Human Rights Ombudsman with the Paris Principles’ highest status

Date of article: 01/02/2021

Daily News of: 01/02/2021

Country:  Slovenia

Author: International Ombudsman Institute

Article language: en

The Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia has received “A” status accreditation according to the Paris Principles, which relate to the status and functioning of national human rights institutions. This is the highest attainable status according to the Principles, which were adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1993... 

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The Chancellor of Justice received the highest international recognition

Date of article: 01/02/2021

Daily News of: 01/02/2021

Country:  Estonia

Author: International Ombudsman Institute

Article language: en

The Chancellor of Justice received the A-status accreditation as a national human rights institution by the GANHRI Sub-Committee on Accreditation (SCA). The decision on accreditation was preceded by a submission of a comprehensive statement on the independence, mandate and composition of the institution of the Chancellor of Justice, and an oral hearing by the SCA in December last year...

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