I Difensori Civici delle Regioni e Province Autonome italiane incontrano Papa Francesco.

Date of article: 11/04/2024

Daily News of: 12/04/2024

Country:  Italy

Author: Italian National Coordination of Regional and Autonomous Provinces Ombudsman Institutions

Article language: it

Nella giornata di mercoledì 10 aprile, i Difensori Civici delle Regioni e delle Province autonome italiane hanno avuto l’occasione di incontrare Papa Francesco e di consegnargli un dono speciale. Il dono è stato accompagnato da una dedica che sottolinea il profondo rispetto per il costante impegno del Santo Padre nel richiamare il concetto di dignità per tutti i popoli.

Marino Fardelli, Presidente del Coordinamento nazionale dei Difensori civici italiani e Difensore civico del Lazio, ha espresso gratitudine per l’opportunità e ha voluto ringraziare tutti i colleghi Difensori civici delle Regioni e delle Province autonome italiane, nonché il Presidente della Conferenza delle Assemblee legislative italiane, Antonello Aurigemma, presidente del Consiglio regionale del Lazio, per aver condiviso questa significativa giornata per la difesa civica italiana.

In una dichiarazione, Fardelli ha commentato: “È stato un momento di grande onore e responsabilità per noi Difensori civici italiani. Ringrazio tutti i colleghi per il loro impegno costante e il Presidente Aurigemma per il suo sostegno. Il gesto simbolico verso Sua Santità, Papa Francesco, riflette l’impegno dei Difensori civici italiani nel difendere i diritti e la dignità di tutti i cittadini, un impegno che continuerà ad essere al centro della loro missione”.

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Staffs home refuses to refund care costs following Ombudsman investigation

Date of article: 11/04/2024

Daily News of: 12/04/2024

Country:  United Kingdom - England

Author: Local Government Ombudsmen for England

Article language: en

A Staffordshire care provider has refused to refund a man’s estate after the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman found it put too restrictive care in place for the last nine months of his life.

The man, who had dementia, attempted to take his own life while living in the Barrowhill Hall Care Home in Rocester, run by MOP Healthcare Ltd. Consequently, the care home put in place one-to-one care for 24 hours a day.

This cost the family an extra £2,520 a week. The family complained that the man did not need this level of care, particularly when his dementia progressed, and it was draining the man’s resources. They said as result, he had paid more than £100,000 for this care on top of his normal fees.

An Ombudsman investigation found MOP Healthcare Ltd did not properly assess the man’s mental capacity after he attempted to take his life, and failed to progress a legal document called a ‘Deprivation of Liberty safeguard’ properly.

The company did not consider other less-restrictive options for his care, despite his social worker and a community psychiatric nurse advising he could be kept safe with less limiting measures in place.

The Ombudsman asked MOP Healthcare Ltd to pay the family £1,000 for the distress of having to bring the complaint and review its staff training and how it tracks Deprivation of Liberty safeguards applications to its local council, to ensure similar faults do not happen again. The provider has agreed to these recommendations.

However, the Ombudsman also asked the provider to consider the lower cost had it accepted professionals’ recommendations to reduce the level of care and pay the man’s estate the difference. It has not agreed to carry out this recommendation.

Ms Amerdeep Somal, Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman, said:

“The provider has told us it will not pay the financial recommendation we have made because it says the family could have moved the man from his home at any time.

“I am not satisfied with this provider’s response. It shows no regard for the distress faced by the family witnessing their relative under constant supervision for the last nine months of his life, to the extent this was not lifted even when he was receiving end of life care.

“I will be sharing our findings with the care regulator, the Care Quality Commission.”

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El OAS retoma su andadura con la reunión de la Justicia de Aragón y la directora general del Mayor del Gobierno de Aragón

Date of article: 10/04/2024

Daily News of: 12/04/2024

Country:  Spain - Aragon

Author: Regional Ombudsman of Aragón

Article language: es

La sede del Justiciazgo ha acogido hoy una reunión de la Justicia de Aragón, Concepción Gimeno, y su equipo con la directora general del Mayor del Gobierno de Aragón, Ana Isabel Berges, con el fin de seguir avanzando en la iniciativa del Observatorio Aragonés de la Soledad con nuevas actividades que favorezcan el trabajo comunitario y en red.

El OAS nació del impulso del Justicia, Ángel Dolado, para velar por el bienestar de las personas adultas en soledad no deseada, un objetivo que comparte la Justicia de Aragón, Concepción Gimeno, con el foco en identificar los riesgos de vulnerabilidad que enfrenta la sociedad actual para impulsar acciones concretas que puedan enfrentarlos.

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Ombudsman at the closing conference of the Hiša za otroke project in Zreče

Date of article: 10/04/2024

Daily News of: 12/04/2024

Country:  Slovenia

Author: Human Rights Ombudsman of Slovenia

Article language: en

Today, 10 April 2024, Deputy Ombudsman Dr Jože Ruparčič, responsible for children's rights at the Ombudsman, attended the closing conference of the Hiša za otroke (Children's House) project in Zreče.

The Human Rights Ombudsman (Ombudsman) was among the first in Slovenia to support activities related to the establishment and operation of the Hiša za otroke, with which the state guarantees special and comprehensive treatment in criminal proceedings to children who are victims of crimes against sexual integrity, The Ombudsman regularly advocates for the strengthening of child-friendly justice and for the fact that the child's rights are taken into account, that the child is treated as a subject in various systems and institutions, and not as an object of rights. "This project is a bright example of child-friendly justice, as children are guaranteed only one hearing, or that they receive as few hearings as possible by qualified experts. It is especially important that the entire treatment at the Hiša za otroke also means crisis support and psychosocial help for children, which is provided by qualified counsellors. We would like child-friendly justice to be strengthened in other areas as well, especially in family proceedings. It is important that we all realise that our common goal is to ensure the greatest benefits for children," the Deputy Ombudsman pointed out.

