Volksanwaltschaft stärkt Menschenrechte auch international

Date of article: 09/12/2021

Daily News of: 09/12/2021

Country:  Austria

Author: Austrian Ombudsman Board

Article language: de

"Als Generalsekretär des IOI, des International Ombudsman Institutes, das seit 2009 seinen Sitz in Wien in der österreichischen Volksanwaltschaft hat, ist es mir ein großes Anliegen, auch unsere Mitglieder in anderen Ländern zu unterstützen und zu stärken und dafür zu sorgen, dass die Menschenrechte geachtet werden“, erklärt Volksanwalt Amon. "Ich bin überzeugt, dass wir auch international eine Verantwortung den Menschen gegenüber haben, die hart für ihre Rechte kämpfen müssen, Menschen, die auf Unterstützung angewiesen sind“, so Amon weiter.

Das IOI ist eine internationale Organisation für unabhängige Verwaltungskontrollorgane auf nationaler, regionaler und lokaler Ebene. Es spielt eine zentrale Rolle in der Zusammenarbeit der internationalen Ombudsman-Einrichtungen. Amon erläutert: "Wir als Volksanwaltschaft pflegen nicht nur in unserer Rolle als Nationale Menschenrechtsorganisation, sondern auch in unserer Funktion als IOI-Generalsekretariat einen engen Kontakt mit dem Netzwerk Europäischer Menschenrechtsorganisationen, mit den EU-Institutionen, dem Europarat, den Vereinten Nationen und der OSZE. Denn die internationale Zusammenarbeit und der gute Kontakt zu unseren internationalen Partnern spielen in der präventiven Menschenrechtskontrolle eine wichtige Rolle.“

"Es freut mich, dass wir die Menschenrechtskommissarin des Europarates Dunja Mijatović nächste Woche in Wien zu Gesprächen empfangen können. Meine Amtskollegen Walter Rosenkranz, Bernhard Achitz und ich werden mit der Kommissarin allgemeine Fragen der Menschenrechte, aber im Besonderen die Rechte von Frauen und Menschen mit Behinderung, sowie soziale Grundrechtsfragen erörtern", so Amon.

Die Aufgabe aller Ombudsman-Institutionen besteht darin, die Menschen vor Rechtsverletzungen, Machtmissbrauch, unfairen Entscheidungen und Missständen in der Verwaltung zu schützen. Das IOI vertritt mehr als 200 unabhängige Ombudsmann-Institutionen aus mehr als 100 Ländern weltweit und unterstützt seine Mitglieder in vielerlei Hinsicht. Amon dazu: "Ein wesentlicher Faktor in unserer Arbeit als IOI auf internationaler Ebene ist die Unterstützung von Kolleginnen und Kollegen, die unter Druck geraten und sich womöglich sogar in Gefahr befinden. Hier nutzen wir alle zur Verfügung stehenden diplomatischen Mittel und lenken die öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit auf das Problem.“ Das IOI ist weiter bestrebt seinen Einfluss auszubauen und seine Autorität als einzige globale Organisation für Ombudsman-Einrichtungen auszudehnen, damit es in Zukunft noch stärker für die Menschen da sein kann. "Die Achtung der Menschenrechte ist kein Privileg, sondern sollte selbstverständlich sein und dafür werde ich mich auch weiterhin einsetzen“, so Volksanwalt Amon abschließend.

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Croydon man not supported properly when he moved to new home

Date of article: 08/12/2021

Daily News of: 09/12/2021

Country:  United Kingdom - England

Author: Local Government Ombudsmen for England

Article language: en

London Borough of Croydon did not do enough to support a man with Autism, and his mother who looked after him, an investigation by the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman has found.

The man’s mum complained to the Ombudsman claiming the council’s lack of proper action led to the breakdown in her relationship with her son. She said the council did not properly support either of them when her son moved to supported accommodation, and it did not assess her needs as a carer – therefore overlooking her own communication difficulties.

The man had initially been living with his mother. He finds building relationships difficult and can become verbally aggressive when frustrated or anxious. As a result, the mother contacted the council to say she was feeling increasingly concerned about her son’s verbal threats and was finding it difficult to manage. At one point, because of the poor support, the man was sending up to 80 messages a day to his mother.

The Ombudsman’s investigation criticised the council for failing to assess either the man or his mother properly. It failed to put in place the support the man needed as a person with Autism when he moved into his flat, causing him anxiety and shifting the burden onto his mother. As a result, it failed to record preventive measures or a contingency plan of what would happen if his mother could not cope and the situation in the home became untenable. This resulted in the family reaching a crisis point with no alternative options readily available.

In addition, the council did not provide the man with a personal budget to meet his needs and only offered him the choice of one service provider. The council did not provide the man with a support plan or involve him in his own support planning and it did not offer him an advocate when it was clear both the man and his mother were struggling.

Michael King, Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman, said:


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The Parliamentary Ombudsman directs criticism towards Kalmar Regional Council for charging patients that have declined the covid-19 vaccine for not arriving to their scheduled appointment

Date of article: 08/12/2021

Daily News of: 09/12/2021

Country:  Sweden

Author: Parliamentary Ombudsmen of Sweden

Article language: en

If a patient, that has a booked appointment to receive vaccination against covid-19 has refused the vaccine that has been offered, Kalmar Regional Council has charged a fee for missed visits pursuant to chapter 17, section 1 of the Health and Medical Services Act.

