Día internacional de concienciación sobre el ruido

Date of article: 24/04/2024

Daily News of: 26/04/2024

Country:  Spain - Basque Country

Author: Regional Ombudsman of the Basque Country

Article language: es

Con motivo de la celebración del Día internacional de concienciación sobre el ruido, el ararteko Manuel Lezertua ha participado en Bilbao en una mesa-debate organizada por la Plataforma 7 Ordu Lo titulada “Una ciudad viva, ¿tiene que ser ruidosa?”

En su intervención, el ararteko ha dicho que un exceso del ruido ambiente puede vulnerar derechos fundamentales como el derecho a la inviolabilidad del domicilio, a la vida familiar y a la salud. Por ello, el Ararteko promueve la búsqueda de un nuevo modelo de ocio que favorezca las actividades humanas más sostenibles y compatibles con el derecho al descanso.

El Ararteko viene reivindicando un plan de acción de los poderes públicos para luchar para luchar contra la “lacra” que implica la contaminación acústica y hace una serie de recomendaciones para tratar de ir minimizando el impacto de la injerencia sonora en el disfrute de los derechos de las personas.

Lezertua considera que ciertos mecanismos de participación, como pueden ser los foros entre ciudadanos y administración, mesas de seguimiento de conflictos generados por el ruido o, incluso, círculos de justicia restaurativa, pueden constituirse como herramientas positivas para conocer de primera mano cuáles son las preocupaciones ambientales de la población residente en el entorno de actividades molestas y para tratar de repararlas.


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“Have Care of Peace”, Progetto Per Il Contrasto Dell’odio in Rete

Date of article: 24/04/2024

Daily News of: 26/04/2024

Country:  Italy - Marches

Author: Garante regionale dei diritti della persona (Regional Ombudsman of Marches)

Article language: it

Promosso da Garante regionale dei diritti e Corecom ha registrato il coinvolgimento dei licei artistici “Mannucci” di Ancona, “Mengaroni” di Pesaro, “Cantalamessa” di Macerata e “Preziotti – Licini” di Fermo

Far vivere il web come un bene comune, contrastando ogni forma comunicativa che presenti un richiamo all’odio. E’ su queste basi che poggia il progetto “Have care of peace” promosso da Garante regionale dei diritti e Corecom.
Nello specifico, l’attività ha coinvolto gli studenti che frequentano i licei artistici presenti sul territorio marchigiano (“Mannucci” di Ancona, “Mengaroni” di Pesaro, “Cantalamessa” di Macerata e “Preziotti – Licini” di Fermo), chiamati a produrre un video clip, da utilizzare come comunicazione sociale, sulla condanna e il contrasto al linguaggio d’odio.
La parte pratica è stata preceduta da alcuni interventi formativi, contemplati nell’ambito dell’orario dedicato all’educazione civica.
Presentazione finale degli elaborati attraverso appuntamenti in tutti gli istituti coinvolti, fissati in calendario per il 29 aprile (“Mannucci”), il 30 (“Cantalamessa”), l’8 maggio (“Preziotti – Licini”) e il 22 (“Mengaroni”).
Prevista anche una breve lezione sul mercato e sulla regolazione degli Ict (Information and Communication Technologies) e dei media digitali.

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Con Motivo de la Celebración del Día del Libro

Date of article: 23/04/2024

Daily News of: 26/04/2024

Country:  Spain

Author: National Ombudsman of Spain

Article language: es


El Defensor del Pueblo, Ángel Gabilondo, ha participado este martes en la XXVIII Lectura continuada del Quijote que se está celebrando, desde hoy y hasta el próximo jueves, en el Círculo de Bellas Artes con motivo de la celebración del Día del Libro.

El Premio Cervantes 2023, Luis Mateo, ha sido el encargado de leer las primeras líneas en esta edición.

La adjunta primera del Defensor del Pueblo, Teresa Jiménez-Becerril y la adjunta segunda, Patricia Bárcena, también han intervenido en esta lectura de la obra de Miguel de Cervantes, en la que han participado diferentes personalidades de la vida política, social y cultural, así como cientos de lectores anónimos que se han querido sumar, como cada año, a esta iniciativa.

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Recommendation Not Implemented: Parliamentary Ombudsman’s Report on Pothole Incident in San Gwann

Date of article: 23/04/2024

Daily News of: 26/04/2024

Country:  Malta

Author: National Ombudsman of Malta

Article language: en

In accordance with Article 22(4) of the Ombudsman Act, the Parliamentary Ombudsman, Judge Emeritus Joseph Zammit McKeon, has submitted the Final Opinion to the House of Representatives concerning a person who fell due to a pothole in San Gwann.

The Complaint

The complaint was lodged by a person who fell while descending a pavement due to a pothole situated right under the kerb in San Gwann, fracturing his left foot and sustaining other injuries. The complainant incurred expenses for mobility aids and replacement of his spectacles, which he sought to have reimbursed by the San Gwann Local Council. He argued that the Council was responsible for the pavement’s maintenance and should compensate him for his injuries and related costs.

The Investigation

The Ombudsman’s investigation involved gathering detailed information from the complainant, including medical reports, expense receipts, a police report, and statements from the complainant’s wife. The Local Council was also consulted and provided feedback on the incident. The investigation found that the Council had initially dismissed the claim, asserting that a minor road surface defect, which they did not consider a pothole, was not proven to cause the fall. The Council also noted that such defects are inevitable due to various public and private entities performing street works in the locality.

