(CoE) Corruption undermines human rights and the rule of law

Date of article: 19/01/2021

Daily News of: 20/01/2021

Country:  EUROPE

Author: Commissioner for Human Rights - Council of Europe

Article language: en

In recent years, in many European countries, including Romania, Malta, the Republic of Moldova, Bulgaria, the Slovak Republic and Ukrainepeople have taken to the streets in protests against systemic corruption, demanding respect for the rule of law, accountability of corrupt politicians and a resolute fight against corruption.

Corruption is rightly called one of the most insidious social phenomena. It erodes trust in public institutions, hinders economic development and has a disproportionate impact on the enjoyment of human rights, particularly  by people that belong to marginalised or disadvantaged groups such as minorities, people with disabilities, refugees, migrants and prisoners. It also disproportionately affects women, children and people living in poverty, in particular by hampering their access to basic social rights such as healthcare, housing and education.

From a global perspective, it is unsettling that according to estimates, hundreds of billions of Euros are paid in bribes every year and that corruption, bribery, theft and tax evasion cost developing countries some US $1.26 trillion per year. This would be sufficient to lift the 1.4 billion people living on less than $1.25 a day above the poverty threshold and keep them there for at least six years. One of the most striking examples of the devastating impact of corruption on our lives is also that globally, over 7% of healthcare expenditure is lost to corruption, as noted in Transparency International’s 2019 report The Ignored Pandemic. The report points to a study based on data from 178 countries which estimated that more than 140 000 child deaths a year are attributable to corruption.

Strong anti-corruption standards

The Council of Europe has developed a set of strong anti-corruption legal standards and has tasked its specialised body, the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) with the oversight of their implementation through a dynamic process of mutual evaluation and peer pressure designed to identify deficiencies in national anti-corruption policies and prompt the necessary legislative, institutional and practical reforms. The most important instruments are the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption (along with the 2003 Additional Protocol)[1] and the Civil Law Convention on Corruption, both developed in 1999.[2] These treaties are complemented by other benchmark legal instruments, including Twenty Guiding Principles for the fight against Corruption contained in Committee of Ministers’ Resolution (97) 24.

Demonstrating the multiple links between corruption and human rights violations, corruption is also increasingly addressed in the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights. For example, in the judgement Kövesi v. Romania of May 2020, the European Court of Human Rights found violations of Article 6 (right to a fair trial) and Article 10 (freedom of expression) of the Convention in relation to the removal of the chief of the national anticorruption prosecutor’s office before the end of her second term, following her criticism of legislative reforms in the area of corruption. The Court attached particular importance to the office held by the applicant, noting “that those functions and duties included expressing her opinion on the legislative reforms which were likely to have an impact on the judiciary and its independence and, more specifically, on the fight against corruption conducted by her department.”[3]

Relevant Council of Europe standards also include documents adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly with a view to stepping up the fight against corruption and restoring trust in the efficiency and effectiveness of democratic institutions, such as Resolution 2170 (2017) and Recommendation 2105 (2017) on Promoting integrity in governance to tackle political corruption, as well as Resolution 2192 (2017) on Youth against corruption.

The Committee of Ministers has also adopted useful standards for the fight against corruption , namely Recommendation CM/Rec(2014)7 on the Protection of Whistleblowers of 30 April 2014.

The Consultative Council of European Judges’ Opinion no. 21 (2018) on the prevention of corruption amongst judges defines corruption of judges in a broader sense to include dishonest, fraudulent or unethical conduct by a judge in order to acquire personal benefit or benefit for third parties. It comprises a set of recommendations on measures that member states need to take to prevent corruption inside the judiciary. These include a regulatory framework relating to decisions on judges’ careers; a set of rules, principles and guidelines on ethical conduct of judges; a robust system for declaring assets; rules concerning recusal and self-recusal of judges; and adequate criminal, administrative or disciplinary penalties for a judge’s corrupt behaviour to enhance transparency and thereby public trust in the judiciary.

At the global level, the 2003 United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) provides for preventive measures, criminalisation and law enforcement, international co-operation, asset recovery, and technical assistance and information exchange. Additionally, Sustainable Development Goal 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions) includes a commitment to substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms.

Corruption - a serious threat to the administration of justice and human rights

The judiciary and law enforcement are among the institutions most affected by corruption. In several Council of Europe member states, the governments have rushed judicial reforms reinforcing the executive’s strong influence on the judiciary through parliament, seriously undermining the independence of the judiciary, weakening judicial oversight of the executive, and in turn its capacity to fight corruption. GRECO has underlined the need to guarantee the proper independence of judges as a way to avoid undue political influence on the judiciary which can lead to biased, corrupt judgments serving interests other than the public’s.

