Public Defender Visits Psychological-Social Service Center for Child Victims of Violence

Date of article: 19/12/2023

Daily News of: 21/12/2023

Country:  Georgia

Author: Public Defender (Ombudsman) of Georgia

Article language: en

On December 19, 2023, Public Defender Levan Ioseliani visited the psychological-social service center for child victims of violence and received information about its activities.

The Public Defender inspected the physical environment of the institution, the spaces intended for investigative and procedural activities, including the rooms intended for interviewing children, forensic medical examination and rehabilitation of abused children. He also met and spoke with the Director of the AgencyforState Care and Assistancefor VictimsofHuman Trafficking and the Head of the Tbilisi institution for victims of human trafficking and violence.

The Public Defender attaches special importance to the work performed by the psychological-social service center - to implement rehabilitation services and programmes for child victims of sexual violence and their families. Therefore, it is necessary to continuously strengthen the center, ensure geographical accessibility and launch an additional center in Western Georgia, which has been planned for years.

The Public Defender of Georgia once again emphasizes the importance of prevention, timely detection and effective response to crimes of sexual violence against children, timely, coordinated inter-agency response to these issues, child-friendly action and measures focused on protection from secondary victimization. It is also essential to inform the society, especially children, about the forms of violence, its signs and protective mechanisms.

The Public Defender also visited the Tbilisi shelter and crisis center for victims of violence. He viewed the institutions, received information about the services of the shelter and the crisis center, the possibilities of receiving services for the victims of violence against women and domestic violence.

The Public Defender continues to monitor the situation of the protection of children and women from all forms of violence in the country, including from sexual abuse, evaluates the steps taken by state agencies in this regard and issues relevant recommendations based on the challenges detected.

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Acto de entrega del premio Navarra de Colores 2023

Date of article: 18/12/2023

Daily News of: 21/12/2023

Country:  Spain - Navarra

Author: Regional Ombudsman of Navarra

Article language: es

Un año más, Navarra celebra el reconocimiento a personas, entidades e iniciativas que representan de forma significativa la convivencia intercultural y la lucha contra el racismo y la xenofobia a través del premio Navarra de Colores. Representantes del Defensor del Pueblo de Navarra-Nafarroako Arartekoa acudieron al acto de entrega del premio que, en esta tercera edición, recayó en la responsable del Aula Confucio Pamplona de la Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA) e intérprete profesional, Mónica Yu. A la ceremonia asistieron, también, el resto de entidades y personas reconocidas en el resto de las modalidades de dicho galardón.

Así, Jared Josue Andino, por su defensa de los Derechos Humanos y de los derechos del colectivo LGTBI+; y Mohamed Amnay, delegado de la comisión islámica en Navarra obtuvieron sendos accésits. La Mención especial en la categoría de entidades sociales fue para la Asociación Lantxotegui Elkartea y, por último, también se puso en valor la labor de Haritu Sarea, Haziak, Itaka Escolapios, Katakrak y Lantxotegi, en el apartado "Deporte en Colores". Mientras en "Políticas locales de colores" fue reconocido el Servicio Anitzartean de la Mancomunidad de Sakana; y Acción contra la Trata y Las Poderosas en "Cultura de Colores". 

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(FRA) Protecting children at Europe’s borders – new guidance for border officials and other authorities

Date of article: 18/12/2023

Daily News of: 18/12/2023

Country:  EUROPE

Author: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Article language: en

A new joint publication from the Council of Europe and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) outlines the relevant human rights standards at Europe’s borders that apply to children.


The note on ‘Children in migration: Fundamental rights at European borders’ summarises the main safeguards of European law as they apply to migrant children at the external borders of the EU and of the Council of Europe. It covers the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and EU law.

Council of Europe and EU Member States have the right to control the entry of non-nationals into their territory. However, in exercising border control, States need to protect the fundamental rights of everyone, regardless of their nationality, status, or age in accordance with their obligations under international and European law. Children require extra protection, as they are particularly vulnerable with special needs. 

“There is an increased need to protect children arriving at our borders, including unaccompanied or separated children, and those victims of war related crimes, violence and abuse. This third joint guidance note aims at supporting authorities, including border police to conduct their activities in full respect of our standards to effectively uphold and protect the rights of migrant and refugee children the very moment they arrive in our member States,” says the Council of Europe’s Special Representative of the Secretary General on Migration and Refugees, Leyla Kayacik.

