El Ararteko se integra en Q-EPEA

Date of article: 16/02/2015

Daily News of: 16/02/2015

Country:  Spain - Basque Country

Author: Regional Ombudsman of the Basque Country

Article language: es

La institución del Ararteko se ha sumado, como miembro número 28, a Q-EPEA, la red de entidades públicas del País Vasco (administración y empresas públicas) comprometidas con la excelencia en la gestión.

En 2002, con la colaboración de EUSKALIT, Fundación Vasca para la Excelencia, comenzó sus actividades conjuntas para compartir y difundir buenas prácticas de gestión, intercambiar documentaciones de trabajo de forma abierta, invitar a otras organizaciones públicas y privadas para compartir experiencias y organizar de forma conjunta actos públicos de difusión. Hay un nexo común entre todas las organizaciones que la integran: el deseo por mejorar la gestión de las propias organizaciones.

El Ararteko ha demostrado haber puesto en marcha acciones que muestran el compromiso con la excelencia de la organización (encuestas de satisfacción de personas y de clientes, autoevaluación con el modelo EFQM, formación del equipo directivo sobre el modelo EFQM, participación en el Club de evaluadores de EUSKALIT, definición de mapa de procesos y documentación de los mismos, etc.).

En la sesión plenaria celebrada, el Ararteko, como nuevo miembro ha presentado al resto su funcionamiento como organización y los avances realizados en los últimos 5 años, así como algunos de sus proyectos más innovadores, como Arartekomapak.

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FRA mourns deaths in Copenhagen, an attack on the rights to life, dignity and freedom of expression

Date of article: 16/02/2015

Daily News of: 16/02/2015

Country:  EUROPE

Author: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Article language: en

“Following just a month after the tragedies in Paris, these acts of terror are heightening the fear and anxiety felt not only by the Jewish community, but also the general population,” said Morten Kjaerum, the Director of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). “It is to be hoped that leaders of all religious communities again come together to condemn these latest attacks, in order to avoid polarisation in our societies. Political leaders need to use the momentum to formulate far-sighted policy that tackles the root causes of radicalisation.”

The two murders that took place in Copenhagen on 14-15 February, one at an event on freedom of speech and the second at the city’s central synagogue, violate not only the right to life but also a number of other fundamental rights, including the right to human dignity (Article 1 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU), freedom of thought, conscience and religion (Article 10), and freedom of expression and information (Article 11).

In searching for long-term solutions to terrorism and radicalisation, FRA stresses the need for the EU and its Member States to integrate fundamental rights considerations from the outset in order to ensure the proportionality and legitimacy of internal security policies. Short-term measures to increase security could be perceived as discriminatory, thus risking the further alienation of entire communities and raising the likelihood of radicalisation.

In the immediate aftermath of January’s attacks in Paris, FRA collected responses from the Muslim and Jewish communities, as well as from EU policy makers, civil society organisations, and the media. The findings show that while community leaders united in their condemnation of the attacks, fear among the affected communities rose sharply, with Jewish schools closing temporarily and mosques receiving police protection.

FRA affirms the statement made by European leaders following last week’s summit that measures must be taken to “remove  internet content promoting terrorism or extremism, including through greater cooperation between public authorities and the private sector at EU level,” develop “communication strategies to promote tolerance, non-discrimination, fundamental freedoms and solidarity throughout the EU,” and back “initiatives regarding education, vocational training, job opportunities, social integration and rehabilitation in the judicial context to address factors contributing to radicalisation.” FRA emphasises the urgency of this task in the coming weeks and months and stands ready to support the work with all the means at its disposal.


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Pay out for woman whose car was incorrectly destroyed by DVLA

Date of article: 14/02/2015

Daily News of: 16/02/2015

Country:  United Kingdom

Author: Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

Article language: en

Clamped car

A teacher whose car was wrongly clamped and destroyed by the DVLA has been successful in her battle to get the cost of the vehicle back, following an investigation by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman.

The DVLA wrongly clamped the woman's car, which was parked outside her home on a private road, even though she had a Statutory Off Road Notification on the car.

