Ombudsman pleads for more lenient measures against two foreign nationals in forced placement and at risk of pushback to Iran and Afghanistan

Date of article: 18/01/2024

Daily News of: 24/01/2024

Country:  Bulgaria

Author: National Ombudsman of Bulgaria

Article language: en

Ombudsman Diana Kovacheva approached the Director of the Migration Directorate Nikolai Nikolov and pleaded for two foreign nationals, from Iran and from Afghanistan, who had been residing in Bulgaria for many years and who were subjected to “a coercive administrative measure and placed at a special facility for temporary placement of foreigners” and are in danger of being taken back to their countries of origin.

18 January 2024

Ombudsman Diana Kovacheva approached the Director of the Migration Directorate Nikolai Nikolov and pleaded for two foreign nationals, from Iran and from Afghanistan, who had been residing in Bulgaria for many years and who were subjected to “a coercive administrative measure and placed at a special facility for temporary placement of foreigners” and are in danger of being taken back to their countries of origin.

In both cases, following appeals from the two foreigners’ lawyers, experts from the Directorate National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) and Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms with the Ombudsman Institution conducted an onsite inspection and came up with a recommendation to draw on Art. 44, para 5 of the Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria Act (FRBA), viz., alternative measures of forced placement. As per this provision, where there are obstacles to a foreigner leaving Bulgaria immediately or to entering another country, and no actions for the removal thereof have been scheduled, the authority which issued the order imposing an administrative enforcement measure, or the Director of the Migration Directorate shall, by an order impose any of the precautionary measures as an alternative to the placement. An option, for example is, to make it forcing on the foreigner to report on a weekly basis at the territorial office of the Ministry of Interior exercising jurisdiction over his/her place of residence.

Both foreign nationals have lived in Bulgaria for more than ten years and have a residence: one of them holds a valid passport; the other one holds a valid rental agreement and a notarized declaration from a guarantor, a Bulgarian citizen providing the means of sustenance of the person during his stay in Bulgaria.

During the interview with the Iranian citizen, the NPM experts were informed that he is not willing to go back to Iran, that he does not hold any valid Iranian identity documents and that he is willing to stay in Bulgaria officially, for which he duly filed an application to the State Agency for Refugees with the Council of Ministers. The inspecting team found that he fluently speaks Bulgarian, that he has knowledge of the Bulgarian customary practices, that he has many friends who are Bulgarian citizens and that he is fully integrated into the country.

“In connection with the above-stated and drawing on Art. 20, para 1, subpara 2 in relation to Art. 19 of the Ombudsman Act, I address to you a proposal to carry out an investigation on the case. I recommend that in line with your powers as per Art. 44, para 5 FRBA and if a reason is seen for the enforcement of more lenient measures, you issue an order that some of the precautionary measures be enforced upon the foreigner,” the Ombudsman wrote.

Regarding the man from Afghanistan, the Ombudsman added the fact that the situation in that country continues to be dangerous and uncertain, especially after the Taliban seized power in August 2021.

According to the information released for the general public on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the security situation in Afghanistan continues to be complicated and unpredictable while the risk index (five) remains the highest,” Prof. Diana Kovacheva wrote.

She stated firmly that in keeping with Art. 44а, para 5 FRBA no foreigner under a coercive administrative measure of return shall be returned to a country where the life and freedom thereof are jeopardized and the said foreigner is endangered by persecution, torture, or inhuman or degrading treatment.

Further, the Ombudsman pointed out that when the NPM experts spoke with the foreigner’s lawyer, they were informed that the person is about to submit an application to seek international protection and that new evidence would be attached to this application: medical certification of scars of torture to which the person has been subjected in Afghanistan.

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Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman appointment confirmed

Date of article: 18/01/2024

Daily News of: 19/01/2024

Country:  United Kingdom - England

Author: Local Government Ombudsmen for England

Article language: en

Amerdeep Somal has now been confirmed as England’s new Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. Amerdeep will take up the post on 1 February 2024.

This appointment follows an open recruitment process and scrutiny by the Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Select Committee.

