Study Visit of the Representatives of the Ombudsman Office to Denmark

Date of article: 13/12/2022

Daily News of: 15/12/2022

Country:  Azerbaijan

Author: Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Article language: en

Within the framework of international cooperation, a group of employees of the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan visited Copenhagen, the capital of the Kingdom of Denmark, to exchange experience in the field of Business and Human rights at the Danish Institute for Human Rights.

As part of the UN-supported visit, the delegation met with the executive director and management of the Danish Institute for Human Rights, as well as with the UN expert in the relevant area and the head of civil society institute "DanChurchAid", with long-term experience in business and human rights in Denmark, and got acquainted with their activities.

The role of national human rights institutions in the field of business and human rights, the organization of work with relevant international and regional mechanisms, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, defining the framework of corporate responsibility in terms of human rights, Sustainable Development Goals and other relevant topics were discussed at meetings held at the Danish Institute for Human Rights. During the meeting, information was also given on the coordination of multilateral cooperation in the field of business and human rights in Denmark, the role of civil society in this area, and support projects for business development in other countries.

This study visit, which is of great importance in terms of strengthening business and human rights activities in Azerbaijan, also created fertile ground for enhancing cooperation between the national human rights institutions of Azerbaijan and Denmark. During the meetings, it was stated that the Danish Institute of Human Rights, which is one of the leading national human rights institutions in business and human rights, is interested in developing further cooperation with the Azerbaijani Ombudsman in this area.

At the end, reports of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan and educational publications prepared by the Office were presented to Danish colleagues.

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