“Authorities and border officials have a legal duty to meet the needs of all migrant and refugee children arriving at our borders. This practical guide should raise awareness and provide much-needed support to ensure children are well protected and officials have a better understanding of how they can best safeguard children’s rights,” says outgoing FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty, whose term expired on 15 December 2023.

 The new publication builds on the previous joint notes: Fundamental rights of refugees, asylum applicants and migrants at the European borders (March 2020); and European standards on legal remedies, complaints mechanisms and effective investigations at borders (July 2021). 

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Il Difensore civico per la tutela e la promozione dei diritti, della partecipazione e della cittadinanza attiva

Date of article: 18/12/2023

Daily News of: 18/12/2023

Country:  Italy - Autonomous Province of Trento

Author: Regional Ombudsman of the Autonomous Province of Trento

Article language: it

Il Difensore civico Gianna Morandi ​ha partecipato lo scorso 15 dicembre in qualità di relatrice ad un evento, organizzato dal Difensore civico della Regione Lazio presso la Camera dei Deputati, dal titolo "Il Difensore civico per la tutela e la promozione dei diritti, della partecipazione e della cittadinanza attiva", in occasione dei 75 anni dalla sottoscrizione della Dichiarazione ​​Universale dei Diritti dell'Uomo. Il Difensore civico provinciale nel suo intervento ha illustrato le criticità segnalate dai cittadini e affrontate durante il suo mandato, con particolare riferimento alle questioni esaminate nella relazione annuale 2022, quali, tra il resto, il diritto all'acesso agli atti verso la Pubblica Amministrazione ed i suoi enti strumentali, la costituzione di parte civile del Difensore civico nei processi penali in cui parte lesa sia un soggetto disabile, la materia urbanistica. La conferenza è stata preceduta dal periodico incontro del Coordinamento nazionale dei Difensori civici regionali e delle Province autonome in data 14 dicembre.​​​

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(FRA) Sirpa Rautio to become new FRA Director

Date of article: 15/12/2023

Daily News of: 18/12/2023

Country:  EUROPE

Author: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Article language: en

The Management Board of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has appointed Sirpa Rautio to be the next Director of the Agency.

"It is with great pleasure that FRA’s Management Board announces the appointment of Sirpa Rautio as the next FRA Director," says Rick Lawson, Vice-Chair of the Board. "Her breadth of knowledge and experience on human rights at the national, European and international level will steer the Agency over the coming years at a time when challenges to human rights are many and varied."

"I am proud to be chosen as the head of this much-respected EU Agency," says FRA incoming Director Sirpa Rautio. "With human rights under pressure, I look forward to working closely with FRA staff and its Management Board in promoting, protecting and advancing human rights together throughout the EU."

Sirpa Rautio is currently Director of the Finnish Human Rights Centre and Chair of the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI). She also chaired FRA’s Management Board from 2017 to 2020. She has served many years in international and regional human rights organisations such as the UN, the Council of Europe, the OSCE and the EU working for human rights, democracy and the rule of law.

FRA’s Management Board voted on the appointment of the new Director at its meeting on 14 and 15 December 2023. The newly appointed Director will take up duty in the coming months. The current Director, Michael O’Flaherty, was appointed in September 2015. His term expires today, 15 December 2023.

"The FRA Management Board extends its profound gratitude to Michael O’Flaherty for his dedication and leadership of the Agency over the past eight years," says Rick Lawson, Vice-Chair of the Board.

"It has been an honour and a privilege to serve and lead FRA over the past eight turbulent years as Europe has faced multiple crises," says FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty. "This enriching experience has underlined the vital importance of the work of the Agency and its staff, in close cooperation with its many partners and stakeholders, in championing human rights for a better, more inclusive and equal world."

About the selection procedure for FRA Director

The selection procedure for a new Director is set out in FRA's Founding Regulation. A shortlist is drawn up by the European Commission. The European Parliament and the Council of the EU both give their opinions and orders of preference after interviewing each shortlisted candidate. Their views are taken into account by the Management Board. The final decision rests with FRA’s Management Board.

The Director's term of office is five years. The Management Board may extend the term once, for not more than five years, in accordance with FRA’s Founding Regulation.

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March 2025