Amerdeep is also a Judge of the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal. She brings a wealth of professional experience to the role having been the Financial Regulators Complaints Commissioner and the Chief Commissioner at the Data and Marketing Commission. She was a former founding Commissioner of the Independent Police Complaints Commission.

On 1st January 2024 Ms Somal took up her new role as the Board Chair of the Law Society of England and Wales, which will sit alongside her position as Ombudsman.

Amerdeep said:

“I am delighted to be taking on the hugely important role of Ombudsman, overseeing some of the most vital services provided to people across the country.

“The Ombudsman has a central role both in ensuring that individual complaints are investigated and as a key part of the wider system bringing about systemic change and improvement in local government and social care services. I look forward to taking up the role in February and to working to improve public services at a time of need for so many.”

Amerdeep takes on the role from Paul Najsarek, the interim Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman, who remains in post as Ombudsman and Chair of the Commission for Local Administration in England (the board that runs the LGSCO) until 31st January 2024.

Article date: 18 January 2024

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(FRA) Online presentation of FRA’s work to Turkish delegation

Date of article: 19/01/2024

Daily News of: 19/01/2024

Country:  EUROPE

Author: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Article language: en

Support for human rights systems and defenders National human rights systems and bodies


Where Online, Austria

External event

FRA will give an online presentation on its work and activities to a delegation of Turkish authorities on 25 January.

FRA will focus on its work in the areas of justice, victim’s rights and judicial cooperation; asylum, migration and borders; equality, non-discrimination and racism; engagement with civil society and civic space issues, including human rights defenders.

The Turkish delegation will bring together experts from different Ministries, national human rights institutions, judges, prosecutors and law enforcement officers. The EU Delegation in Türkiye will also join the meeting. \

The Directorate for EU Affairs at the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs organised the presentation. It falls under its ‘Strengthening the Fundamental Rights Sector Coordination Project’. Its objective is to strengthen the institutional capacity and cooperation of stakeholders working on fundamental rights in Türkiye.

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El Ararteko solicita información sobre los posibles vertidos de pélets de plástico detectados en la costa vasca y sobre los planes para exigir responsabilidad medioambiental en caso de daños significativos

Date of article: 18/01/2024

Daily News of: 19/01/2024

Country:  Spain - Basque Country

Author: Regional Ombudsman of the Basque Country

Article language: es

El Ararteko ha iniciado un expediente de oficio para conocer las medidas administrativas adoptadas para reparar los posibles daños medioambientales derivados del vertido de pélets de plástico en la costa vasca.

La actuación de oficio se inicia tras recibir denuncias de varias asociaciones ecologistas ante los posibles daños medioambientales en la costa vasca debido a un vertido de pélets de plástico procedentes del buque Toconao. El incidente ocurrió el 8 de diciembre de 2023 en la costa portuguesa, extendiéndose hacia la costa gallega y por el mar Cantábrico. El Ararteko destaca la rápida respuesta de las administraciones vascas, que han activado el Plan Especial de Emergencia ante la contaminación de la ribera del mar “Itsasertza” y han convocado al Consejo Asesor para la coordinación interinstitucional y el análisis de la situación por parte del centro tecnológico marino AZTI.

La actuación de oficio busca evaluar las medidas tomadas por las administraciones vascas para enfrentarse al impacto ambiental del vertido de pélets de plástico. En ese caso, se menciona la posible aplicación de la Ley 26/2007, de Responsabilidad Medioambiental, basada en los principios de prevención y de que «quien contamina paga», que establece que los responsables de un daño significativo deben repararlo y sufragar los costes de las medidas necesarias.

Así, el Ararteko pretende obtener información sobre los posibles vertidos de pélets de plástico detectados en la costa vasca y sobre las actuaciones dirigidas a exigir las medidas para prevenir, evitar o reparar los daños medioambientales ocasionados.

También pretende conocer el impacto ambiental de este tipo de vertidos de pélets de plásticos al mar y en el litoral vasco, con el fin de disponer de un protocolo de intervención ante futuros incidentes de vertidos de pélets de plástico.

La solicitud de información se ha dirigido al Departamento de Desarrollo Económico, Sostenibilidad y Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Vasco, así como a los Departamentos de Medioambiente de las Diputaciones Forales de Gipuzkoa y Bizkaia.

