El Síndic pide que el protocolo de uso de las pistolas eléctricas establezca el número máximo de veces que se pueden pulsar como garantía de seguridad

Date of article: 29/01/2021

Daily News of: 29/01/2021

Country:  Spain - Catalonia

Author: Regional Ombudsman of Catalonia

Article language: es

En el mes de marzo de 2016 el Síndic de Greuges ya presentó el informe Las pistolas eléctricas como dotación policial en Cataluña: elementos para el debate, en el que se exponía la falta de regulación y de control que existía en torno a estas armas y avanzaba algunos elementos a tener en cuenta de cara a un debate parlamentario previo a su eventual autorización...

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Fundamental rights in AI: What to consider

Date of article: 29/01/2021

Daily News of: 29/01/2021

Country:  EUROPE

Author: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Article language: en

Artificial intelligence (AI) already plays a role in many decisions that affect our daily lives. From deciding what unemployment benefits someone gets to where a burglary is likely to take place. But we need to make sure to fully uphold fundamental rights standards when using AI. Drawing on the ‘Getting the future right – Artificial intelligence and fundamental rights’ report, FRA presents a number of key considerations to help businesses and administrations respect fundamental rights when using AI...

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Volksanwälte diskutierten Wien Bericht mit dem Wiener Landtag

Date of article: 29/01/2021

Daily News of: 29/01/2021

Country:  Austria

Author: Austrian Ombudsman Board

Article language: de

Am 29. Jänner diskutierten die Volksanwälte Werner Amon, Bernhard Achitz und Walter Rosenkranz den Bericht der Volksanwaltschaft an den Wiener Landtag 2019 im Plenum im Wiener Rathaus. Mit dem Bericht präsentierten die Volksanwälte die Ergebnisse ihrer Kontrolle der Wiener Landes- und Gemeindeverwaltung...

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The Pandemic Increases Awareness of Human Rights’ Universal Value

Date of article: 29/01/2021

Daily News of: 29/01/2021

Country:  Croatia

Author: People's Ombudsman of Croatia

Article language: en

In the last of our online events in the series titled #KavaZaLjudskaPrava (CoffeForHumanRighs) Ombudswoman Lora Vidović spoke to Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner Dunja Mijatović. Although our current situation is an extremely demanding and difficult one, it is important for us to learn the lessons which will help us build a stronger and a more just society, more resilient to similar challenges in the future...

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Ombudsman’s calls for more transparency over free nursery place ‘charges’

Date of article: 28/01/2021

Daily News of: 28/01/2021

Country:  United Kingdom

Author: Local Government Ombudsmen for England

Article language: en

The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman is urging councils to have better oversight of nurseries offering free early years places, after a nursery chain was found to be charging Leicestershire parents a ‘top-up fee’. Government guidance states that the free places must be free, but Kiddi Caru nursery in Market Harborough charged parents the difference between the amount Leicestershire County Council paid the chain for the places, and the amount they charged private...

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