The woman was waiting until after Christmas to get her car repaired, once she had enough money to do so.

She complained repeatedly to both the DVLA and the contractor which clamped her car on behalf of the DVLA, but neither organisation listened or put the mistake right by investigating the matter.

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Julie Mellor said:

'Our investigation found that the DVLA's contractors should not have clamped the car and the DVLA failed to resolve the mistake.

'This mistake caused this mother unnecessary distress. The DVLA and its contractors should have investigated the matter when the complainant first got in touch.

'Our investigation found that the DVLA did not make its appeal process clear to the complainant.

'Its complaint handling was poor and its explanations about why it clamped her car were inconsistent.'

Following the investigation the DVLA apologised and paid the woman £1,000 for the value of the car it destroyed, and £300 for the stress, inconvenience and frustration it caused her.

The DVLA gave its staff and contractors clear written information about the correct procedure to follow to resolve a problem.

Our investigation found that because the mistake was not put right by the contractor or the DVLA, the mother felt forced to sign a disclaimer to give up her car as she could not afford the £100 release fee and the car was then destroyed.

The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman investigates complaints from individuals about UK government departments, and other public organisations, and the NHS in England. It carries out adjudications independently, without taking sides, providing a final decision on people's complaints. The Ombudsman Service investigates 4,000 cases a year and upholds around 42 per cent.

Notes to editors

  1. The incident happened in Harrow.
  2. The DVLA is an executive agency of the Department for Transport.
  3. An individual has to pay the following fees to have their vehicle released:
    • £100 in the first 24 hours after the vehicle has been clamped; or
    • £200 thereafter; and
    • an additional surety fee of £160 (which is refunded if a valid tax disc is provided within 14 days) or the production of a valid tax disc.
  4. There is no statutory right of appeal or right of review once a car is clamped if someone does not pay a release fee. The law says that a person can dispute the release fee once it has been paid. The person can appeal to the DVLA and then to the magistrates' court within the appropriate timescale if the appeal is refused.
  5. The DVLA have the power to clamp and impound a car if a person:
    • uses or keeps an unlicensed vehicle on a public road regardless of whether there is a SORN in place; or o
    • uses or keeps an unlicensed vehicle on a private road without a SORN in place.
  6. If a person keeps a vehicle that is not being taxed and it is kept off road – that is, not on a public road, they must submit a SORN. This tells the DVLA that you have declared your vehicle off the road. A SORN will remain in force until a vehicle is either taxed, sold, permanently exported or scrapped.
  7. A SORN is a declaration made by the keeper of a vehicle to the DVLA to tell them that their untaxed vehicle will not be kept or used on a public road from the date of the declaration. It is valid for up to 12 months and must be renewed, if still necessary.

Contact: Marina Soteriou

Phone: 0300 061 4996


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Educación acepta debatir la exención de tasas universitarias para estudiantes de FP con Matrícula de Honor, como pidió el Defensor del Pueblo

Date of article: 13/02/2015

Daily News of: 16/02/2015

Country:  Spain

Author: National Ombudsman of Spain

Article language: es

El Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte ha aceptado una recomendación del Defensor del Pueblo sobre la exención de tasas universitarias a los alumnos con Matrícula de Honor, independientemente de si proceden del Bachillerato o de la Formación Profesional.

La Dirección General de Política Universitaria ha comunicado al Defensor que en la reunión de la Conferencia General de Política Universitaria, prevista para el próximo lunes, se incluirá en el orden del día el debate sobre esta propuesta de la Institución.

A petición del Defensor del Pueblo, también se discutirá en esta conferencia sobre la compensación a las universidades por los ingresos que dejan de recibir al aplicar dichas exenciones.

La Defensora del Pueblo, Soledad Becerril, espera que la Conferencia General de Política Universitaria pueda lograr un acuerdo que favorezca el cumplimiento efectivo de los principios de igualdad, mérito y capacidad en el acceso a la universidad de los alumnos procedentes de Bachillerato y de estudios superiores de Formación Profesional.

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