CHR addressed the Equality and Human Rights Commission re withdrawal of nutrition and hydration from Polish citizen

Date of article: 21/01/2021

Daily News of: 22/01/2021

Country:  Poland

Author: Polish Ombudsman

Article language: en

The Commissioner for Human Rights addressed the Chairwoman of the Board of Commissioners Equality and Human Rights Commission regarding withdrawal of nutrition and hydration from Polish citizen (referred to as RS) who is currently hospitalised in the University Hospital Plymouth NHS Trust in Great Britain. According to media coverage, RS was admitted to the hospital following a heart attack. His condition deteriorated and patient fell into a coma after suffering brain damage. The doctors at the University Hospital Plymouth NHS Trust concluded that it was in his best interests to withdraw all life-sustaining treatment. Doctors’ decision was accepted by patient’s wife and children, but the man’s mother, sisters and niece disagreed with the decision and claimed that being a Catholic, RS would not have wanted his life to be terminated if it could be preserved. The dispute was submitted to the Court of Protection. The Hospital applied for a declaration that “RS (...) lacks capacity to consent or refuse medical treatment, including ventilation and CANH (that is, feeding and hydration) and for an order that it is lawful and in his best interests for ventilation and for food and hydration to be withdrawn and for such palliative care as is appropriate to be provided in order to maximise his dignity and ensure he does not suffer unnecessarily”. Justice Cohen, after hearing RS’s family members, granted the declaration and stated that “it is for the Trust and RS’s wife to decide between themselves whether hydration is to be withdrawn”. RS’s niece sought permission to appeal, but her application was refused by the Court of Appeal. Members of RS’s family unsuccessfully tried to challenge the decision of the Court of Appeal before the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). RS’ mother, sisters and niece submitted another application for permission to appeal from the decision of the Court of Protection, but the application was dismissed. Then, members of RS’s family submitted another application to the ECHR, but the application was refused. Currently, members of RS’s family are undertaking actions aiming at obtaining a permit to transport RS to Poland. It should be underlined that one of the Polish hospitals expressed its readiness to admit the Polish citizen. Actions have been undertaken also by Polish authorities. A special group petition aiming at protection of RS interests has been already signed by over 15 thousands citizens.

The Commissioner for Human Rights emphasised that there can be observed significant differences in regulations concerning the possibility of withdrawing treatment or discontinuing hydration and nutrition in different European countries. The lack of European consensus among States in favour of permitting the withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment was pointed out by the European Court of Human Rights in the case Lambert and others v. France(application no. 46043/14). The Court stated that in the sphere, which concerns one of the fundamental rights,

namely the right to life, States must be afforded a margin of appreciation. In particular, the issue of withdrawal of hydration and nutrition raises substantial controversy among lawyers, doctors and ethicists. Some specialists, while allowing the withdrawal of futile therapy, exclude the possibility of stopping hydration and nutrition. They perceive these interventions as a part of primary care rather than as a treatment that can be discontinued. For example the Polish Working Group on End-of-Life Ethics, which proposed the definition of “persistent therapy”, indicated that this definition cannot be extended to primary care treatments, such as pain relief or feeding and hydration, as long as they serve the well-being of the patient. There is no dispute that the decision regarding the possibility of stopping hydration and nutrition as well as the decision regarding the possibility of transporting RS to Poland should primarily serve patient’s best interest. However, understanding of the concept of “patient’s best interest” is culturally, ideologically and religiously conditioned. Therefore, according to the Commissioner for Human Rights, those differences that can be observed in legal regulations and social attitudes towards the approach to the end of life treatment in Poland and United Kingdom should be considered in the case of RS. Taking into account broader cultural context would help to correctly establish presumed patient’s will. Additionally it would make the decision more socially acceptable.


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El Síndic pide a la JEC ampliar el plazo para solicitar el voto desde el exterior al menos cuatro días más

Date of article: 21/01/2021

Daily News of: 22/01/2021

Country:  Spain - Catalonia

Author: Regional Ombudsman of Catalonia

Article language: es

La LOREG y el Acuerdo de la Junta Electoral Central fijaban el plazo para solicitar el voto desde el exterior del 22 de diciembre al 19 de enero

La publicación del Decreto 1/2021 ha suspendido la convocatoria de elecciones durante cuatro días y los potenciales electores del exterior dejaron de llevar a cabo las gestiones dirigidas a pedir el voto


El Decreto 147/2020, de 21 de diciembre, establecía la disolución automática del Parlamento de Cataluña y convocaba unas nuevas elecciones al Parlamento de Cataluña para el próximo 14 de febrero.

