Ombudsman says implementation of Government’s plan on Direct Provision is key and he will monitor progress

Date of article: 26/02/2021

Daily News of: 26/02/2021

Country:  Ireland

Author: National Ombudsman of Ireland

Article language: en

Ombudsman Peter Tyndall has welcomed the Government’s White Paper on ‘Ending Direct Provision’, which includes a commitment to phasing out the system over the next four years. However, he says that implementation of the White Paper’s commitments will be key and he will monitor progress and feature updates in his regular reports.

The Ombudsman said:

“My own outreach programme and my visits to centres have made me acutely aware of the stressful and inappropriate circumstances faced by residents of direct provision. I particularly welcome the decision to move to own-door accommodation for families and to end room-sharing for single people, practices I have consistently criticised in reports.”

The Ombudsman said that the commitment to integration is particularly important and the move from remote rural locations will be an important enabler of this.

The Ombudsman will also seek to ensure that while commitments are being implemented, the living conditions of people remaining in current Direct Provision centres are not overlooked. The White Paper addresses many of the issues raised in complaints to the Ombudsman’s Office including the ability to obtain driving licences.

The Ombudsman welcomed the continued engagement on addressing the current difficulties protection applicants face in opening back accounts. He said that these are practical issues that can help people live a relatively normal life while waiting on their asylum application to be processed.

In March the Ombudsman will be publishing a commentary on the issues raised in complaints to his Office in 2020.


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Progetto TERREFERME: percorsi formativi per l'accoglienza familiare di minori migranti soli

Date of article: 26/02/2021

Daily News of: 26/02/2021

Country:  Italy - Veneto

Author: Regional Ombudsman of Veneto

Article language: it

CNCA e Unicef Italia propongono, anche per l'anno 2021, il ciclo di incontri formativi sull'affido familiare di minorenni migranti soli (Progetto TERREFERME).
Destinatari dell'iniziativa sono, preferibilmente, famiglie e cittadini che desiderano sperimentarsi nel sostegno e nell’accoglienza di minorenni migranti soli e operatori pubblici e del privato sociale che si occupano del sistema di welfare e accoglienza.

Il corso si articola in cinque incontri on line che si svolgeranno di sabato, ore 10.00-12.30.

Per il 2021, sono previste tre edizioni del corso:
- 1a edizione: 27 febbraio, 13 marzo, 27 marzo, 10 aprile, 24 aprile
- 2a edizione: 8 maggio, 22 maggio, 5 giugno, 19 giugno, 26 giugno
- 3a edizione: 2 ottobre, 16 ottobre, 23 ottobre, 6 novembre, 20 novembre.
La partecipazione è gratuita, previa iscrizione.

Sono stati inoltre previsti alcuni appuntamenti, sempre on line, di presentazione del progetto TERREFERME, secondo il calendario riportato nel volantino illustrativo allegato in calce.

TERREFERME è un progetto realizzato da UNICEF e CNCA, come parte della misura europea Child Guarantee in Italia e nell’ambito del programma di attuazione della legge 47/2017 e delle Linee di indirizzo per l’affidamento familiare.

Per informazioni, si rinvia alla documentazione allegata in calce e ai contatti nella stessa indicati.


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IOI Ombudsman News 08/2021

Date of article: 26/02/2021

Daily News of: 26/02/2021

Country:  WORLD

Author: International Ombudsman Institute

Article language: en


IOI | President urges all Ombudsman institutions to review schemes to ensure consistency with Venice Principles

On 23 February the African Ombudsman Research Centre (AORC) hosted a Webinar, in collaboration with the IOI, to discuss the UN Resolution on Ombudsman and Mediators. IOI President Peter Tyndall spoke at the webinar, along with IOI Secretary General Werner Amon, and the Médiateur of the Kingdom of Morocco, Judge Mohamed Benalilou.

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USA | USOA hosts virtual training on poverty, race and consciousness

The United States Ombudsman Association (USOA) hosted a four-hour virtual training on 22 October 2020, entitled “Poverty, Race, and Consciousness”. The presenters were Dr. Shariff Abdullah and Dr. Donna M. Beegle.  There were 98 individuals registered for the event, 17 of which were IOI members. The event was funded by an IOI subvention. 

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Ireland Ombudsman For Children Dr Niall Muldoon

IRELAND | Dr Niall Muldoon is Reappointed to Role of Ombudsman for Children

The Ombudsman for Children Dr Niall Muldoon has been formally re-appointed to his role for another term by the President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins.

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new-zealand om annual-report 2019 20 cover

NEW ZEALAND | Annual Report – a strong year in a time of crisis

Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier says holding government to account is never more important than in a time of crisis.


Mr Boshier says the highlight of the year ending 30 June 2020 was managing a busy, and expanding, programme of work, while providing independent oversight of the impact of government actions to combat COVID-19.