I addressed these issues in my work on TurkeyPolandHungaryRomania and San Marino. In Turkey I called for constitutional and legislative changes to address sweeping problems of lack of independence of the judiciary and its partiality to political interests. I criticised the Polish government’s far-reaching reform of the judiciary which was accompanied by a publicly financed campaign to discredit judges under the disguise of a fight against corrupt judges. I joined the criticism expressed by the Venice Commission and GRECO about reforms of the judiciary in Hungary since 2011 and the risks and dangers they posed for the independence of the judiciary, judicial institutions and individual judges. In my dialogue with the Romanian authorities I stressed the importance of maintaining the independence of the judiciary and urged the authorities to give effect to the recommendations of the Venice Commission and GRECO in this regard. Last year, I also referred to the need to make full use of the assistance and guidance of these two bodies in my dialogue with the authorities of San Marino in order to allay concerns about undue interference with the judiciary by the executive and the legislature.

Corruption in law enforcement is particularly dangerous, as it has an impact on the safety of citizens and on their pursuit of justice, including in cases of political corruption and police misconduct. In Ukraine, corruption appears to have prevented progress in investigations into several high-profile cases, including the killing of anti-corruption activist Kateryna Handzyuk. An interesting aspect of GRECO’s ongoing evaluation of the prevention of corruption and promotion of integrity in law enforcement has been the issuance of a number of recommendations to member states aiming at increasing the representation of women in higher posts in the police and ensuring their integration at all levels in law enforcement agencies, notably as a way of avoiding group-think which increases the risks of corruption. Recommendations were made in that regard for instance in respect of the police in EstoniaDenmark and Spain.

Corruption is an important barrier in accessing health care. In my report  on the Republic of Moldova, I called on the authorities to address the common practice of informal and out-of-pocket payments which discourages patients, especially those from poor families, from seeking medical assistance or from doing so promptly. In many countries whose health and social care systems had been undermined by years of corruption, including bribery in medical service delivery and corruption in the procurement of medical equipment, the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated systemic problems in those sectors and increased risks of corruption. For example, it was reported that endemic corruption had significantly compromised the ability of the hospital system in the Italian region of Calabria to cope with the additional strain of the pandemic. Several corruption scandals affecting long-term care institutions for older persons have also acquired additional significance in the light of the ravages of the pandemic in such institutions. Vested interests and corruption have also hampered efforts to deinstitutionalise persons with disabilities in certain countries. In April 2020 GRECO issued guidelines pointing to a number of risk areas in the context of the pandemic, for instance regarding procurement systems with a view to avoiding misuse of public funds in emergency situations by slackening normal safeguards; bribery in medical-related areas; and corruption in research and development.

Importance of the protection of freedom of expression and transparency

Investigative journalists and whistleblowers play a pivotal role in the fight against corruption. The killings of the journalists Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta and Jan Kuciak in Slovakia are emblematic of the risks that journalists take to expose corrupt politicians and their links to organised crime, so that they can be held accountable. In my statement of October 2020, I deplored that three years after Daphne’s murder, it has still not been established who ordered it and what the motives behind her brutal assassination were. While the murderers of Jan Kuciak and his fiancée Matina Kušnírová were convicted in September 2020, two and a half years following their killings, it was regrettable that there was no conviction of those who organised the killings. I have noted in this regard that a court decision showed that there is still work to do to ensure justice and prevent impunity in Slovakia. Olivera Lakić, a journalist with the Montenegrin newspaper Vijesti, known for her investigations of political corruption, survived an attempted murder in 2018, and the organisers of this crime have not yet been brought to justice. In Serbia, impunity continues in the case of the brutal beating of Serbian investigative journalist Ivan Ninić in 2015, while journalists of KRIK (the Crime and Corruption Reporting Network) have received death threats and were targeted by smear campaigns. Another emblematic case in this respect is the Azerbaijani investigative journalist Khadija Ismayilova, who was imprisoned because of her criticism of members of the government and their families for alleged corruption and illegal business activities. The European Court has found several violations of the Convention in her case, including a violation of Article 18 concluding that the actual purpose of the deprivation of liberty was to silence and to punish the journalist for her journalistic activities.

