LGO leads the debate on local accountability

Date of article: 30/01/2015

Daily News of: 30/01/2015

Country:  United Kingdom - England

Author: Local Government Ombudsmen for England

Article language: en

The LGO has published findings from a roundtable event about ensuring effective local accountability.

Published in a new  discussion document , the report outlines how learning from complaints, the role of local scrutiny, and the relationship with the regulatory landscape are key to ensuring effective local accountability as reforms and innovation continue to drive local public service delivery

The roundtable meeting was held in 2014 with key stakeholders from organisations including the Local Gvernment Association, Care Quality Commission, Centre for Public Scrutiny, London Councils, SOLACE and ADASS.  The group met  to consider how local services can remain accountable to the people who use them, within the context of increasingly complex models of public service delivery.

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