(EP) Kreislaufwirtschaft: Strengere EU-Regeln für Verbrauch und Recycling

Date of article: 10/02/2021

Daily News of: 10/02/2021

Country:  EUROPE

Author: European Parliament

Article language: de

  • Verbindliche Ziele für 2030 für Materialverbrauch und Konsumfußabdruck erforderlich

  • Ökodesign-Richtlinie muss auch Produkte ohne Energiebezug erfassen

  • Ziele des europäischen „Green Deal“ können nur durch Kreislaufwirtschaft erreicht werden




Abgeordnete fordern verbindliche Ziele für 2030 für Materialverbrauch und Konsumfußabdruck 

Das Parlament hat umfassende politische Empfehlungen angenommen, um bis spätestens 2050 eine CO2-neutrale, nachhaltige, giftfreie und geschlossene Kreislaufwirtschaft zu erreichen.

Die Entschließung, die heute mit 574 Stimmen bei 22 Gegenstimmen und 95 Enthaltungen angenommen wurde, ist eine Antwort auf den „Aktionsplan für die Kreislaufwirtschaft" der EU-Kommission.


Die Abgeordneten betonen, dass bindende EU-Ziele für 2030 benötigt werden, mit denen der Materialfußabdruck und der Konsumfußabdruck der EU erheblich verringert werden, und die den gesamten Produktlebenszyklus aller Erzeugnisse abdecken, die auf den EU-Markt gebracht werden. Sie fordern die Kommission außerdem auf, produkt- bzw. branchenspezifische bindende Ziele für den Rezyklatanteil einzuführen.

Die Abgeordneten fordern die Kommission auf, im Jahr 2021 eine neue Gesetzgebung vorzulegen, die den Geltungsbereich der Ökodesign-Richtlinie so zu erweitern, dass auch Produkte ohne Energiebezug erfasst werden. Darin sollten produktspezifische Vorgaben festgelegt werden, damit die in der EU auf den Markt gebrachten Produkte gut funktionieren, langlebig und wiederverwendbar sind, leicht repariert werden können, nicht toxisch sind, aufgerüstet und recycelt werden können, recycelte Inhalte enthalten und ressourcen- und energieeffizient sind. Weitere zentrale Vorschläge werden hier näher erläutert.

In der Plenardebatte betonten die Abgeordneten auch, dass das Erreichen der Ziele des europäischen „Green Deal“ nur möglich sein wird, wenn die EU auf ein Kreislaufwirtschaftsmodell umstellt, und dass dieser Wandel neue Arbeitsplätze und Geschäftsmöglichkeiten schaffen wird. Die Abgeordneten hoben ebenfalls hervor, dass die bestehende Abfallgesetzgebung gründlicher umgesetzt werden muss und dass weitere Maßnahmen für Schlüsselsektoren und -produkte wie Textilien, Kunststoffe, Verpackungen und Elektronik notwendig sind. Sehen Sie hier die vollständige Aufzeichnung der Debatte.


Im März 2020 hat die Kommission einen neuen „Aktionsplan für die Kreislaufwirtschaft - Für ein saubereres und wettbewerbsfähigeres Europa" angenommen. Im Oktober fand dazu eine Debatte im Umweltausschuss statt.

Bis zu 80% der Umweltauswirkungen von Produkten werden bereits beim Design festgelegt. Es wird erwartet, dass sich der weltweite Materialverbrauch in den nächsten vierzig Jahren verdoppeln wird, während die jährlich anfallende Abfallmenge bis 2050 voraussichtlich um 70% steigen wird. Weltweit gehen 90% des Artenschwunds an Land, 90% der Wasserknappheit und 50% der Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf das Konto des Abbaus und der Verarbeitung von Ressourcen.

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The Parliamentary Ombudsman directs criticism towards the Municipal Adult Education and Upper-Secondary School Committee in Borås municipality for requesting to survey a school newspaper, violating the Freedom of the Press Act’s censorship ban

Date of article: 05/02/2021

Daily News of: 10/02/2021

Country:  Sweden

Author: Parliamentary Ombudsmen of Sweden

Article language: en

In a complaint to the Parliamentary Ombudsman, it was stated, among other things, that a high school’s administration had demanded to survey a school newspaper before publication. The complainant questioned whether the action was compatible with the Freedom of the Press Act. In the decision, the Chief Parliamentary Ombudsman states that the investigation does not clarify whether the school administration had survived the school newspaper before it was published.

The Chief Parliamentary Ombudsman holds that the investigation has not revealed if the school administration prevented publication, printing or distribution of the school newspaper. However, the Chief Parliamentary Ombudsman assess that the school administration, already by requesting a preliminary survey of the newspaper, has initiated an action that is not compatible with the censorship ban and the Freedom of the Press Act.

