Deputy Ombudsman in National Assembly on the position of older people from the findings of the institution of the Ombudsman

Date of article: 24/01/2024

Daily News of: 29/01/2024

Country:  Slovenia

Author: Human Rights Ombudsman of Slovenia

Article language: en

On 24/01/2024, Deputy Ombudsman Dr Dijana Možina Zupanc participated at a meeting of the Committee on Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Disability, at which the issue of older people, primarily in retirement homes was discussed. She presented the basic findings recorded by the institution of the Ombudsman while considering complaints connected to older people, about which it also warns the competent authorities and reports to the National Assembly. “The institution of the Ombudsman dedicates much attention to this subject. Last year, we considered more complaints from this field, each of them is thoroughly studied, while we also open wider questions detected during our work,” said Deputy Ombudsman Dr Možina Zupanc. 

She added that last year, the Ombudsman received several different complaints reporting violence in retirement homes. Unfortunately, some of these are anonymous, which could indicate the fear of potential consequences for those filing complaints. “Each complaint was considered and inquiries sent to the retirement homes to which the complaints pertained and we handled all procedures in accordance with our competences. The Ombudsman also met with various other competent institutions and discussed the issue of the increasing number of complaints connected to violence or inhumane treatment of older people in retirement homes. He also wanted to familiarise himself with their findings and proposals and expressed his expectation that they will act united with the aim of preventing any kind of violence against older people,” explained Dr Možina Zupanc.

Regarding the position of service users and employees in retirement homes, the Ombudsman is also aware of a lack of staff, which often influences the inappropriate care for retirement home occupants. “The system as it is system not endurable; however, the state still does not have a suitable strategy for how to address this issue. We expect the bodies responsible to eliminate the lack of appropriate staff in retirement homes on the systemic level by establishing suitable staffing norms that would enable safe and quality treatment of users, the improvement of working conditions, and appropriate payment for the work done,” added the Deputy Ombudsman.

The Human Rights Ombudsman believes that the answer to a long-living society is deinstitutionalisation and not only an increase in the capacities of institutions or the construction of new retirement homes. Everybody should be able to get care in their home environment. As a society, we must provide quality and safe care directed towards a person and his or her needs.

The Deputy Ombudsman also stated that in Slovenia we urgently need so-called nursing hospitals, in which persons could be placed who are still ill but who have completed hospital treatment. Such people have difficulties finding a placement in institutional care, because retirement homes cannot provide appropriate healthcare for such people or are simply overcrowded. The core of the problem is therefore in the lack of appropriate accommodation capacities and staff, due to which, after being released from hospital, people cannot be placed in institutional care, while hospitals are pressuring their relatives to take the patient home even though they have neither the knowledge nor the means or room to provide the patient with appropriate care.

The Deputy Ombudsman emphasises that the system of institutional care for the elderly is in dire need of thorough updating. “The unendurable system only deepens the indecent ageing of people in this country. This trend needs to be stopped. A clear vision of all forms of help has to be set up and appropriately support it financially,” underlines Deputy Ombudsman Dr Dijana Možina Zupanc.

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The European Ombudsman asks EPSO to improve recruitment testing for new EU staff

Date of article: 23/01/2024

Daily News of: 29/01/2024

Country:  EUROPE

Author: European Ombudsman

Article language: en

The Ombudsman has made a series of suggestions to the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) to improve how it carries out tests as part of the recruitment of new staff into the EU civil service.

In particular, the Ombudsman suggested EPSO assess how its requirement that tests be carried out remotely impacts equality of opportunity. Where EPSO is unable to address the negative implications of remote testing on equality of opportunity, it should ensure candidates have the possibility to take tests in physical testing centres.

The Ombudsman also suggested that EPSO make sure technical requirements do not disadvantage or prevent certain candidates from taking remote tests, ensure candidates have access to instructions on troubleshooting and filing a complaint during testing, and review its guidelines on complaint handing.