Vitoria-Gasteiz, 15 de enero de 2024

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Familias de Añaza denuncian ante el Diputado del Común que se encuentran el borde del desahucio

Date of article: 18/01/2024

Daily News of: 19/01/2024

Country:  Spain - Canary Islands

Author: Regional Ombudsman of the Canary Islands

Article language: es

Acuden al Diputado del Común para trasladar la recepción de un aviso de desahucio a 50 familias que tenían un contrato de alquiler con el anterior propietario del edificio y no han conseguido regularizar si situación con la empresa pública Visocan, la actual propietaria

Otras 43 familias no disponían de contrato de alquiler pero exponen que se encuentran en situación de vulnerabilidad y quiere regularizar su situación

El Diputado del Común, Rafael Yanes, se reunió con representantes de 93 familias afectadas que se enfrentan a desahucios inminentes en el barrio de Añaza, en Santa Cruz de Tenerife, tras habérseles notificado que debían abandonar sus viviendas en febrero de 2024. Denuncian que Visocan les impide regularizar sus contratos de alquiler. En la reunión también estuvo presente la asesora de la Diputación del Común, Amanda Armas.

La representante de las familias que contaban con un contrato de alquiler con el anterior propietario, Yurena Rodríguez, expone que tras recibir el aviso de desahucio se les ofreció  posibilidad de regularizar un nuevo contrato de alquiler y gestionar las deudas pendientes de algunos vecinos, pero Visocan se niega a llegar a un acuerdo.

Como portavoz de las familias vulnerables que no disponían de un contrato formalizado a fecha de 2019, Raquel García, denuncia que cuando comenzó el proceso de desahucio se les emplazó a entregar documentación a una ONG que actuaría de mediadora pero, a día de hoy, continúan sin haber regularizado su situación.

Las representantes de estos colectivos trasladaron al Diputado del Común su preocupación ante la situación  de vulnerabilidad en la que se encuentran estas familias, que no disponen de ninguna alternativa habitacional.

El Diputado del Común afirmó que se dirigirá al Ayuntamiento de Santa Cruz de Tenerife para conocer qué ayudas al alquiler se han comprometido a aportar para los vecinos que tienen contrato, y Visocan para conocer su disposición a formalizar un nuevo contrato de alquiler a partir de febrero. Además, se comunicará con Visocan para hacer un seguimiento personalizado de cada uno de los casos de las familias que no disponen de un contrato.

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Recommendation Implemented: Revocation of Regularisation Permit

Date of article: 18/01/2024

Daily News of: 19/01/2024

Country:  Malta

Author: National Ombudsman of Malta

Article language: en

The Complaint

The Office of the Ombudsman investigated a complaint alleging errors in the approval of a regularisation permit for subdividing a fully detached villa into ten residential units.

The Investigation

Although the complaint addressed five issues – the extension of the footprint, presentation of the deeds of transfer, disturbance to neighbours, missing documents, and breach of planning policies – the Commissioner for Environment and Planing decided that only the first issue merited investigation.

The Commissioner found that the Case Officer report did not consider the issue relating to the building extensions carried out after 2016, even though this issue was flagged during the representation period. Nor did the Planning Commission address this matter in accordance with the Regularisation of Existing Development Regulations, despite its material bearing on the final decision.

The existing photos and the approved plans clearly show that there are differences in the footprint, particularly in three areas. A correct assessment of this application should have first concluded appropriately about this situation.

The Commissioner also found that a Planning Commission hearing date, set following the non-executable decision notice, was irregular since it preceded the established date for further submissions by the representees.

Conclusions and Recommendations

The Commissioner found the complaint justified, recommending the cancellation of the aforementioned Planning Commission hearing and revocation of the regularisation permit by the Planning Board, due to an error on the face of the record.


Following the cancellation of the Planning Commission hearing and the Executive Chairperson’s recommendation to revoke this permit – for reasons stated in the Commissioner’s final opinion and due to the missing deed of transfer of the property – the Planning Board decided to revoke the Regularisation Permit in question.

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Link to the Ombudsman Daily News archives from 2002 to 20 October 2011