Marcin Wiącek met with the German Minister of Foreign Affairs

Date of article: 13/12/2021

Daily News of: 13/12/2021

Country:  Poland

Author: Polish Ombudsman

Article language: en

Issues related to the rule of law, the situation at the Polish-Belarusian border, the protection of human rights - these were the main topics of the conversation between the Commissioner for Human Rights Marcin Wiącek, and the German Minister of Foreign Affairs Annalena Baerbock...

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Ombudsman Svetina on the occasion of Human Rights Day: "It is our duty to selflessly protect the dignity of our fellow human beings."

Date of article: 13/12/2021

Daily News of: 13/12/2021

Country:  Slovenia

Author: Human Rights Ombudsman of Slovenia

Article language: en

73 years after the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is commemorated on 10 December, as the world battles the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, we are once again facing many challenges. In 1948, the issues of peace, justice and freedom were in the foreground at the United Nations General Assembly session in Paris, and these are still in the foreground in Slovenia today, as we strive to find answers regarding how to navigate a way out of the current health and...

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Tavolo periodico di confronto sul volontariato in carcere

Date of article: 13/12/2021

Daily News of: 13/12/2021

Country:  Italy - Marches

Author: Garante regionale dei diritti della persona (Regional Ombudsman of Marches)

Article language: it

È stato deciso nel corso dell’incontro, ospitato presso la sede Caritas di Ancona, tra il Garante dei diritti ed i rappresentanti delle associazioni che intervengono nei sei istituti penitenziari marchigiani. In primo piano vecchi problemi e nuove criticità, anche alla luce delle ripercussioni determinate dalla pandemia. Giulianelli: “Un supporto importante che ci permetterà anche di rendere più esaustiva la nostra costante azione di monitoraggio”...

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