Highlighting that clear information can enhance acceptance of testing requirements, the Ombudsman called on EPSO to explain more clearly on its website why requirements concerning equipment and the candidate’s physical testing area are necessary.

The Ombudsman opened an own-initiative inquiry into this issue after receiving a significant number of complaints about a particular selection procedure. She subsequently received similar complaints related to other selection procedures organised by EPSO in which remote testing was used. Issues cited by complainants included difficulties with the technical and physical requirements, technical problems during the tests, and EPSO’s communication around the selection procedure.

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El Departamento de Cuidados y Políticas Sociales de la Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa admitirá las solicitudes presentadas a través del registro electrónico general

Date of article: 29/01/2024

Daily News of: 29/01/2024

Country:  Spain - Basque Country

Author: Regional Ombudsman of the Basque Country

Article language: es

El Departamento, que ha aceptado la recomendación del Ararteko, adoptará también las medidas necesarias que permitan la tramitación administrativa y la coordinación con otras entidades públicas a través de medios electrónicos

El Ararteko admitió a trámite una queja en la que un ciudadano mostraba su disconformidad con el rechazo de la Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa a dos solicitudes presentadas a través del registro electrónico general.

El reclamante remitió, en representación de su padre, solicitudes de valoración de la discapacidad y la dependencia incluyendo los formularios y los documentos preceptivos para cumplir los requisitos de tramitación señalados en la página web informativa de la diputación.

Ambas solicitudes fueron rechazadas porque, según la Administración, en un caso no se utilizó el cauce adecuado, y en el otro, se desconocía el órgano destinatario o, en su defecto, se trataba de administraciones no integradas en el sistema de interconexión de registros.

El Ararteko recomendó a la Administración foral que admitiera las solicitudes presentadas por la persona reclamante a través del registro electrónico general, sin aplicar causas de rechazo no ajustadas a Derecho.
Además, pidió que habilitara los medios tecnológicos para tramitar los procedimientos administrativos electrónicos con los mismos efectos jurídicos que comporta el inicio a través de medios presenciales y que, de acuerdo con el principio de interoperabilidad, se desarrollaran las medidas tecnológicas y jurídicas que permitieran la transmisión de expedientes a otras administraciones públicas competentes.

La Diputación de Gipuzkoa ha informado al Ararteko que acepta la recomendación y que admitirá las solicitudes a través del registro electrónico de acuerdo con la normativa vigente. También explica que ha solicitado a sus servicios informáticos el desarrollo de un programa para poner en práctica esta posibilidad. Por último, comunica que “en su agenda prevé la personalización de la atención y, en consecuencia, su posible comunicación digital entre otros retos telemáticos y de interoperabilidad”.

Vitoria-Gasteiz, 29 de enero de 2024

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Ombudsman findings, themes and trends – January 2024

Date of article: 24/01/2024

Daily News of: 24/01/2024

Country:  United Kingdom - Scotland

Author: Scottish Public Services Ombudsman

Article language: en

"graphical representation of the text below"


In this month’s edition of the Ombudsman’s findings, we highlight the importance of having robust systems and polices in place to ensure efficient and uninterrupted service delivery.

This month we published decision reports from 11 complaints investigated by the Ombudsman. Ten of these were about Health services and one was about Local Government. The outcome of these 11 complaints were

  • Fully upheld: 5
  • Some upheld: 2
  • Not upheld: 4

Recommendations and feedback

We made 22 recommendations to public bodies. Ten of these were about steps public bodies could take to learn and improve from the complaint.

A number of recommendations were made to ensure that organisations have efficient service policies and systems in place. For example, public bodies should have clear and accessible escalation procedures to follow if an issue remains unresolved. Similarly, polices and practices should be reviewed if not working as intended.

We made a further five recommendations to help public bodies improve their complaint handling. These asked organisations to ensure complainants were advised of delays in the complaints procedure and were given thorough and complete complaint responses. We also highlighted the importance of ensuring all staff are aware of the complaints procedure, particularly front-line staff.

