing security measures, particularly in the aftermath of the Paris attacks; the need to increase social cohesion to counter radicalisation; the significance of the rule of law and fundamental rights debate; and developing a holistic and comprehensive approach to migration.

The meeting was part of the Director’s visit to Chairs and Vice-Chairs of political groups in the European Parliament to inform them about current and upcoming work that may be of interest to them during the new parliamentary term.


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