IOI Ombudsman News 06/2021

Date of article: 12/02/2021

Daily News of: 12/02/2021

Country:  WORLD

Author: International Ombudsman Institute

Article language: en

IOI 2021

IOI | 12th World Conference / 12e Conférence mondiale / 12ª Conferencia Mundial

EN: The IOI Board of Directors has decided that the 12th World Conference and General Assembly will be held online.  


FR: Le Conseil d’administration de l’IIO a décidé de transformer la 12e Conférence mondiale et l’Assemblée générale de l’IIO en événements en ligne.


ES: La Junta Directiva del IIO decidió realizar la 12ª Conferencia Mundial y Asamblea General del IIO por medios electrónicos.

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IOI Report 2019/2020

IOI | Annual Report 2019/2020 now available

The IOI is pleased to present a report of its activities, projects and developments in the membership year 2019/2020. With this report, the IOI informs its members about membership matters, finances, the latest projects, which the IOI supported within its regional subsidies programme, training initiatives and much more. The full report is available in all three languages of the IOI and can be accessed on our website.

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KOSOVO | Covid-19 and access to health care services for persons affected by HIV and TB

The Ombudsperson Institution of the Republic of Kosovo, pursuant to his constitutional and legal mandate, has submitted to responsible authorities and has published the Ex. Office Report with Recommendations No. 698/2020 regarding access to health care services for persons affected by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Tuberculosis (TB), during the COVID-19 pandemic period in Kosovo.

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Infore de Actividades 2020

MÉXICO | CNDH presentó Informe Annual de Actividades 2020

El pasado 27 de enero, la Mtra. Rosario Piedra Ibarra, Presidenta de la Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos (CNDH) de México, presentó el Informe Anual de Actividades 2020 de esta institución ante la Comisión Permanente del Congreso de la Unión.

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CAYMAN ISLANDS | The Ombudsman issues Freedom of Information hearing decision 83

A Freedom of Information (FOI) applicant sought various records related to the Smith Barcadere (Smith Cove) Redevelopment Project, including an extract of Cabinet minutes related to the governing body’s decision on whether an exemption to the requirement to seek planning permission should be granted for the project.

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HUNGARY | Commissioner for Fundamental Rights conducts on-site inspection at Kalocsa children’s home

Based on the information that appeared in the press, as well as warnings from some of the MPs, with regard to the gravity of the concerns, Ombudsman Dr Ákos Kozma launched an ex officio inquiry into the operation of the Kalocsa Children’s Home, Primary School and Vocational School of the Special Children’s Home Centre, Primary School and Vocational School of the Ministry of Human Capacities, in order to clarify the circumstances.

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El Defensor del Pueblo andaluz apela a la cooperaciĆ³n para superar la Covid-19

ESPAÑA | El Defensor del Pueblo andaluz apela a la cooperación y a espantar los reproches para superar la COVID-19

Jesús Maeztu señala sobre la atención a las personas mayores en las residencias que "pasan los meses y no veo que se esté haciendo algo para cambiar esta estructura, este modelo de atención caduco e injusto.

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CANADA | BC Ombudsperson calls on government and health authorities to address outstanding gaps in long-term care visits policy and practice

Ombudsperson Jay Chalke is calling on the province to amend its long-term care visits policy to address outstanding fairness concerns, and to ensure the policy is implemented consistently across all health authorities.

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Reporte Semanal de Derechos Humanos en Perspectiva Internacional

AMÉRICA LATINA | 4. Reporte semanal “Derechos humanos en perspectiva internacional”

Les hacemos llegar el 4. Reporte Semanal de “Derechos Humanos en Perspectiva Internacional” elaborado por el Programa de Observación y Asistencia para el Fortalecimiento de las Defensorías del Pueblo, que forma parte de la Unidad de Política Institucional de la Defensoría del Pueblo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina).

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EUROPE | Ombudsman inquiry into the use of EU funds in relation to institutional care, against backdrop of COVID-19 pandemic

The Ombudsman opened an own-initiative inquiry into the role of the Commission in ensuring that member state governments use EU funds with a view to promoting independent living for persons with disabilities and older persons, and transitioning away from residential care institutions. The inquiry takes place against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic, which had devastating consequences for people in these institutions.

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WORLD | Protecting displaced and stateless persons – online event

An online event on “Protecting displaced and stateless persons and the role and experiences of NHRIs” will be held on 16 February 2021 (14h00 – 15h30 CET) on Teams. The online event is co-hosted by GANHRI, UNHCR and the Permanent Mission of Norway in Geneva.

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