(EP) The week ahead 13-19 December

Date of article: 10/12/2021

Daily News of: 10/12/2021

Country:  EUROPE

Author: European Parliament

Article language: en

Plenary session - Strasbourg

Plenary session

Sakharov Prize 2021. The award ceremony for this year’s Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, conferred upon Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny, will be held on Wednesday at noon. Mr Navalny is currently imprisoned in Russia; his daughter Daria Navalnaya will therefore receive the prize in his name from EP President David Sassoli. A press conference is scheduled at 12.45h after the ceremony.

Unfair practices by big online platforms. Parliament will debate and vote on its position on the Digital Markets Act, which sets rules on what big online platforms will be allowed to do and not do in the EU. (debate Tuesday, vote Wednesday)

Equality between women and men. MEPs are set to demand concrete measures to improve gender equality, such as equal pay and equal treatment and ensuring a better balance between professional and private life. (debate Monday, vote Wednesday).

Russian threat to Ukraine. On Tuesday afternoon, MEPs will discuss the large-scale Russian military build-up along the Ukrainian border and fears that Russia might invade Ukraine with EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell. A resolution will be put to the vote on Thursday.

Ending discrimination against EU firms. MEPs will vote on a new international procurement instrument that introduces measures to limit non-EU companies’ access to the open EU public procurement market if European firms are not offered similar access in third countries. (vote Tuesday)

December EU summit and fight against COVID-19. On Wednesday morning, MEPs will debate with the Commission and the Slovenian Presidency the 16 December European Council, and the EU’s response to the resurgence of COVID-19.

Rule of law and fundamental rights in Slovenia and Poland. Following last sessions’ debate, MEPs will vote on a resolution on the situation of rule of law in Slovenia on Thursday. They will also assess recent events in Poland that might increase the country’s risk of moving further away from European values in a debate on Wednesday afternoon.

National Recovery Plans. On Wednesday afternoon, MEPs will discuss whether post-COVID-19 national recovery plans meet the agreed targets and milestones as well as the situation in countries that have not yet had their plans approved.


Digital Services Act. The Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee will vote on the proposal for a Digital Services Act (DSA), which aims to create a safer digital space where users rights are protected. A press conference with the rapporteur is scheduled for 13.10h on Tuesday (Monday and Tuesday).

President’s Diary. EP President Sassoli will be in Strasbourg for the plenary session, where he will participate in the Peace Light Ceremony on Monday. On Tuesday, he will meet Ghana’s President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, before the latter’s address to MEPs. On Wednesday, the President will meet Alexei Navalny’s daughter, Daria Navalnaya, and his political adviser Leonid Volkov, before awarding the Sakharov Prize in the Hemicycle (followed by a press conference). On Thursday, he will address the European Council in Brussels at 10:00, followed by a press conference at 11:00.

Last-minute briefing. On Monday at 16.30, Parliament’s Spokesperson will hold a press briefing on the plenary session, which starts at 17:00.

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IOI Ombudsman News 49/2021

Date of article: 10/12/2021

Daily News of: 10/12/2021

Country:  WORLD

Author: International Ombudsman Institute

Article language: en

ARGENTINA | María Rosa Muiños es la nueva Defensora del Pueblo de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires

Fue elegida hoy por la Legislatura porteña para ocupar el cargo que había dejado vacante Alejandro Amor en julio, cuando renunció para postularse como primer candidato a legislador por el Frente de Todos. La flamante Defensora del Pueblo aseguró que trabajará para lograr "el bien común y para representar a quienes viven y transitan cotidianamente por la Ciudad".

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LATVIA | Ombudsman is elected in GANHRI CRPD working group

On 3 December 2021, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, elections were held at the annual meeting of the European Network of the Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI), and the Latvian Ombudsman was elected to the GANHRI Working Group on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

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Pablo Ulloa - Presidente de FIO

FIO | La presidencia de la FIO quedó en manos del Defensor de Dominicana

El Defensor del Pueblo de la República Dominica, Pablo Ulloa, fue ungido como Presidente de la Federación Iberoamericana del Ombudsman (FIO) al término de la XXV asamblea de la institución que se llevó a cabo en la isla caribeña.