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argentina ppn covid19-nueva-estatistica 20210222

ARGENTINA | COVID-19: nuevo reporte estadístico de la PPN

La Procuración Penitenciaria de la Nación presenta un nuevo reporte estadístico a enero de 2021 sobre la situación de las personas privadas de la libertad ante la actual emergencia sanitaria. El documento muestra una estabilidad de la población encarcelada en el SPF desde hace más de 6 meses, luego del descenso producido en los primeros dos meses de la pandemia y, por otro lado, alerta sobre un nuevo récord de personas alojadas en centros de detención no penitenciarios de la Policía de la CABA.

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Casebook 2020 - Queensland Ombudsman

AUSTRALIA | New casebook to help public sector agencies to improve decision-making

Casebook 2020: Helping agencies to improve decision-making is a new publication from the Office of the Queensland Ombudsman, containing a sample of the outcomes that the Office achieved for Queenslanders through its investigations.

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Reporte Semanal de Derechos Humanos en Perspectiva Internacional

AMÉRICA LATINA | 6. Reporte semanal “Derechos humanos en perspectiva internacional”

Les hacemos llegar el 6. Reporte Semanal de “Derechos Humanos en Perspectiva Internacional” (13 – 19 de febrero de 2021), elaborado por el Programa de Observación y Asistencia para el Fortalecimiento de las Defensorías del Pueblo, que forma parte de la Unidad de Política Institucional de la Defensoría del Pueblo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina).

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SOUTH KOREA | ACRC will turn People's Ideas into institutional improvement

An idea for institutional improvement on People's Idea Box with many likes and responds will be reflected in institutional improvement or policy suggestion process.

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SERBIA | Following Protector of Citizens’ intervention, professional employees in social welfare centers engaged

Acting on the Protector of Citizens’ recommendation on emergency employment of professional employees in social welfare centers throughout Serbia, the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veteran and Social Policy obtained the consent of the Government of Serbia to employ a total of 187 new professional workers on an indefinite-term basis, 108 of whom will be employed in social welfare centers.

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ESPAÑA | Los defensores del pueblo hacen frente común para pedir adecuar los requisitos de residencia de los menores migrantes

La exigencia de disponer de recursos propios con unos ingresos mínimos para la renovación de la autorización de residencia en propicia la exclusión social y laboral


Piden la modificación del Reglamento de la Ley de extranjería con la idea de que se elimine esta interpretación restrictiva

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UK | Council to apologise to pupil left without a school for more than a year

Leicestershire County Council has agreed to apologise and pay a teenager £7,200 after it left her without a school place for nearly 14 months at a critical time in her education.

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(Equinet) Equality Today | Issue 9 | Februray 2021

Date of article: 26/02/2021

Daily News of: 26/02/2021

Country:  EUROPE

Author: European network of equality bodies - EQUINET

Article language: en



New Publications Library 

Looking for a specific Equinet publication? Now you can easily access all our Policy Papers, Reports, Research Papers, Handbooks, and our Promotional material here.    


Equality&Covid-19: Learnings from Equality Bodies 

“This is our opportunity to emerge stronger by creating opportunities for the world of tomorrow and not just building contingencies for the world of yesterday” said President Ursula von der Leyen  in her State of the Union Adress 2020 on the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent economic recovery. What do these challenges mean for the work of Equality Bodies?
Read our new Perspective “Equality in the Time of Covid-19: Learning from Equality Body Initiatives”, which explores how Equality Bodies have refocused their work in light of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic here!
Don’t have much time to read? Here’s a short summary of the whole perspective.   




REPORT - Unia takes a stand for getting along together, even in times of corona crisis 

Unia has published a report on the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on human rights. Read the article in English here! 

REPORT – Government's blurred lines on Covid emergency powers exposed in new research 

A new report by the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission shows concerns that the Government’s Covid-19 emergency powers lack a focus on human rights and equality. Find out more here!


PRESS RELEASE - Intellectual disability and school inclusion: Belgium again condemned by the European Committee of Social Rights. 
Read the joint press release here.


Equality Blog

Our Equinet blogpost “The Other Pandemic: Systemic Racism and its Consequences” by Jone Elizondo-Urrestarazu, is now available in Spanish! Read La Otra Pandemia: El Racismo Sistémico Y Sus Consecuencias” here. 


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El tratamiento informativo de la trata de niñas y niños con fines de explotación sexual

Date of article: 25/02/2021

Daily News of: 26/02/2021

Country:  Spain - Andalucía

Author: Regional Ombudsman of Andalucía

Article language: es

DECÁLOGO DE BUENAS PRÁCTICAS PARA MEDIOS DE COMUNICACIÓN. El tratamiento informativo de la trata de niñas y niños con fines de explotación sexual

Este Decálogo presenta diez ideas básicas para hacer frente al tratamiento informatico de los casos en el que las niñas y niños hayan podido sufrir explotación sexual. 

El decálogo ha sido realizado en el marco del convenio “Fortalecer sistemas integrales de protección de niños, niñas y adolescentes ante la trata y tráfico con fines de explotación sexual comercial, contribuyendo al ejercicio de su derecho a una vida libre de violencia” financiado por la Agencia Española de Cooperación para el Desarrollo. Desarrollado por la Federación de Asociaciones para la Prevención del Maltrato Infantil FAPMI-ECPAT España para Fundación EDUCO.

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