60 ayuntamientos cumplen con la Ley de Protección Animal

Date of article: 04/01/2021

Daily News of: 05/01/2021

Country:  Spain - Canary Islands

Author: Regional Ombudsman of the Canary Islands

Article language: es

La Diputación del Común abrió una investigación de oficio con el fin de comprobar el grado de cumplimiento, por parte de las administraciones, de la Ley 8/1991, de 30 de abril, de protección de los animales, aprobada por el Parlamento de Canarias. Una acción motivada por las quejas recibidas en la Institución por las carencias que existen en algunas...

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The Protector of Citizens’ New Year congratulations and announcement of the Institution’s greater engagement

Date of article: 31/12/2020

Daily News of: 05/01/2021

Country:  Serbia

Author: Ombudsman of Serbia

Article language: en

The Protector of Citizens, Mr. Zoran Pašalić, conveyed his congratulations on the upcoming holidays to the citizens of Serbia wishing them sound health and progress and highlighted greater engagement of the Institution which he represents on further promotion and protection of human rights of all citizens, as well as the control of competent institutions’ work legality and regularity. “Distinguished citizens of Serbia, I wish...

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La "Giornata della Trasparenza" in Consiglio regionale

Date of article: 30/12/2020

Daily News of: 05/01/2021

Country:  Italy - Lazio

Author: Regional Ombudsman of Lazio

Article language: it

Mercoledì 30 dicembre, il Consiglio regionale del Lazio ha celebrato la “Giornata della Trasparenza”, organizzata quest’anno in modalità telematica. All’evento hanno partecipato quasi 100 persone, la maggior parte delle quali dipendenti del Consiglio regionale. Il presidente Mauro Buschini ha rivolto un saluto istituzionale a nome di tutta l’assemblea e ha poi espresso “un convinto e sentito...

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