Ombudsman: Sustainability assessment should have been completed before EU-Mercosur trade deal agreed by negotiators

Date of article: 19/03/2021

Daily News of: 19/03/2021

Country:  EUROPE

Author: European Ombudsman

Article language: en

The European Commission should have concluded an updated sustainability impact assessment (SIA) before the EU-Mercosur trade deal was agreed, an inquiry by European Ombudsman Emily O’Reilly has found. The Ombudsman urged that, in future trade negotiations, such assessments be finished ahead of the final agreement.

“The EU projects its values through its trade deals. Concluding a trade agreement before its potential impact has been fully assessed risks undermining those values and the public’s ability to debate the merits of the deal. It also risks weakening European and national parliaments’ ability to comprehensively debate the trade agreement,” said Ms O’Reilly...

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La síndica recomienda al Ayuntamiento que arbitre medidas que permitan la participación en los procesos selectivos de las personas afectadas por la Covid-19

Date of article: 19/03/2021

Daily News of: 19/03/2021

Country:  Spain - Catalonia

Author: Local Ombudsman of Barcelona

Article language: es

La Sindicatura de Greuges de Barcelona ha tenido constancia de las quejas de personas opositoras en procesos selectivos municipales que no han podido continuar con su participación a causa de la Covid-19. La respuesta del Ayuntamiento a la síndica ha sido que precisamente esta actuación se ubica en el marco de un acceso en condiciones de igualdad a la función pública...

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Respect human rights to rebuild our societies in all their diversity, say human rights heads on International Anti-Racism Day

Date of article: 19/03/2021

Daily News of: 19/03/2021

Country:  EUROPE

Author: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Article language: en

The pandemic poses unprecedented challenges for governments, health systems and societies at large, with many people in despair. We also witnessed solidarity with generosity, care and commitment towards the most vulnerable...

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