Ranking of the Commissioner for Human Rights 2016
Date of article: 02/01/2017
Daily News of: 11/01/2017
Country: Poland
Author: Polish Ombudsman
Article language: en
The Commissioner for Human Rights together with the CHR Office employees developed a ranking of problems which, in 2016, posed the greatest threats from the point of view of the respect for human rights and civil rights in our country. The Commissioner also indicated issues on which clear progress has been achieved or positive changes have been announced.
The identified threats included, among others, the constitutional crisis and its impact on the protection of the rights and freedoms of individuals, the introduction of legislative solutions which limit civil rights, and the presence of social exclusion and homelessness on a large scale.
The positive phenomena, in the CHR’s opinion, were: the increase of the minimum monthly salary and the minimum hourly wage which may be provided for in civil law contracts, the use by the government administration of social clauses in public procurement, and the Family 500+ programme.