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Ombudsagenda for 2021: From informal caregivers to minimum incomes, emergency support for veterans and poverty among single parents in the Caribbean Netherlands

Date of article: 01/02/2021

Daily News of: 10/02/2021

Country:  Netherlands

Author: National Ombudsman of the Netherlands

Article language: en

Approximately one million Dutch citizens have to live on an income that puts them on or only slightly above the poverty line. Most of this group live in long-term poverty and struggle to keep their heads above water financially. The Covid crisis is threatening to widen this financially vulnerable group, with young pgoeople, sole entrepreneurs and workers on flexible contracts most at risk. More than most, these individuals find themselves depending on complex forms of government support and become entangled in a web of rules and obligations. The slightest error or failure to comply with their obligation to provide accurate information, for example, can have dire financial consequences. Fines and repayment requirements can leave them with problematic debts.

In his agenda for 2021, the National Ombudsman will prioritise the problems experienced by people on minimum incomes in their dealings with the government. What problems do these citizens face? To what extent are they supported by the government? And where do the potential solutions to this persistent problem lie?

Informal caregivers are also in a vulnerable position. They have an important role to play in society and a strong desire to devote their time and effort to their loved ones. But they can only fulfil this role if they receive sufficient support. In 2021, the National Ombudsman will talk with informal caregivers, interest groups, the academic world and the government to critically examine developments surrounding the support for informal caregivers and to call for practical improvements.

Here are just two examples of investigations on the 2021 Ombudsagenda. In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic impacted the lives of every adult and every child on a day-to-day basis. Many citizens needed the government more than ever before. Entrepreneurs needed financial support, people who lost their jobs needed social benefits, and children needed laptops as much of their education moved online. At the same time, the government became less accessible to its citizens. Counters were closed and some government services suddenly became unavailable. Aspects of good governance such as accessibility, responsibility and reliability come under closer scrutiny in times of crisis. Some processes falter, while others make unexpected leaps forward thanks to the ingenuity and improvisation of those who find ways to apply rules more flexibly in times of crisis.

Themes for 2021

The themes on which the National Ombudsman, the Ombudsman for Children and the Ombudsman for Veterans will focus in 2021 are perhaps even more relevant due to the Covid crisis and its social consequences.

On the theme of Fundamental Rights, this year’s agenda will include an investigation into the use of ethnic profiling and the handling of complaints on this issue. We will also look at housing: a pressing social problem for many different groups of citizens and their children, despite the fact that adequate housing is so crucial to enabling participation in society.

On the theme of Participation and Influence, we plan to examine the decentralisation of various public services and how this has failed to meet the expectations of many citizens. In the role of local ombudsman for three quarters of Dutch municipalities, the National Ombudsman wants to see how citizens can exert their influence in areas of responsibility that are transferred to municipalities. With this in mind, the Ombudsman for Children is focusing specifically on a toolkit to ensure that the interests of children are properly represented in decision-making processes that affect them.

When it comes to Access to Public Services, all three ombudsmen are focusing on many different topics, from informal caregivers to emergency support for veterans and complaint handling at certified institutions. The underutilisation of facilities is also on the agenda. Does the government always do enough to ensure that citizens actually make use of provisions set up specifically to help them?

Poverty is also a theme that is high on the agenda due to the Covid crisis. The aspects the ombudsmen plan to look at include access to debt relief for sole traders earning close to the minimum wage, and pursuing investigations into poverty among single parents and their children in the Caribbean Netherlands.

On the theme of Liveability, there will be a continued focus on the impact of gas production in Groningen, while the energy transition is also firmly on the agenda.

For a complete overview of all topics, read the Ombudsagenda for 2021

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Avvisi di accertamento per mancato pagamento tassa automobilistica anno 2017 – Il termine di notifica é prorogato al 26 marzo 2021.

Date of article: 09/02/2021

Daily News of: 10/02/2021

Country:  Italy - Abruzzo

Author: Regional Ombudsman of Abruzzo

Article language: it

Pervengono a questa Difesa Civica numerose richieste di intervento in merito agli avvisi di accertamento della tassa automobilistica dovuta per l’anno 2017, in quanto molti utenti ritengono intervenuta la prescrizione del diritto alla relativa riscossione.

Al riguardo, si comunica che il competente Servizio Entrate della Regione Abruzzo ha pubblicato un Avviso – che si riporta di seguito – che chiarisce che l’ordinario termine di prescrizione per la notifica è prorogato (causa emergenza COVID-19) fino al giorno 26 marzo 2021.

L’Aquila, 9 febbraio 2021


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