The holistic treatment of children in the Hiša za otroke strives to achieve the greatest benefits for children. This is also an international standard defined in international conventions, such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the so-called Lanzarote Convention, i.e. the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children Against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse. Seeking the best interests of children in all procedures in which they are involved is therefore their right. "If we understand human rights as defined in the relationship between the individual and the state, the child's rights must be understood in the triangle between the child, the family, and the state. By reducing the fear of secondary victimisation and misunderstanding, and knowing that in such difficult cases the justice system is adapted to children, it will be easier for many victims or witnesses to decide whether to hang up the phone or go to the police station and report the crime," added Dr. Ruparčič.

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IOI Ombudsman News 14/2023

Date of article: 12/04/2024

Daily News of: 12/04/2024

Country:  WORLD

Author: International Ombudsman Institute

Article language: en




IOI 13th World Conference

IOI | Registration for the breakout sessions of the IOI World Conference now open

As of Friday 12 April, you can register for the breakout sessions of the 13th IOI World Conference in The Hague. Kindly be aware that there have been some changes in the titles of the sessions and please pay special attention to the changes in the times in the programme.

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AORC/IOI | Re-watch the webinar on “Promoting Human Rights: The Role of Ombudsman Institutions”

On 26 March 2024, the African Ombudsman Research Centre (AORC), in collaboration with the IOI, held a webinar to discuss and understand the crucial role Ombudsman institutions play in safeguarding human rights. In case you missed the live session, or wish to revisit its insights, you can access the recording of this webinar on YouTube.

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The Ombudswoman of Croatia publishes Annual Report

CROATIA | Ombudswoman Submits 2023 Annual Report to the Croatian Parliament

On 29 March 2024, Ombudswoman Tena Šimonović Einwalter submitted a new annual report to the Croatian Parliament. The Ombudswoman’s report for 2023 provides an analysis and assessment of the human rights situation in Croatia, as well as 147 recommendations.

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Report on the implementation of the Agriculture Subsidy Program

MALAWI | Ombudsman releases report on agriculture subsidy program

The Office of the Ombudsman in Malawi has officially released an investigation report following a Systemic Investigation it conducted on the Implementation of the Agriculture Subsidy Program dubbed the Affordable Input Program (AIP).

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Negligencia en un hospital

PERÚ | La Defensoría del Pueblo de Ayacucho pidió a Fiscalía investigar presunta negligencia médica

Tras acoger la queja de una ciudadana, madre de un niño de dos años de edad, quien por una presunta mala práctica médica perdió un dedo de la mano; la Defensoría del Pueblo de Ayacucho pidió al Ministerio Publico abrir las investigaciones del caso.

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Un citoyen porte plainte contre un hôpital qui lui facture sa chambre privée.

CANADA | Hôpital : les chambres médicalement requises ne peuvent pas toujours être facturées

Un proche d’un citoyen en fin de vie porte plainte contre un hôpital qui lui facture sa chambre privée. En raison de son état de santé, le citoyen a été isolé dans cette chambre dès son arrivée.

Veuillez cliquer ici pour lire comment le Protecteur du Citoyen est intervenu dans ce cas. 

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ESPAÑA | El Ararteko recomienda al Ayuntamiento de Lapuebla de Labarca que responda a una denuncia medioambiental y requiera las medidas correctoras necesarias

En abril de 2023 una vecina de Lapuebla de Labarca acudió el Ararteko ante la falta de intervención del Ayuntamiento de esa localidad para corregir las molestias por ruido y por olores provenientes de una actividad de perrera, colindante a su vivienda.

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Pre-retirement leave of two public officers was denied

MALTA | Recommendations not implemented: Addressing inconsistencies in pre-retirement leave for detailed public officers

Pursuant to Article 22(4) of the Ombudsman Act, the Parliamentary Ombudsman, Judge Emeritus Joseph Zammit McKeon, submitted two reports to the House of Representatives in relation to two complaints on inconsistencies in pre-retirement leave for detailed Public Officers.

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El Yuan de Control insta a los Gobiernos a trabajar de manera conjunta para acelerar la construcción de viviendas sociales

YUAN DE CONTROL, TAIWÁN | El Yuan de Control insta a los Gobiernos a trabajar de manera conjunta para acelerar la construcción de viviendas sociales

Para lograr la justicia en materia de vivienda, el Yuan de Control insta a los Gobiernos central y local a trabajar de manera conjunta para acelerar la construcción de viviendas sociales.

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PANAMÁ | Oficiales de derechos humanos se capacitan como observadores electorales de cara al 5 de mayo

Oficiales de derechos humanos de la Defensoría del Pueblo son capacitados en materia electoral respecto al rol que deben cumplir en el marco de derechos humanos de cara a los comicios generales del 5 de mayo próximo.

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Ombudsperson, Naim Qelaj, hosted the Children’s Assembly of the Capital

KOSOVO | The Ombudsperson met the Children’s Assembly of the Capital

The Ombudsperson, Naim Qelaj, hosted the Children’s Assembly of the Capital, a legitimate body representing children in decision-making at the local level, which is an environment where the freedoms and rights of children are constantly promoted.

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Link to the Ombudsman Daily News archives from 2002 to 20 October 2011