IOI Ombudsman News 01/2022

Date of article: 07/01/2022

Daily News of: 12/01/2022

Country:  WORLD

Author: International Ombudsman Institute

Article language: en

IOI | Austrian Ministry for International Affairs grants IOI status as “international institution”

As of 1 January 2022, the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) holds a status as “International Institution” in accordance with the Austrian Act on Headquarter Locations (Amtssitzgesetz). With this new status, the IOI will be able to increase its presence as an independent, international organization, the voice of Ombudsman institutions around the world and the authoritative body on Ombudsman matters.

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CAYMAN ISLANDS | His Excellency the Governor invites applications for the position of the Ombudsman

The Ombudsman is a senior public official, charged with monitoring the public administration through the examination and investigation of complaints from members of the public who believe they have been adversely affected by the administrative actions of a public body. Applications for the position of the Cayman Islands Ombudsman may be submitted until 17 January 2022.

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Firma del Convenio de Cooperación Técnica

ARGENTINA | Convenio de Cooperación con el Instituto de Pensamiento y Políticas Públicas

El Subsecretario General a cargo del Defensor del Pueblo de la Nación, Juan José Böckel, firmó un Convenio de Cooperación Técnica con el Instituto de Pensamiento y Políticas Públicas, representado por su Presidenta, Ana Carolina Rameri, con el fin de potenciar la promoción, cultura, defensa y protección de los Derechos Humanos.

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ESTONIA | Chancellor of Justice received the highest international recognition

The Chancellor of Justice received the A-status accreditation as a national human rights institution by the GANHRI Sub-Committee on Accreditation (SCA). The decision on accreditation preceded by a submission of a comprehensive statement on the independence, mandate and composition of the institution of the Chancellor of Justice, and an oral hearing by the SCA in December last year.

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B.C. Ombudsperson's recommendations strengthen oversight of environmental professionals

CANADA | Oversight of environmental professionals strengthened following B.C. Ombudsperson’s recommendations

Jay Chalke, Ombudsperson British Columbia (B.C.), released his final update on an investigation highlighting gaps in oversight of the regulatory scheme that seeks to protect some of B.C.’s most sensitive ecosystems.

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Factsheet on how to deliver effective apologies

AUSTRALIA | How to deliver an effective apology

Not everyone understands the power of an apology, or how to make a good one. Australia’s Commonwealth Ombudsman published a factsheet for education providers to explain why an apology is powerful, and what you should or shouldn’t say when apologising.

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ESPAÑA | El Síndic presenta el primer informe sobre la actividad de la Agencia de Ciberseguridad

El Síndic destaca su papel en la fiabilidad de la Administración electrónica. La Agencia debe desarrollar un papel clave a la hora de generar un entorno tecnológico de confianza para la Administración digital

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M. Demba Kadji offre lot de matériel informatique aux établissements scolaires

SÉNÉGAL | Médiateur de la République offre lot de matériel informatique aux établissements scolaires

Le Médiateur de la République, Monsieur Demba Kandji a offert un important lot de matériel informatique à l’école élémentaire Elhadj Serigne Ibrahima Seck, à l’école franco-arabe et au lycée de Thiénaba, sa ville natale. Cette activité qui entre dans le cadre du renforcement du cachet social de l’Institution, participe également de sa visibilité et de sa proximité avec les populations.

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BELGIQUE | Catherine De Bruecker est la première médiatrice de la Région bruxelloise

Depuis de nombreuses années, l’Etat fédéral, la Région wallonne, la Communauté française, la Communauté flamande, la Communauté germanophone, disposent de leur propre médiateur. Il aura fallu attendre 2 ans pour que les citoyens de la Région de Bruxelles disposent du même service à l’égard des administrations bruxelloises. Catherine De Bruecker, ex-médiatrice fédérale, a été élue pour diriger ce nouveau service de médiation.

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NHRC Chairperson Chen Chu (fifth from right), seminar chairs, speakers,  and other participants

CONTROL YUAN, TAIWAN | Inaugural International Conference on Human Rights Development

From 23 - 24 November, the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) held the 2021 Human Rights Development International Conference. In her opening remarks, NHRC Chairperson Chen Chu said, “Taiwan is very willing to work together with all national governments and civil society organizations in pursuit of the sustainable development of equality, justice, and human rights.”



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El Procurador del Común Tomás Quintana López

ESPAÑA | El Procurador del Común abre en el año 2021 38.345 nuevos expedientes, que corresponden a 2.030 quejas y 44 actuaciones de oficio

Este año se ha adoptado una nueva metodología estadística que permite ofrecer datos más completos. León y Burgos encabezan las provincias que acumulan un mayor número de quejas de la Comunidad. La Administración Local, Familia, Empleo Público y Sanidad acaparan el mayor número de quejas y de expedientes. Se han abierto 14 nuevas quejas múltiples que han dado lugar a más de 36.000 expedientes. 

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CZECH REPUBLIC | Workers from EU countries have the right to same treatment as locals

The Public Defender of Rights summarized recommendations for authorities, municipalities, regions and ministries. Recommendations were set on the basis of extensive research among EU citizens living in the Czech Republic. More than a thousand people, proportionally represented not only by nationality, but also by education or their residence in the Czech Republic, described their experiences in dealing with the authorities, health care or education. 

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Reporte Semanal de Derechos Humanos en Perspectiva Internacional

AMÉRICA LATINA | 51. Reporte semanal “Derechos humanos en perspectiva internacional”

Les hacemos llegar el 51. Reporte Semanal de “Derechos Humanos en Perspectiva Internacional” elaborado por el Programa de Observación y Asistencia para el Fortalecimiento de las Defensorías del Pueblo, que forma parte de la Unidad de Política Institucional de la Defensoría del Pueblo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina).

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