Acto institucional del Parlamento de Navarra con motivo del Día Internacional de los Derechos Humanos

Date of article: 13/12/2023

Daily News of: 18/12/2023

Country:  Spain - Navarra

Author: Regional Ombudsman of Navarra

Article language: es

13 diciembre 2023

El Defensor del Pueblo-Nafarroako Arartekoa, Patxi Vera, acudió el 12 de diciembre al acto de lectura de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos que, coincidiendo con el 75 aniversario de su aprobación por Naciones Unidas, organizó el Parlamento de Navarra a propuesta de varias entidades y organizaciones sociales

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Annual Report on the Activities of the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment in Poland in 2022

Date of article: 13/12/2023

Daily News of: 18/12/2023

Country:  Poland

Author: Polish Ombudsman

Article language: en

The 15th Annual Report of the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture presents the activities in the reporting period from January 1 to December 31, 2022.

On 18 December last year, 20 years had passed since the adoption, by the UN General Assembly, of the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT).

Thanks to the implementation of the OPCAT into the Polish legal system, the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture (NMPT) has been operating in Poland for nearly 15 years already as part of the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights.

Between 1 January and 31 December 2022, ten staff members of the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture conducted a total of 79 visits, including six carried out in the form of online monitoring at the time when direct contact was significantly difficult or impossible due to the epidemiological situation.

Reports of the NMPT not only describe cases of multiannual systemic negligence but also, in some situations, reveal likely gross violations of fundamental human rights. In particular, in the recent period, accounts of detainees disclosed possible cases of torture, including waterboarding and falaka (foot whipping), and of inhuman and degrading treatment. Without the NMPT monitoring visits, many of those cases might not have seen the light of day. This is because the NMPT representatives reach out to people whose voices are not heard, for whom it is difficult to assert their rights and who remain in difficult conditions. The stories described in the post-visit reports are the best proof of the strong need for an independent body monitoring places of detention in Poland.

Despite the low number of staff in 2022 the NMPT employees also draw up opinions on proposed amendments to laws and took part in parliamentary committee meetings at which they presented their comments and recommendations. They also took attempts to increase public awareness of the situation in places of detention and to applicable international standards.

in addition to drawing up reports and opinions, the NMPT attaches great importance to establishing a direct dialogue with officers and other staff members at places of detention. Training sessions, conferences and webinars for these professional groups were an excellent opportunity to present issues related to torture and ill-treatment prevention to them and to jointly seek solutions to existing systemic problems. In 2022, NMPT representatives trained over 130 police officers and conducted webinars for employees of social care homes, which were attended by over 420 persons.

The obligation to publish and disseminate annual reports of national preventive mechanisms stems from Article 23 of the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in New York on December 18, 2002.


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Bürgerbeauftragte informiert über wichtige Änderungen im Sozialrecht im Jahr 2024

Date of article: 13/12/2023

Daily News of: 18/12/2023

Country:  Germany - Schleswig-Holstein

Author: Regional Ombudsman of Schleswig-Holstein

Article language: de

Im nächsten Jahr sind -­ vorbehaltlich noch zu treffenden Entscheidungen zum Haushalt 2024 ­- neben Erhöhungen der Regelsätze im Bürgergeld und in der Sozialhilfe insbesondere im Bereich der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung einige Neuerungen zu erwarten. Die Bürgerbeauftragte für soziale Angelegenheiten des Landes Schleswig- Holstein, Samiah El Samadoni, gibt einen Überblick über kommende Änderungen im Sozialrecht: (...)

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Novecento studenti si confrontano sul divertimento sicuro

Date of article: 12/12/2023

Daily News of: 18/12/2023

Country:  Italy - Marches

Author: Garante regionale dei diritti della persona (Regional Ombudsman of Marches)

Article language: it

Iniziativa promossa per il prossimo 19 dicembre a Fano dal Garante regionale dei diritti, Giancarlo Giulianelli, con la collaborazione della “Fondazione Lhs”. In due diversi turni ai ragazzi sarà proposta la visione di un docufilm, con testimonianze su quanto accaduto cinque anni fa nella discoteca di Corinado, a cui farà seguito il dibattito

Sensibilizzare i ragazzi  all’adozione di stili di comportamento sicuri nei luoghi del divertimento condiviso e dare spazio ad una riflessione sui temi della solidarietà e dell’aiuto reciproco in situazioni di pericolo e rischio. Sono questi gli obiettivi al centro del progetto “La linea sottile” promosso dal Garante dei diritti, Giancarlo Giulianelli, con la collaborazione della “Fondazione Lhs”, organizzazione no profit costituita nel 2010 da “Saipem” per diffondere la cultura della salute e della sicurezza. L’evento centrale verrà ospitato nel corso della mattina del prossimo 19 dicembre al “Teatro della Fortuna” di Fano con la partecipazione di circa 900 studenti delle scuole secondarie di primo e secondo grado della città. Divisi in due gruppi, nella stessa giornata avranno la possibilità di vedere un docufilm  (“La linea sottile. Doveva essere un Divertimento”) su quanto accaduto nella discoteca “Lanterna azzurra” di Corinaldo durante la notte tra il 7 e l’8 dicembre 2018, lavoro che il regista e storyteller Luca Pagliari ha realizzato su incarico di “Lhs”. Prendendo le mosse proprio da questo docufilm, successivamente i ragazzi si confronteranno con lo stesso autore, con il Garante,  con il sindaco, con altri rappresentanti delle istituzioni, dell’Ufficio scolastico regionale, dell’associazione Cogeu (Comitato genitori unitario) con parenti ed amici delle vittime e con i testimoni diretti di quanto accaduto. All’incontro saranno presenti gli studenti dei licei artistico “Guido Nolfi – Adolfo Apolloni”, scientifico statale “G.Torelli” e Istituto comprensivo “Gandiglio” (primo turno) ; degli Istituti di istruzione superiore “A. Volta” e degli Istituti comprensivi “G. Paladino” e Matteo Nuti” (secondo turno).


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