Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case VG Bild-Kunst

Date of article: 09/03/2021

Daily News of: 09/03/2021

Country:  EUROPE

Author: Court of Justice of the European Union

Article language: en

Link: https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2021-03/cp210036en.pdf

Available languages: bg es cs da de et el en fr hr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

Court of Justice of the European Union


Luxembourg, 9 March 2021

Judgment in Case C-392/19 VG Bild-Kunst v Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz

Where the copyright holder has adopted or imposed measures to restrict framing, the embedding of a work in a website page of a third party, by means of that technique, constitutes making available that work to a new public

That communication to the public must, consequently, be authorised by the copyright holder

Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz (‘SPK’), a German foundation, is the operator of the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek, a digital library devoted to culture and knowledge, which networks German cultural and scientific institutions. The website of that library contains links to digitised content stored on the internet portals of participating institutions. As a ‘digital showcase’, the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek itself stores only thumbnails, that is to say smaller versions of original images.

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Urteil des Gerichtshofs in der Rechtssache VG Bild-Kunst/Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz

Date of article: 09/03/2021

Daily News of: 09/03/2021

Country:  EUROPE

Author: Court of Justice of the European Union

Article language: de

Link: https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2021-03/cp210036de.pdf

Languages available: bg es cs da de et el en fr hr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

Gerichtshof der Europäischen Union


Luxemburg, den 9. März 2021

Urteil in der Rechtssache C-392/19

VG Bild-Kunst / Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz

Hat der Urheberrechtsinhaber beschränkende Maßnahmen gegen Framing getroffen oder veranlasst, stellt die Einbettung eines Werks in eine Website eines Dritten im Wege dieser Technik eine Zugänglichmachung dieses Werks für ein neues Publikum dar

Für diese öffentliche Wiedergabe muss daher die Erlaubnis des Urheberrechtsinhabers vorliegen

Die Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz (SPK), eine deutsche Stiftung, ist Trägerin der Deutschen Digitalen Bibliothek, die eine Online-Plattform für Kultur und Wissen anbietet, die deutsche Kulturund Wissenschaftseinrichtungen miteinander vernetzt. Diese Bibliothek verlinkt auf ihrer Website digitalisierte Inhalte, die in den Webportalen der zuliefernden Einrichtungen gespeichert sind. Als „digitales Schaufenster“ speichert die Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek selbst nur Vorschaubilder (thumbnails), d. h. verkleinerte Versionen der Bilder in Originalgröße. 


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International Women’s Day 2021: A Joint Call for Better Protection of Women-Prisoners

Date of article: 08/03/2021

Daily News of: 09/03/2021

Country:  Croatia

Author: People's Ombudsman of Croatia

Article language: en

On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, marked today, on 8 March, the Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT) and 41 national preventive mechanisms, bodies tasked with the prevention of torture, from all over the world, have issued their first joint call for a better protection of women in prisons. One of the signatories is Croatia’s National Preventive Mechanism for the prevention of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (NPM), which operates as one of the mandates of the Office of the Ombudswoman and is the body tasked with the protection of the rights of women deprived of their liberty in Croatia.

The COVID-19 pandemic has additionally complicated the position of all prisoners, as our 2020 Annual Report indicates. This is especially true for women in prisons whose rights are protected by the international instruments such as the Nelson Mandela Rules, the Yogyakarta Principles and the United Nations Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-Custodial Measures for Women Offenders (the Bangkok Rules).

It is the implementations of these rules, as well as the NPM’s recommendations, that provides a good basis for the continuous and efficient protection of the rights of women in the prison environments, especially their dignity, health and safety, and for the development of non-custodial alternatives to detention.

The full text of the joint statement is available here.

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(FRA) Persistent challenge: violence against women

Date of article: 08/03/2021

Daily News of: 09/03/2021

Country:  EUROPE

Author: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Article language: en

Woman being harassed in the street
MachineHeadz © istockphoto.com, 2021

Women in Europe continue to face widespread harassment and violence. Many limit where they go and whom they meet out of worry of being attacked. And when attacked, they often do not report it. These are some of the findings of the Fundamental Rights Agency’s (FRA) recent survey into people’s experiences with different types of crimes. On International Women’s Day, FRA calls for better support for women to ensure they can access their rights.

We can no longer ignore that too many women in Europe do not feel safe. Too many experience harassment and violence. EU countries need to step up their efforts to better support women. We need to do much more to tackle violence against women and honour their rights. And we need to do it now,” said FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty.

FRA’s ‘Crime, safety and victims’ rights’ report reveals that:

  • Harassment - over one in four women (28%) were victims of harassment in the year before the survey. Women experience more sexual harassment than men and mostly in public.
  • Violence – most often a family member or a relative (30%) attacks the woman, and in most cases in their home (35%). A high proportion of victims suffer from psychological after effects.
  • Worry about crimes – to protect themselves, 83% of young women limit where they go or with whom they spend their time.
  • Underreporting - over two out of three women (68%) did not report incidents of violence to the police. This confirms that official statistics on reported crime significantly underestimate the extent of violence against women.

These figures corroborate the findings of FRA’s 2012 violence against women survey. They also underpin why countries should offer better support to women. Such support should take into account the specific needs of women victims when it comes to legal sanctions against perpetrators, education and training for police officers as well as legal and healthcare professionals.

Countries should also boost measures that seek to prevent violence against women. Campaigns that confront men’s violence against women and educate men, who are mostly the perpetrators, are examples of how to provide preventative support.

The EU Victims’ Rights Directive and strategy offer a clear way forward to protect and empower victims. This ranges from training and guidance on how to identify and help victims to targeted support for women victims, including shelters and reporting mechanisms.

The newly-established Victims’ Rights Platform should further bolster efforts to guarantee the rights of women and better protect them from the widespread violence and harassment that continues to blight their lives.

For more information, contact media@fra.europa.eu(link sends e-mail) or call +43 1 58030 653.

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Los servicios sociales, la vivienda y la educación son los asuntos que más preocupan a las mujeres

Date of article: 08/03/2021

Daily News of: 09/03/2021

Country:  Spain - Andalucía

Author: Regional Ombudsman of Andalucía

Article language: es

Por primera vez, las quejas presentadas por mujeres superan a las presentadas por el sexo masculino

Los servicios sociales, la vivienda y la educación han sido los asuntos que mayor preocupación han generado a las mujeres que acudieron al Defensor del Pueblo andaluz durante 2020. Este año, por primera vez en la historia de esta Institución, las mujeres superaron a los hombres en cuanto a la presentación de quejas (52%), algo que ya venía sucediendo en cuanto a las consultas de información y asesoramiento ante este comisionado parlamentario (60%). En definitiva, el 57% de las personas que acudieron al Defensor fueron mujeres.

Estos datos pertenecen a un anticipo del Informe Anual 2020 de la Oficina del Defensor del Pueblo andaluz, con motivo del Día Internacional de la Mujer que se celebra este 8 de marzo. Las conclusiones de este Informe aportan que los asuntos relacionados con la igualdad de género, la vivienda o los servicios sociales son mayoritariamente abordados por las mujeres a diferencia de los hombres. En cambio, los asuntos que más han preocupado a los hombres son, al igual que a las mujeres, los servicios sociales y a continuación los asuntos relacionados con el personal del sector público y la vivienda. Asimismo, las quejas y consultas sobre agricultura, ganadería y pesca; cultura y deportes, y seguridad ciudadana son los asuntos sobre los cuales los hombres reclaman en mayor número una actuación a diferencia de las mujeres.


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