Ombudsman publishes annual prisons complaints report
Date of article: 19/12/2014
Daily News of: 05/01/2015
Country: United Kingdom
- Scotland
Author: Scottish Public Services Ombudsman
Article language: en
Jim Martin, the Ombudsman, has published his annual prisons complaints report for 2013-14.
Key points
- 311 complaints received
- 32% of complaints upheld
- 63 recommendations for redress and improvement
2013-14 covers the third full year of the SPSO handling prisons complaints. In this report, we provide analysis of the issues raised by prisoners and the themes and learning we have seen, including case studies demonstrating our impact for individuals. We are again including some information on prisoner healthcare complaints to provide a fuller analysis of the issues prisoners bring us, although we have reported more extensively on this in our NHS annual report. We hope that this report provides a useful resource and tool for learning for all providers of prison services in Scotland.
The report is available to read online (link is external), or you can download it in PDF format (433 KB)
Our information page for staff working in the prison sector has been updated.