Another risk facing journalists who investigate corruption are the so-called Strategic Lawsuits against Public Participation (SLAPPs). These are groundless legal actions brought by powerful individuals or companies that seek to intimidate journalists into abandoning their investigations. As an example, when Daphne Caruana Galizia was murdered, she was already facing over 40 civil and criminal defamation suits in Malta, and some of these lawsuits have continued posthumously against her family. In a Human Rights Comment that I published in October 2020, I raised my concern that these suits pose a significant and growing threat to the right to freedom of expression in a number of Council of Europe member states, perverting the justice system and the rule of law more generally.

Finally, transparency is an indispensable tool in the prevention of corruption, as a way of demonstrating that the public interest remains at the core of decision-making, as I noted recently in my Human Rights Comment on access to public information. I called on Council of Europe member states to make access to official documents a reality, including by effectively implementing relevant freedom of information legislation.

Fight against corruption must remain a priority

Despite the strong anti-corruption standards and GRECO’s effective monitoring of member states’ compliance with these standards, corruption continues to pose a serious threat to the rule of law and human rights in the Council of Europe region.

In order to tackle corruption effectively, Council of Europe member states should comply fully with the Council of Europe and international standards concerning corruption prevention and the promotion of integrity and step up the implementation of GRECO’s recommendations.

Perception of corruption and reality do not always match perfectly, as corruption can take many guises going beyond bribes, such as conflicts of interest. Therefore, as noted by GRECO, even countries with a high level of trust in their public institutions need to introduce preventive anti-corruption measures where a possible gap has been identified, no matter where they are placed in perception indexes.

Public officials need to act with integrity and avoid engagements which may entail a conflict of interest and increased risk of corruption.

It is equally important to ensure a robust, well-functioning and adequately funded system of oversight of police misconduct and conduct regular training of members of law enforcement on integrity and ethics.

Public spending for health care is particularly inefficient in countries with poor governance. In order to prevent corruption in this sector, member states need to ensure strong and effective governance, as an essential tool for the optimal functioning of national health care systems and for the prevention of emergencies, such as pandemics.

Governments need to protect freedom of expression and the safety of journalists and fight impunity for crimes against journalists. Politicians need to refrain from undue criticism and pressure on investigative journalists that may have a chilling effect and lead to self-censorship.  

Last but not least, governments need to counter SLAPPs effectively by allowing the early dismissal of such suits, introducing measures to punish abuse, particularly by reversing the costs of proceedings, and minimising the consequences of SLAPPs by giving practical support to those who are sued.

Dunja Mijatović

[1] This instrument provides for complementary criminal law measures and for improved international co-operation in the prosecution of corruption-related offences.

[2] The Convention requires contracting parties to provide for effective remedies in their domestic law for persons who have suffered damage as a result of acts of corruption, in order to enable them to defend their rights and interests, including the award of compensation.

[3] European Court for Human Rights, Kövesi v. Romania, Application Number 3594/19, 5 May 2020, para. 205.

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Mother left with no respite or protection from disabled son by Somerset County Council

Date of article: 19/01/2021

Daily News of: 20/01/2021

Country:  United Kingdom - England

Author: Local Government Ombudsmen for England

Article language: en

Three young children were left without any protection from their violent older brother after Somerset County Council failed to help their family, the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman has found.

The older brother, whose Special Educational Needs and condition means he is prone to sudden, unpredictable and violent outbursts, was significantly bigger and heavier than his mother and younger siblings. Because the mother struggled to cope with her son’s condition and also protect her younger children, she asked the council to consider placing him in a residential school.

Between 2015 and 2018, specialists working with the family witnessed the brother hitting and kicking his siblings and throwing and using objects against them. The siblings suffered physical injuries and were afraid of their older brother, often hiding to avoid him. Reports to the council from his school showed the boy had punched a child in the face and attempted to strangle a fellow pupil. A specialist nurse reported the school had recorded 36 separate incidents of violence involving the boy.

In another incident, a specialist nurse visiting the family had to intervene to rescue the mother when the older boy sat on her, pinning her down. The same nurse witnessed an unprovoked attack on the boy’s sister where he struck her with an object. She said the level of support provided at the time was not sufficient to protect the siblings from further harm.

The boy was finally provided with a 52-week residential placement in May 2018.

The Ombudsman’s investigation found the council failed to provide the respite it had assessed the family as needing for nearly three years. It also found the council did not do enough to assess the risk the brother posed to the younger siblings, despite several reports from professionals and repeated calls from their mother that they were suffering both physical and psychological harm while their mother was unable to protect them.

Michael King, Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman, said:

“Throughout the three years the council had a wealth of evidence both the mother, and the boy’s school, struggled to cope with the boy’s violent and unpredictable outbursts. Despite this, it sought to blame the mother’s parenting style rather than provide the respite the council itself assessed the family as needing.

