Volksanwalt Rosenkranz: Procedimiento oficial de investigación para la suspensión del director de la escuela Grieskirchner iniciado

Date of article: 09/02/2021

Daily News of: 09/02/2021

Country:  Austria

Author: Austrian Ombudsman Board

Article language: de

La cobertura mediática de la suspensión del director de la escuela de Alta Austria por violación de la obligación de máscara a pesar de la exención de obligación médica llama al fiscal responsable de la educación Walter Rosenkranz sobre el plan. Rosenkranz: "Haré que se me presente todo el acto administrativo para comprender la legalidad de las acciones de la autoridad de servicio en el marco de las facultades de auditoría del Ministerio Público"...

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Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Conducts On-site Inspection at Kalocsa Children’s Home

Date of article: 08/02/2021

Daily News of: 09/02/2021

Country:  Hungary

Author: Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary

Article language: en

“In times of distress, epidemics and other sorts of crises, children’s rights and the mentality we adopt with respect to child-related matters become even more crucial”, Dr. Ákos Kozma underlines on World Children’s Day. The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights draws attention to the fact that children’s rights are not claims but constitutional norms that are prompted by the legitimate considerations and fundamental needs of the children...

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COVID19 : Décret inscription

Date of article: 09/02/2021

Daily News of: 09/02/2021

Country:  Belgium - Wallonia and Federation of Wallonia-Brussels

Author: Regional Ombudsman of Wallonia and Federation of Wallonia-Brussels

Article language: fr

Toute demande d’inscription en 1ère année secondaire doit être introduite via le dépôt du formulaire unique d’inscription (FUI) au sein d’un établissement secondaire. La période d’inscription a lieu du lundi 1er février au vendredi 5 mars 2021...

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Ombudsman calls on ECDC to be more open about its work as vaccine rollout begins

Date of article: 09/02/2021

Daily News of: 09/02/2021

Country:  EUROPE

Author: European Ombudsman

Article language: en

Following a six-month inquiry into the performance of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) during the COVID-19 crisis, the European Ombudsman has made a series of proposals to enable greater public scrutiny and understanding of its work as the crisis continues and the focus of that work moves to the monitoring of vaccine distribution...

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Stärkung unabhängiger Nationaler Menschenrechtsinstitutionen und Menschenrechtsschutz in Zeiten von Covid-19

Date of article: 08/02/2021

Daily News of: 08/02/2021

Country:  Austria

Author: Austrian Ombudsman Board

Article language: de

Am 12. Jänner 2021 veranstaltete die Volksanwaltschaft in Zusammenarbeit mit der EU Grundrechteagentur (FRA) einen Austausch, um den Menschenrechtsschutz in Österreich in Zeiten von Covid-19 zu beleuchten und zu diskutieren, wie die Unabhängigkeit nationaler Menschenrechtsinstitutionen (NHRIs) gestärkt werden kann. Die Veranstaltung fand von 15:00 – 16:30 Uhr statt und die Beiträge wurden mittels Livestream aus dem Festsaal der Volksanwaltschaft übertragen bzw. per Videonachricht eingeblendet...

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