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Victorian Ombudsman Findings

AUSTRALIA | Victorian Ombudsman findings on Department of Health border exemption scheme

The Victorian Ombudsman released her latest Investigation into decision-making under the Victorian Border Crossing Permit Directions. The report shows rather than fairly considering individual circumstances and risks, the exemptions scheme was a blunt instrument that resulted in unjust outcomes, potentially for thousands of people. Some found themselves effectively homeless and caught up in a bureaucratic nightmare. More than 300 complainants told their stories as part of the investigation.

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CANADA | Vulnerable Penticton resident unfairly loses home in municipal tax sale – Ombudsperson calls for compensation and law reform

Victoria – In the wake of a vulnerable 60-year-old woman losing her home, Ombudsperson Jay Chalke calls for significant changes to the way municipalities use tax sales to collect outstanding property taxes.

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Ombudsman of Curacao, Mr Keursly Concincion, Prime Minister Sint Maarten, Mrs. Silveria Jacobs, Ombudsman Sint Maarten, Mrs. Gwen Mossel, National Ombudsman, Mr. Reinier van Zutphen

ST. MAARTEN | Three Ombudsman, one message: “Leaders address social injustice”

The three ombudsmen of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, representing St. Maarten, Curaçao and the Netherlands/BES islands, urge governments in the Kingdom to take social justice issues seriously. “Real consideration for the people, that is what is missing from government.”

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SLOVENIA | Ombudsman publishes English version of Annual Report and NPM Report for 2020

The Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia is happy to announce that the Annual Report for 2020 and the Report on Implementation of the Tasks of the National Preventive Mechanism under the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment for 2020, are now available also in English language.

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USA | USOA - Summer Webinar Series

The United States Ombudsman Association was once again privileged and honored to be a recipient of a grant from the IOI to provide important training to ombudsmen in July and August 2021. As COVID created a need for virtual training since in-person training was not an option, USOA developed a five part Summer Webinar Series. 

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Control Yuan deliberations; 12 October 2021

TAIWAN | Control Yuan passes draft amendments to Provision of Control Act

On 12 October 2021, the Control Yuan passed the Draft Amendments to the Control Act, adding a special section to Chapter 5-1, “Exercise of the Powers and Functions of the National Human Rights Commission,” by enacting a special law, sending it to the Legislative Yuan for consideration on the same day.

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NIPSO Quarterly Bulletin - Winter 2021

UK | NIPSO Quarterly Bulletin – Winter 2021

The Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman (NIPSO) launches the winter edition 2021 of its Quarterly Bulletin. The Bulletin aims to provide readers with a short, easy-to-read summary of news from the office, drawing attention to NIPSO’s most recent investigation reports, providing updates on new initiatives, and highlighting other aspects of the Ombudsman’s work.

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AUSTRALIA | IGTO announces three new review investigations

The Inspector-General of Taxation and Taxation Ombudsman (IGTO), Ms Karen Payne, has announced three new review investigations that her office will be progressing throughout 2022. A brief summary of the three review investigations is set out here.

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La consejera de Educación creará una mesa de diálogo para la Formación de Adultos

Date of article: 10/12/2021

Daily News of: 10/12/2021

Country:  Spain - Canary Islands

Author: Regional Ombudsman of the Canary Islands

Article language: es

Rafael Yanes y el adjunto primero de la Diputación del Común, Felipe Afonso, se reunieron con la consejera de Educación, Manuela de Armas, y distintos directores de Centros de Educación Para Adultos de Gran Canaria (CEPA)

Los directores pidieron la derogación de la Orden de 27 de octubre de 2021, por la que se establecen las normas de organización y funcionamiento de los CEPA

El Diputado del Común, Rafael Yanes, actuó de mediador entre la consejera de Educación, Manuela de Armas, y los directores de Centros de Educación de Personas Adultas (CEPA) de Gáldar, Santa Lucía, San Bartolomé de Tirajana y Las Palmas: María del Mar Santana, Juan Rafael Rosales, Manuel Funes y José Teixido. El Diputado del Común fue acompañado en este encuentro por el adjunto primero de la Diputación del Común, Felipe Afonso.

