La Diputación del Común organizó un programa de radio especial sobre Mediación

Date of article: 19/01/2021

Daily News of: 22/01/2021

Country:  Spain - Canary Islands

Author: Regional Ombudsman of the Canary Islands

Article language: es

La Cadena Cope realizó un programa en directo en la cafetería Regina de la calle Triana de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 

La Diputación del Común, organizó un programa de radio especial sobre Mediación, en la Cadena Cope, con el fin de dar a conocer la labor que hace la Diputación del Común de mediación entre las Instituciones y la ciudadanía.

En el programa intervinieron los siguientes especialistas y conocidos de la materia: el Diputado del Común, Rafael Yanes, el adjunto primero de la Diputación del Común, Felipe Afonso, la presidenta de Magistrados por la Mediación, Rosalía Fernández, el director del Centro de Estudios Universitarios de la Mediación y la Convivencia (Cumeco) de la Universidad de La Laguna, Manuel Rosales, la responsable del Servicio de Mediación de la Cámara de Comercio de Gran Canaria, Laura Ramírez, el presidente de la subcomisión de Métodos Alternativos de Resolución de Conflictos del Consejo General de la Abogacía y decano del Colegio Oficial de Abogados de La Palma, Juan Antonio Rodríguez, el decano del Colegio Oficial de Psicología de Las Palmas, Francisco Sánchez y la mediadora y miembro de la Junta de Gobierno del Colegio de Trabajo Social de Santa Cruz, Rocío Aguilar.

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(CoE) Russian authorities should release Alexey Navalny and guarantee freedoms of expression and of assembly

Date of article: 22/01/2021

Daily News of: 21/01/2021

Country:  EUROPE

Author: Commissioner for Human Rights - Council of Europe

Article language: en

“The hasty arrest, judicial hearing and detention of Alexey Navalny cast serious doubts on the respect of the rule of law”, said today the Commissioner. “These proceedings appear to defy credibility and contradict Russia’s own law and judicial procedures, as well as international human rights obligations and standards. I call on the Russian authorities to release Navalny and stop any further judicial intimidation against him.

The hardening of the Russian authorities’ stance has a negative impact on all persons in Russia expressing critical views of those in power. I note that dozens of persons have been arrested and detained for protesting peacefully against Alexey Navalny’s arrest in many Russian cities over the last few days. I urge the Russian authorities to ensure the respect of Russian citizen’s freedoms of assembly and expression and to refrain from taking any disproportionate measures against peaceful protesters.

The Russian authorities should swiftly address the systemic shortcomings of a judicial and institutional system that is undermining human rights, democracy and the rule of law, to the detriment of the Russian citizens.”

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Judgment of the General Court in case RENV Foundation for the Protection of the Traditional Cheese of Cyprus named Halloumi v EUIPO - M. J. Dairies (BBQLOUMI)

Date of article: 20/01/2021

Daily News of: 20/01/2021

Country:  EUROPE

Author: Court of Justice of the European Union

Article language: en


Languages available: bg es de el en fr it

General Court of the European Union


Luxembourg, 20 January 2021

Judgment in Case T-328/17 RENV Foundation for the Protection of the Traditional Cheese of Cyprus named Halloumi v EUIPO- M. J. Dairies (BBQLOUMI) The General Court confirms that there is no likelihood of confusion between the collective mark HALLOUMI, reserved for the members of a Cypriot association, and the sign ‘BBQLOUMI’ which serves to designate the products of a Bulgarian company

The Foundation for the Protection of the Traditional Cheese of Cyprus named Halloumi is the proprietor of the EU collective mark HALLOUMI, registered for cheese. An EU collective mark is a specific type of EU trade mark, capable of distinguishing the goods or services of the members of the association which is the proprietor of the mark from those of other undertakings.


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The Parliamentary Ombudsman directs criticism towards Karolinska University Hospital in Solna municipality for lacking guidelines to handle incidents where a patient may have been exposed to a crime at the care facility

Date of article: 20/01/2021

Daily News of: 20/01/2021

Country:  Sweden

Author: Parliamentary Ombudsmen of Sweden

Article language: en

In the light of information in a newspaper article, that a patient at Karolinska University Hospital in Solna municipality was suspected of having exposed another patient to a crime, the Chief Parliamentary Ombudsman decided to investigate both the incident in question and the hospital's routines for such an occurrence.

In the decision, the Chief Parliamentary Ombudsman notes that the healthcare staff, based on the circumstances described, handled the situation that arose in the best possible way, in consideration of the fact that they had no guidelines to follow. The Chief Parliamentary Ombudsman states that guidelines or routines, regarding what measures should be taken, when suspicion arise that a patient has been exposed to a crime are necessary for a care institution, to be able to ensure patients' safety and moreover to ensure that patients who have been exposed to a crime receive the best possible care. Such guidelines are also necessary to ensure that incidents are handled pursuant to the rule of law. The Chief Parliamentary Ombudsman directs criticism towards Karolinska University Hospital for lacking guidelines in this area.

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