Social Benefit for Inclusion. Ombudsman welcomes regulation but emphasizes that there are still serious situations that need to be safeguarded

Date of article: 13/01/2022

Daily News of: 17/01/2022

Country:  Portugal

Author: National Ombudsman of Portugal

Article language: en

The Ombudsman sent a letter to the Secretary of State for Inclusion of Disabled Persons, in which she notes as positive the approval of Administrative Rule no. 230/2021, of 29 October, nevertheless drawing attention to the persistence of serious situations of social unprotection.


The aforementioned Ministerial Order made it possible to render feasible the entitlement to Social Inclusion Benefit (PSI) for persons who acquired or developed a disability after the age of 55 or who, having acquired a disability or incapacity before the age of 55, only requested the respective certification at a later date. Thus, one of the recommendations made in the Recommendation that the Ombudsman addressed in February 2020 to the Minister of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security, regarding several issues related to the PSI, was accepted.

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