(Equinet) Equality Today | Issue 9 | Februray 2021

Date of article: 26/02/2021

Daily News of: 26/02/2021

Country:  EUROPE

Author: European network of equality bodies - EQUINET

Article language: en



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Equality&Covid-19: Learnings from Equality Bodies 

“This is our opportunity to emerge stronger by creating opportunities for the world of tomorrow and not just building contingencies for the world of yesterday” said President Ursula von der Leyen  in her State of the Union Adress 2020 on the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent economic recovery. What do these challenges mean for the work of Equality Bodies?
Read our new Perspective “Equality in the Time of Covid-19: Learning from Equality Body Initiatives”, which explores how Equality Bodies have refocused their work in light of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic here!
Don’t have much time to read? Here’s a short summary of the whole perspective.   




REPORT - Unia takes a stand for getting along together, even in times of corona crisis 

Unia has published a report on the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on human rights. Read the article in English here! 

REPORT – Government's blurred lines on Covid emergency powers exposed in new research 

A new report by the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission shows concerns that the Government’s Covid-19 emergency powers lack a focus on human rights and equality. Find out more here!


PRESS RELEASE - Intellectual disability and school inclusion: Belgium again condemned by the European Committee of Social Rights. 
Read the joint press release here.


Equality Blog

Our Equinet blogpost “The Other Pandemic: Systemic Racism and its Consequences” by Jone Elizondo-Urrestarazu, is now available in Spanish! Read La Otra Pandemia: El Racismo Sistémico Y Sus Consecuencias” here. 


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