The Parliamentary Ombudsman pays a courtesy call on the President at the beginning of her mandate

Date of article: 18/04/2024

Daily News of: 22/04/2024

Country:  Malta

Author: National Ombudsman of Malta

Article language: en

The Parliamentary Ombudsman, Judge Emeritus Joseph Zammit McKeon, paid a courtesy call to the President of Malta, H.E. Myriam Spiteri Debono, at the beginning of her mandate.

During the meeting, the Ombudsman provided an overview of the institution’s recent activities, highlighting its commitment to enhancing public administration and its efforts to engage more closely with the people. The Ombudsman stressed the importance of the institution being accessible to the public, which is essential for understanding potential improvements in public administration and providing a voice for those let down by the system.

The discussion also covered the Ombudsman’s relationship with Parliament, underlining the significance of this connection in fulfilling its role effectively. This included what happens with the Ombudsman’s reports when they are tabled in Parliament and the proposal of establishing a special committee of the House to discuss such reports.

Additionally, the Ombudsman briefed the President on the institution’s involvement in international forums, particularly its roles on the Board of the International Ombudsman Institute and as Secretary General and Treasurer of the Association of Mediterranean Ombudsmen. It was announced that, in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Ombudsman institution in Malta, the General Assembly of the Association of Mediterranean Ombudsmen will be held in Malta. This event will gather ombudsmen and human rights defenders from across the Mediterranean basin.

The Ombudsman also presented a copy of the Case Notes 2023 to the President. The Case Notes is an annual publication that comprises a carefully selected compilation of 36 cases that reflect the broad spectrum of public concerns and grievances handled by the Ombudsman and the specialised Commissioners.

The Ombudsman was accompanied by Mr Paul Borg, Director General and Mr Jurgen Cassar, Head of Communications and Research.

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Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-605/21 Heureka Group

Date of article: 18/04/2024

Daily News of: 22/04/2024

Country:  EUROPE

Author: Court of Justice of the European Union

Article language: en


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Luxembourg, 18 April 2024

Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-605/21 | Heureka Group (Online price comparison services)

Infringements of EU competition law: the former Czech rules on limitation are incompatible with EU law

Those rules make it practically impossible or excessively difficult to claim damages for continuous anticompetitive practices (...)

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Colectivos LGBTIQ+ piden más personal para el seguimiento hormonal de las personas Trans en el HUC

Date of article: 16/04/2024

Daily News of: 22/04/2024

Country:  Spain - Canary Islands

Author: Regional Ombudsman of the Canary Islands

Article language: es

La adjunta de Igualdad de la Diputación del Común se reunió con el presidente de la Asociación ‘Transboys’ y la vicepresidenta de la Asociación ‘Diversas’, quienes denuncian cancelaciones masivas de citas de endocrinología en dicho hospital que ponen en peligro la salud de estas personas


La adjunta de Igualdad de la Diputación del Común, Beatriz Barrera, se reunió con el presidente de la Asociación “Transboys”, Dylan Constantini, y la vicepresidenta de la Asociación “Diversas”, Eva Hernández, quienes piden la contratación de más personal en el servicio de endocrinología del HUC, ya que las cancelaciones masivas de citas médicas están causando un daño para la salud de las personas trans. En la reunión estuvo presente la asesora de la Diputación del Común, Amanda Armas.

Constantini explicó que, tras las presiones por parte de los colectivos LGBTIQ+, recientemente se produjo la reincorporación del especialista endocrinológico al que se le había terminado el contrato. Sin embargo, le preocupa que aún haya 200 personas esperando una nueva cita con el servicio de endocrinología, por lo que considera que debería aumentarse la plantilla de esta área. “Son muchas citas y no sabemos qué va a pasar en diciembre cuando se le acabe el nuevo contrato a esta persona”, añade.

Asimismo, Constantini subrayó la importancia de aplicar el protocolo actualizado de atención sanitaria a las personas trans, que debería haberse puesto en marcha tras la aprobación de la “Ley Trans e Intersex Canaria” hace 3 años y que garantizaría el derecho de las personas trans a recibir una atención sanitaria de calidad. “Nuestro tratamiento hormonal es de por vida y el seguimiento es importante para nuestra salud. Necesitamos atención sanitaria especializada y constante”, afirma.

La adjunta de Igualdad de la Diputación del Común, Beatriz Barrera, reiteró su disposición a defender el derecho de las personas trans a recibir una atención sanitaria de calidad, y pedirá a la Administración que cumpla el protocolo de atención sanitaria a estas personas, tal y como exige la Ley.

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Dr. Ákos Kozma hosts the Ambassador of Uzbekistan to Hungary

Date of article: 15/04/2024

Daily News of: 22/04/2024

Country:  Hungary

Author: Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary

Article language: en

Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Dr. Ákos Kozma hosted Excellency, Ambassador of Uzbekistan to Hungary Mr. Oybek Shakhavdinov in his office on 15 April 2024.

During the bilateral meeting, Dr. Ákos Kozma provided information on the responsibilities and competences of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, with special regard to the activities performed for the protection of the most vulnerable social groups. The bilateral meeting focused on the questions of the development of the relations of the public institutions of the two countries involved in the protection of fundamental rights.

The photos displayed at are owned by the Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights. All rights reserved.

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67. Treffen der Behindertenbeauftragten

Date of article: 19/04/2024

Daily News of: 22/04/2024

Country:  Germany - Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Author: Regional Ombudsman of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Article language: de

Auf ihren 67. Treffen in Stuttgart haben die Behindertenbeauftragten von Bund und Ländern eine „Stuttgarter Erklärung“ verabschiedet. In dieser fordern sie von Bund, Ländern und Kommunen verstärkte Anstrengungen, um die Umsetzung der Vorgaben der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention unter Beachtung der Empfehlungen des UN-Fachausschusses für die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen entschlossen voranzutreiben. 

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Link to the Ombudsman Daily News archives from 2002 to 20 October 2011