Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case Commission v FĂștbol Club Barcelona
Date of article: 04/03/2021
Daily News of: 05/03/2021
Country: EUROPE
Author: Court of Justice of the European Union
Article language: en
Link: https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2021-03/cp210032en.pdf
Languages available: bg es cs da de et el en fr hr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv
Court of Justice of the European Union
Luxembourg, 4 March 2021
Judgment in Case C-362/19 P Commission v Fútbol Club Barcelona
The Court of Justice sets aside the judgment of the General Court by which the Commission’s decision classifying as State aid the tax scheme of four Spanish professional football clubs had been annulled
The action which had been brought by Fútbol Club Barcelona against that decision is definitively rejected A Spanish law adopted in 1990 obliged all Spanish professional sports clubs to convert into public limited sports companies, with the exception of professional sports clubs that had achieved a positive financial balance during the financial years preceding adoption of that law. Fútbol Club Barcelona (FCB), and three other professional football clubs which came within that exception – Club Atlético Osasuna (Pamplona), Athletic Club (Bilbao) and the Real Madrid Club de Fútbol (Madrid) – had thus chosen to continue operating in the form of non-profit legal persons and enjoyed, in that capacity, a special rate of income tax. As that specific tax rate remained, until 2016, below the rate applicable to public limited sports companies, the Commission took the view, by decision of 4 July 2016, 1 that that legislation, in introducing a preferential corporate tax rate for the four clubs concerned, constituted unlawful and incompatible State aid, and ordered Spain to discontinue it and to recover the individual aid provided to the beneficiaries of that scheme. (...)