The state shall support and protect the ombudsman institution
Date of article: 09/03/2021
Daily News of: 16/03/2021
Country: Poland
Author: Polish Ombudsman
Article language: en
- The Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights of Ukraine expresses her solidarity with the Statement issued by the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI) on the need to comply with international standards during the selection and appointment of new Heads of NHRIs and during any associated transitional period
The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Liudmyla Denisova expresses her solidarity with the Statement issued by ENNHRI on March 8, 2021 on the need to comply with international standards during the selection and appointment of new Heads of NHRIs and during any associated transitional period.
The Statement says that on March 10, 2021, the Constitutional Tribunal of the Republic of Poland will consider the issue of constitutionality of Article 3.6. of the Law of the Republic of Poland "On the Commissioner for Human Rights", which stipulates that the previous Commissioner fulfils their obligations until taking up the position by the new Commissioner.
The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights emphasizes that the observance of international standards stipulated by the Paris Principles, the General Observations of the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI), and the Venice Principles provide, inter alia, that the state shall support and protect the Ombudsman Institution and refrain from taking any actions aiming at undermining its independence or impeding its activities, and shall effectively protect it from any such threats, ensure the independence, pluralism and effectiveness of national human rights institutions, designed to protect human rights - we read in the letter to the Polish ombudsman.