“This left the family suffering both physical and psychological distress: the children have had to unlearn three years of coping behaviours, and the family was unable to enjoy quality time together.

“I am pleased the council has now agreed to my recommendations and hope the changes they have agreed to make will ensure disabled children and their families are safeguarded appropriately in future.”

The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman’s role is to remedy injustice and share learning from investigations to help improve public, and adult social care, services. In this case the council has agreed to apologise to the mother and pay her £8,250. This is made up of £2,000 for her injustice and £2,000 each for the younger children’s injustice and £250 for the older boy, each to benefit the children.

The Ombudsman has the power to make recommendations to improve processes for the wider public. In this case the council has agreed to remind all social care staff that children have the right to be protected and that that section47 of the Children Act 1989 should not be ruled out and could be appropriate in exceptional circumstances when providing support to disabled children and their families. It will also remind those responsible for the conduct of placement panels that there must always be a record of what information they consider and their rationale for those decisions.

Article date: 19 January 2021

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Aceptada una recomendación para que los servicios de mantenimiento de gas cesen junto al contrato de suministro

Date of article: 18/01/2021

Daily News of: 20/01/2021

Country:  Spain

Author: National Ombudsman of Spain

Article language: es

El Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico ha aceptado una recomendación del Defensor del Pueblo y cambiará la normativa para que los servicios de mantenimiento de gas queden automáticamente resueltos cuando se rescinda el contrato de suministro con el que fueron contratados, salvo que el consumidor solicite expresamente lo contrario.

La Institución realizó esta recomendación el pasado mes de agosto tras recibir  quejas ciudadanas por la práctica habitual entre las empresas suministradoras de ofrecer contratos por servicios de mantenimiento de las instalaciones cuya duración no está vinculada a la duración de los contratos de suministro.

Este tipo de contratos, que se suelen concertar al mismo tiempo que el suministro, siguen vigentes aunque el consumidor cambie de compañía, por lo que muchas veces se produce una duplicidad de los servicios de mantenimiento, que al ser de duración anual, continúan vigentes año tras año ante el olvido o descuido del momento en el que se deberían haber cancelado.

Se da la circunstancia de que muchos consumidores creen que estos contratos de mantenimiento quedan automáticamente resueltos una vez sea resuelto el principal. Sin embargo, lo cierto es que no se rigen por las mismas reglas que el suministro de electricidad y pueden existir obligaciones de permanencia, a veces incluso con penalización con importes elevados.

Ante esta situación de desprotección de los consumidores y antes de formular la recomendación ahora aceptada, el Defensor del Pueblo solicitó informes a la Dirección General de Consumo y a la Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia (CNMC). Este último organismo comparte la preocupación de la Institución y recordó que este problema ya se ha resuelto en la normativa que regula el sector eléctrico.

La institución seguirá el proceso de revisión del Real Decreto Real Decreto 1434/2002, de 27 de diciembre, por el que se regulan las actividades de transporte, distribución, comercialización, suministro y procedimientos de autorización de instalaciones de gas natural, norma en la que habría que introducir la previsión de resolución paralela de los contratos de suministra de gas y mantenimiento de la instalación.

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Lücken in der Versorgung von Polizistinnen und Polizisten schließen – Austausch der GdP mit der Polizeibeauftragten

Date of article: 15/01/2021

Daily News of: 20/01/2021

Country:  Germany - Schleswig-Holstein

Author: Regional Ombudsman of Schleswig-Holstein

Article language: de

In dieser Woche kamen in einer Videokonferenz die Polizeibeauftragte Samiah El Samadoni, ihre Mitarbeiterin, Heide von Petersdorff, sowie für die GdP Schleswig-Holstein neben dem Landesvorsitzenden Torsten Jäger sein Stellvertreter und Vorsitzender des Hauptpersonalrates in der Landespolizei, Andreas Kropius, sowie die Geschäftsführerin Susanne Rieckhof zusammen.


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Stojanović: online hate speech and discrimination to be sanctioned

Date of article: 18/01/2021

Daily News of: 18/01/2021

Country:  Serbia

Author: Ombudsman of Serbia

Article language: en

Today, the Deputy Protector of Citizens for Child Rights and Gender Equality, Ms. Jelena Stojanović, called on the competent authorities and all public life participants to adopt a Code on Citizens’ Rights оnline, which would recommend the rules of conduct for participants in this area in order to protect the rights of citizens, especially children, from hate speech and discrimination on any grounds. In addition, Deputy Stojanović has requested the...

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