FRA releases initial data from its mapping national child protection systems project

Date of article: 05/02/2015

Daily News of: 05/02/2015

Country:  EUROPE

Author: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Article language: en

FRA has made available some data from its mapping of national child protection systems in the 28 EU Member States. The aim of the mapping is to understand how national child protection systems work, and to identify common challenges and promising practices.

The data cover the key components of national child protection systems. This includes information on national law and policies, as well as the structures, actors, resources, functions and monitoring of national child protection systems. A summary of the key findings for each area is also available. The five areas are:

  1. What national child protection laws and policies currently exist? 
  2. Which national authorities are responsible for child protection and who are the service providers? 
  3. What human and financial resources are available, with a particular focus on qualifications, training and vetting of personnel? 
  4. What are procedures for identifying and reporting children in need of protection, and for placing them in alternative care? Is the child’s right to be heard taken into consideration by the relevant authorities? 
  5. How are child protection systems monitored? Are children being consulted when developing national laws and policies that affect them?

The findings from the mapping will feed into the work of the European Commission as they develop EU guidelines on integrated child protection systems. As part of this, experts will discuss the findings at FRA on 3-4 March. 

The full report on mapping child protection systems in EU 28 Member States should be published in June 2015.


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