Los directores de estos CEPA pidieron la derogación de la Orden de 27 de octubre de 2021, por la que se modifica la Orden de 20 de junio de 2017, que establece las normas de organización y funcionamiento de los Centros de Educación de Personas Adultas, y en la que se especifica, a través de su punto 2.3. que “el alumnado de la formación básica inicial podrá permanecer matriculado en dicho periodo formativo, como máximo, dos cursos académicos adicionales al número de cursos establecidos con carácter general a dicho periodo”.

Consideran que esta normativa es demasiado restrictiva y que vulnera el derecho a la educación permanente a lo largo de la vida. Los directores denunciaron que “el alumnado de esta enseñanza no puede aprender a leer y escribir en 4 años para pasar a Secundaria, por lo que estamos luchando para que estos casi 5.000 alumnos puedan disponer del tiempo que necesiten en la formación básica para luego, el que así lo desee, pase a Secundaria”.

La consejera de Educación aseguró que “estamos intentando entendernos y ver qué soluciones pueden plantearse, por lo que se puede llegar a un acuerdo sin problema”. De Armas destacó la importancia de esta reunión de mediación con los directores de los CEPA, “ya que ellos trabajan con adultos y conocen sus necesidades y, por ello, estamos dispuestos a escucharlos y a mejorar la situación de este colectivo, ya que la educación a lo largo de la vida es un aspecto fundamental en cualquier sociedad”. Con este propósito, la consejera se comprometió a crear una mesa de diálogo para la Formación de Adultos.

Por su parte, el Diputado del Común señaló la importancia de esta reunión de mediación en la que “se ha consolidado el papel de mediador del Diputado del Común entre la Administración Pública y la ciudadanía”. Asimismo, “la conclusión de abrir una mesa de diálogo es un éxito tanto para la consejera como para el sector afectado”.

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Annual Report details how Ombudsman adapted during the pandemic

Date of article: 10/12/2021

Daily News of: 10/12/2021

Country:  United Kingdom - England

Author: Local Government Ombudsmen for England

Article language: en

Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman has published its Annual Report and Accounts 2020-21, welcoming the resilience of its staff in a challenging year for everyone.

Roughly covering the first year of COVID-19 (April 2020 – March 2021), the report shows the impact of the pandemic on the Ombudsman’s work particularly in the first quarter of the year.

The Ombudsman resumed its usual operations in June 2020 after a three month pause in taking new complaints. The decision to pause was made at the tail end of the previous year, aimed at not exacerbating the pressure on already-stretched councils and care providers during the first wave of COVID-19.

The Ombudsman received and decided fewer complaints from the public in 2020-21 than in a typical year. Despite this, there was no shortage of reports published by the Ombudsman which held councils to account and shared the learning from its investigations.

These reports included issuing best practice guidance to local authorities and care providers on retaining good administrative practice during the crisis. It also released guides on the children’s social care complaints system – about which the Ombudsman receives the most queries from councils – and a relaunch of its guidance on effective complaint handling.

The Ombudsman published a report on its first 50 investigations about the Homelessness Reduction Act, looking at how councils are implementing the new legislation. And it issued a report on its investigations involving council services for ‘looked after children’ – one of the most vulnerable groups in society.

A key part of the Ombudsman’s work in the early part of the year was to lay the foundations for investigating complaints about COVID-19. This involved building a specialist team and closely tracking the rapidly-changing legislation to allow it to come to balanced and proportionate decisions about what happened during this time.

The Ombudsman also refreshed its three-year corporate business plan.

Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman, Michael King, said:

“Despite the challenging year for everyone, we continued to remedy injustices, hold councils and care providers to account, and share the learning from our casework. And I’d like to credit the resilience and dedication of our staff for this.

“Councils and care providers had to adapt at pace during the pandemic. However, our advice to them remained the same: good public administration is more important than ever at a time of crisis – and managing complaints effectively is not simply an added bonus.” (...)

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