Judgment in Case C-203/20 AB and Others (Revocation of an amnesty)

Date of article: 16/12/2021

Daily News of: 17/12/2021

Country:  EUROPE

Author: Court of Justice of the European Union

Article language: en

Link: https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2021-12/cp210222en.pdf

Languages available: es cs de el en fr it hu pt sk

Court of Justice of the European Union


Luxembourg, 16 December 2021 Judgment in Case C-203/20 AB and Others (Revocation of an amnesty) The principle ne bis in idem does not preclude the issue of a European arrest warrant against persons accused of abducting the son of a former Slovak President

The bringing to an end of the criminal prosecutions by way of an amnesty and the revocation of that amnesty do not preclude the issue of an arrest warrant since the national judicial authorities have not yet ruled on the criminal liability of the accused persons

Former members of the Slovak security services are accused in Slovakia of having committed a series of offences in 1995, including the abduction of a person to a foreign country, the alleged victim of which was the son of the then Slovak President. 


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