The Chief Parliamentary Ombudsman states that the complainant did not miss an appointment but arrived as expected but declined the vaccine that was offered. According to the Chief Parliamentary Ombudsman the situation cannot be considered to be included in the wording "absent from agreed visits", pursuant to the act, as it refers to when a patient has not shown up at all. In addition, the patient has not been informed in advance about which vaccine the patient would be offered, and there are different vaccines with partly different effects against the virus and different risks. Against this background, it can not be considered compatible with the basic requirements within the health care service on voluntariness, information and participation that a patient who refuses a certain vaccine is subject to a fee.

The Chief Parliamentary Ombudsman is therefore critical of the fact that Kalmar Regional Council has in fact charged a fee for patients who showed up at a set appointment but refused the vaccine that was offered.

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Judgment in Case T-127/19 Dyson and Others v Commission

Date of article: 08/12/2021

Daily News of: 09/12/2021

Country:  EUROPE

Author: Court of Justice of the European Union

Article language: en

Link: https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2021-12/cp210218en.pdf

Languages available: bg es de el en fr hr it pl pt ro

General Court of the European Union


Luxembourg, 8 December 2021

Judgment in Case T-127/19 Dyson and Others v Commission

Energy consumption of cyclonic bagless vacuum cleaners: the General Court dismisses Dyson Ltd’s claim for compensation for alleged loss

By using the standardised empty receptacle testing method, the Commission did not manifestly and gravely disregard the limits on its discretion or commit a sufficiently serious breach of the principles of equal treatment and sound administration

Since 1 September 2014, all vacuum cleaners sold in the European Union have been subject to energy labelling requirements, the detailed rules of which have been fixed by the Commission in a 2013 regulation, 1 supplementing the Energy Labelling Directive. 2 The energy labelling is aimed, among other things, at informing consumers of energy efficiency levels and cleaning performances of vacuum cleaners.


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Difensori civici a confronto nella riunione online dagli uffici dell'Assemblea legislativa dell'Umbria

Date of article: 07/12/2021

Daily News of: 09/12/2021

Country:  Italy - Umbria

Author: Difensore Civico della Regione Umbria

Article language: it

Il Difensore civico della Regione Umbria, Marcello Pecorari, ha condotto ieri pomeriggio un incontro online con i colleghi di altre regioni italiane, un momento di discussione e confronto tra le diverse esperienze di difesa civica con la partecipazione del Difensore civico della Valle d’Aosta, Enrico Formento Dojot, presidente del Coordinamento della rete italiana dei Difensori civici, di Sandro Vannini, difensore civico della Regione Toscana e vicepresidente del coordinamento, e del difensore civico della Regione Basilicata, Antonia Fiordelisi, vicepresidente del coordinamento. Sono intervenuti anche Lodovico Principato, garante per il contribuente Umbria, istituito presso l’Agenzia delle entrate di Perugia, Elena Brugnone dell’associazione Umana onlus di Perugia, che si occupa di volontariato nella promozione del diritto alla salute, e i difensori civici delle Province di Trento e Bolzano, Gianna Morandi e Gabriele Morandell. Ha portato il saluto dell’Assemblea legislativa la vicepresidente Paola Fioroni.

La figura del difensore civico è quella di un garante dell’imparzialità e del buon andamento della Pubblica amministrazione e quale figura di raccordo tra il cittadino e l’ente pubblico in un’attività di impulso e sollecitazione nei confronti della Pubblica amministrazione, che si concretizzano nella segnalazione, su richiesta o di propria iniziativa, di disfunzioni, carenze e ritardi. “Il difensore civico non è l’avvocato del cittadino – ha detto il presidente del Coordinamento Formento Dojot - ma difende l’osservanza della legge recependo istanze dei cittadini, deve farsi interprete delle aspettative dei cittadini. Di fatto, rappresenta un supporto anche agli organi giurisdizionali, sgravandoli di un considerevole numero di possibili controversie minori e da contenziosi che possono essere risolti in via amichevole. Ed è un valore aggiunto per l’Amministrazione pubblica sulla via della correttezza e della rapidità nel dare risposte”. Le istanze dei cittadini riguardano soprattutto la salute e il difensore civico, come è stato rilevato da più parti, si trova spesso ad essere un sostegno per i più fragili nella soluzione di problemi che possono apparire insormontabili, stretti fra le maglie della burocrazia: “finalmente una persona che mi ha ascoltato e mi ha fatto capire come stanno le cose”, è una frase che i difensori civici di ogni parte d’Italia hanno detto di sentire sempre più spesso dai cittadini che si rivolgono a loro, specialmente dai più anziani.

È stata anche ribadita la necessità che l’Italia si doti di una figura che manca, quella del Difensore civico nazionale, presente in molti altri Paesi europei, sia pure con altri nomi: il “Mediateur” in Francia, il “Defensor del pueblo” in Spagna o il “Parlamentary commissioner” dell’Inghilterra. Senza questa figura, è stato ribadito nell’incontro di ieri, manca un’adeguata interlocuzione con il Ministero, cui attualmente si cerca di supplire con la rete dei difensori civici, che non può avere un’adeguata legittimazione.

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