Workers from EU countries have the right to same treatment as locals - Ombudsman summarizes recommendations for authorities, municipalities, regions and ministries
Date of article: 30/12/2021
Daily News of: 04/01/2022
Country: Czechia
Author: Czech Public Defender of Rights
Article language: en
The Public Defender of Rights set his recommendations on the basis of extensive research among EU citizens living in the Czech Republic. More than a thousand people, proportionally represented not only by nationality, but also by education or their residence in the Czech Republic, described their experiences in dealing with the authorities, health care or education. Above all the participants commented on issues related to work and employment — and this is the area where most of the Ombudsman's recommendations are directed. Ombudsman's remit has been extended to include the right to free movement of EU citizens since 2018. According to the Ombudsman Czech authorities, with whom foreigners most often deal, should improve communication and, for example, regularly update their Czech and foreign language websites with information specifically for foreign workers. He also sees the role of the State Labour Inspection Office as crucial.
European legislation guarantees that anyone who moves to another Member State within the EU is entitled to the same treatment as nationals. Yet foreigners are a vulnerable group on the labour market. Research has confirmed that this vulnerability can increase for people in low-skilled jobs or agency workers.