Our Good Complaints Handling online course is specifically designed for staff who handle complaints at stage 1 of the Model Complaints Handling Procedure. Why not take a look at our training webpage and if you have any questions get in touch.

All our published decision reports can be read in full on our website.

Updated: January 24, 2024

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Participación de la Valedora do Pobo y de la asesora de la institución Mar Barcón en el programa Edu Referentes.

Date of article: 24/01/2024

Daily News of: 24/01/2024

Country:  Spain - Galicia

Author: Regional Ombudsman of Galicia

Article language: es

Con el Programa Edu Referentes la asociación Executivas de Galicia realiza encuentros de mujeres referentes gallegas con estudiantes de ESO, FP y Bachillerato, con visitas a centros educativos de Galicia. En este caso la charla tuvo lugar en el IES de Quiroga (Lugo).

El objetivo es que sea un canal que impulse y visibilice a las mujeres profesionales referentes de la Comunidad gallega y divulgar estos perfiles a los y las jóvenes en una labor de promoción de la igualdad.

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Remise des rapports annuels 2021 & 2022

Date of article: 24/01/2024

Daily News of: 24/01/2024

Country:  Belgium - Wallonia and Federation of Wallonia-Brussels

Author: Regional Ombudsman of Wallonia and Federation of Wallonia-Brussels

Article language: fr

Le mercredi 24 janvier 2024, Marc BERTRAND, Médiateur de la Wallonie et de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, a remis officiellement à M. André FREDERIC, Président du Parlement de Wallonie, et à M. Rudy DEMOTTE, Président du Parlement de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, les rapports annuels 2021 et 2022 de l’Institution.

Au cours de l’exercice 2021, 5437 réclamations ont été enregistrées : 5036 relevaient des compétences du Médiateur, dont 3284 pour la Wallonie et 1752 pour la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.
Pour l’exercice 2022, ce sont 5400 réclamations dont 3377 pour la Wallonie et 1570 pour la Fédération. Ces chiffres démontrent une certaine stabilité dans le nombre de dossiers traités.

Pour consulter le double rapport, cliquez ici

Domaines d’intervention

En Wallonie, ce sont les administrations en charge de l’économie (299 en 2021 et 319 en 2022), de la fiscalité (479 en 2021 et 851 en 2022), du logement et de l’énergie (401 & 608), qui ont fait l’objet du plus grand nombre de plaintes auprès du Médiateur.

Pour la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles comme les années précédentes, c’est l’administration en charge des bourses d’études qui génère le plus de réclamations (517 en 2021 et 451 en 2022), suivie de l’administration en charge des équivalences de diplômes (445 dossiers en 2021 et 593 en 2022).

A partir de l’analyse de tous les cas qui lui ont été soumis, le Médiateur formule 20 recommandations d’ordre général et 77 recommandations spécifiques, adressées pour certaines, aux autorités politiques (lorsqu’une modification décrétale ou règlementaire est nécessaire), et pour d’autres, aux administrations (lorsqu’il s’agit d’une modification d’une circulaire ou d’une pratique administrative).
Le rapport et les recommandations qui y sont formulées seront présentés prochainement devant les différentes commissions parlementaires.

Un Médiateur aux compétences élargies

A noter qu’en 2022, un processus législatif concernant le service de médiation a été initié devant les deux Parlements par plusieurs parlementaires. En effet, des propositions de décrets conjoints ont été déposées, discutées, amendées et approuvées en juillet 2023. Une analyse plus détaillée sera reprise dans le rapport 2023. On peut cependant noter que ces propositions visent à accroître les domaines d’intervention du médiateur, notamment aux organismes dotés de la personnalité juridique exerçant des missions de service public et financés pour plus de la moitié ou contrôlés par la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles ou par la Wallonie. Cette proposition vise également à transposer la directive européenne sur la protection des lanceurs d’alerte, en donnant au médiateur la fonction de « canal externe » de signalement des irrégularités constatées ou suspectées dans les administrations de la Wallonie et de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.

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Link to the Ombudsman Daily News archives from 2002 to 20 October 2011