Conclusions and Recommendations

The report concluded that the San Gwann Local Council had failed to ensure the safety of the pavement and did not adequately address the complainant’s request for reimbursement. The defect in the pavement was considered significant enough to pose a hazard, which led to the complainant’s injuries.

The Ombudsman upheld the complaint, recommending that the complainant be reimbursed for all documented expenses related to the incident. The report also recommended that the Council take a more proactive approach to monitoring and repairing public roads and pavements to prevent similar incidents in the future. The report emphasised the legal obligation of Local Councils to maintain public spaces safely and efficiently.


The San Gwann Local Council refused to implement the Ombudsman’s recommendations because it alleged that there was no clear causal link between the road defect and the complainant’s fall was not established. The Council argued that minor road defects, such as the one cited, are common and challenging to eliminate completely due to the involvement of various contractors. Additionally, the Council emphasised the need for prudent management of public funds, stating that compensation claims must be substantiated with concrete evidence directly linking the defect to the incident.

These were the same arguments submitted by the Council prior to the conclusion of the Final Opinion.

Therefore, since the recommendations were not implemented by the San Gwann Local Council, the Ombudsman, sought the direct intervention of the Prime Minister according to law. However, since the request to the Prime Minister was of no avail, the Ombudsman sent the report to the Speaker of the House, who in turn tabled the report before the House of Representatives.

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Lengthy Decision-Making by The Ministry of Justice in a Renewed Procedure

Date of article: 23/04/2024

Daily News of: 26/04/2024

Country:  Slovenia

Author: Human Rights Ombudsman of Slovenia

Article language: en

In the specific case of the complainant, the Ministry of Justice exceeded the statutory deadline from Article 222 of the ZUP for issuing a decision in a renewed procedure and thereby violated the principle of legal security and the principle of good management and the principle of economy from Article 14 of the ZUP, which stipulates that the procedure must be conducted quickly, with the lowest possible costs and the lowest possible delay for clients and other participants in the procedure.

* * *

The Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia (Ombudsman) considered a complaint regarding an allegation of lengthy decision-making by the Ministry of Justice (MP) in a renewed procedure for dismissing a court interpreter.

On the basis of Articles 6 and 28 of the Human Rights Ombudsman Act (ZVarCP) in connection with Paragraph 4 of Article 9 of the same law, the Ombudsman contacted the MP with a written inquiry and, based on the response received, concluded that the MP took more than nine months to issue a decision in the renewed the procedure after the decision to allow the renewal of the procedure was issued.

Based on the above, the Ombudsman assessed that the renewed procedure in the complainant's specific case took too long and considered the complaint to be well-founded. In relation to the lengthy process of consideration of the subject matter, the MP explained that the lengthy consideration of the matter occurred due to the complexity of the subject matter, during the consideration of which it was necessary to carefully examine demanding legal issues before making a final decision in the subject matter. The MP also explained that the length of the procedure for dealing with the case in question was also influenced by the increased scope of the authority's work in the field of court experts, court appraisers, and court interpreters due to the regular verification of their expertise (1,400 persons) and the performance of administrative and other work for the Expert Council for Judicial Expertise, Judicial Valuation and Judicial Interpretation as the highest professional coordinating body in the field of judicial expertise, judicial valuation, and judicial interpretation, whereby the transfer of tasks to other civil servants was not possible due to understaffing.

The Ombudsman cannot accept the stated position of the MP. Due to systemic reasons (the authority emphasised the increased volume of the its work and the lack of staff), the procedures may take longer for a while, but they can no longer be referred to when the time required for organisational and/or personnel adaptation of the authority has passed.

The Ombudsman also noted that he did not receive a response or an explanation from the MP regarding the reason why the decision was not issued within the statutory deadline, nor was it defined. On the basis of the collected data, the Ombudsman assessed that the MP did not respond to the complainant's repeated request, nor did it, in accordance with the provisions of Article 22 of the Regulation on Administrative Operations[1], provide him with an explanation of why the decision

was not issued within the statutory deadline, which the Ombudsman considers as a violation of the principle of good governance.

In light of the above, the Ombudsman further called on the MP to respect the provisions of Article 22 of the Decree on Administrative Operations and the basic principles of the ZUP and the deadlines for decision-making prescribed therein.

In relation to the mentioned systemic reasons for the long duration of the procedure, the Ombudsman suggested that the MP consider the possibilities of additional organizational and/or personnel reinforcement.

The MP responded to the Ombudsman's proposal and explained that within the framework of the Ministry's competent services, activities are already underway in the direction of additional personnel reinforcements at the Directorate for Legislation on Organisation and for Justice Administration, with which the MP will consistently perform its administrative tasks in accordance with the principles of economy and good management, to which it is bound according to the ZUP, and in this context also ensured consistent compliance with statutory deadlines in all matters in which the MP decides on the rights, obligations, or legal benefits of the parties, which the Ombudsman welcomes.

At the same time, the MP also explained that, in this light, certain organisational measures were already adopted in 2023, with which the work process was already optimised (the organisational structure of the directorate was changed, which enabled a more appropriate distribution of work tasks and thus greater work efficiency), and systemic changes to the legislation in the field of the work of court experts, court appraisers, and court interpreters are also being prepared, which will mean both the simplification of certain procedures and the administrative relief of the Ministry, which will significantly contribute to the more efficient work of the body, which the Ombudsman also welcomes.14.5-9/2023

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Link to the Ombudsman Daily News archives from 2002 to 20 October 2011