De acuerdo con el calendario y electoral que marca la LOREG, los ciudadanos de Cataluña residentes en el exterior (censo CERA) y aquellos temporalmente ausentes (censo ERTA) podían pedir el voto desde el exterior (voto rogado) entre el 22 de diciembre de 2020 y el 16 de enero de 2021. la Junta Electoral Central aprobó un acuerdo por el que, con carácter excepcional, se ampliaba el plazo para solicitar el voto desde el exterior hasta el 19 de enero.

Con la publicación del Decreto 1/2021, de 15 de enero, como consecuencia de la crisis derivada de la pandemia causada por la COVID, se dejó sin efecto la celebración de las elecciones al Parlamento de Cataluña del 14 de febrero de 2021. Este decreto, contra el que se ha recurrido ante el Tribunal Superior de Justicia y de Cataluña, fue suspendido cautelarmente el 19 de enero.

Así pues, durante cuatro días (entre el 15 y el 19 de enero), la convocatoria de elecciones ha sido suspendida y, por tanto, los potenciales electores del exterior dejaron de llevar a cabo las gestiones dirigidas a pedir el voto.

La situación en que se encontraba el procedimiento de solicitud de voto desde el exterior después de la aprobación del Decreto 1/2021 era que los catalanes residentes en el extranjero disponían todavía de cuatro días para poder tramitar su solicitud para poder votar. Hoy, sin embargo, este plazo ya ha expirado.

Ante este hecho, con la voluntad de garantizar el derecho de sufragio activo de los ciudadanos residentes en el extranjero, y de los temporalmente ausentes, el Síndic pide a la Junta Electoral Central ampliar, al menos cuatro días más, el plazo para poder pedir el voto desde el exterior.

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IOI Ombudsman News, 03/2021

Date of article: 22/01/2021

Daily News of: 22/01/2021

Country:  WORLD

Author: International Ombudsman Institute

Article language: en


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(EP) Zugang zu angemessenem Wohnraum sollte europäisches Grundrecht sein

Date of article: 21/01/2021

Daily News of: 22/01/2021

Country:  EUROPE

Author: European Parliament

Article language: de

  • Angemessener Wohnraum soll hochwertiges Trinkwasser und Sanitärversorgung einschließen

  • Forderung nach einem EU-weiten Ziel zur Beendigung der Obdachlosigkeit bis 2030

  • Wohnkosten sollten per Gesetz erschwinglich gehalten werden

 Die EU soll Zugang zu angemessenem und erschwinglichem Wohnraum als durchsetzbares Menschenrecht anerkennen und die Beseitigung von Obdachlosigkeit vorantreiben, so die Abgeordneten.

In der Entschließung, die am Donnerstag mit 352 Stimmen bei 179 Gegenstimmen und 152 Enthaltungen angenommen wurde, heißt es, dass angemessener Wohnraum den Zugang zu sauberem und hochwertigem Trinkwasser, angemessener Sanitärversorgung und Hygiene sowie den Anschluss an Abwasser- und Wassernetze umfassen muss. Das Recht auf angemessenen Wohnraum sollte durch geltende europäische und nationale Rechtsvorschriften als grundlegendes Menschenrecht durchsetzbar sein.

Auf EU-Ebene sollten verbindliche Mindestanforderungen für gesunde Wohnräume, unter anderem in Bezug auf die Luftqualität in Innenräumen, eingeführt werden, die mindestens den WHO-Leitlinien entsprechen, fordern die Abgeordneten. Außerdem verlangen sie von der Kommission und den Mitgliedsstaaten, der Verringerung von Emissionen und der Energieeffizienz durch Gebäuderenovierungen Vorrang einzuräumen.

Beseitigung der Wohnungslosigkeit bis 2030


Die Wohnungslosenquoten sind in den letzten zehn Jahren in vielen Mitgliedstaaten aufgrund steigender Wohnkosten und des Einfrierens oder der Kürzung von Sozialprogrammen und ‑leistungen gestiegen. Die Entschließung bekräftigt die frühere Forderung des Parlaments nach einem EU-weiten Ziel zur Beseitigung der Wohnungslosigkeit bis 2030. Darüber hinaus sollten außergewöhnliche Maßnahmen zur Verhinderung von Obdachlosigkeit und zum Schutz obdachloser Menschen in der Coronakrise aufrechterhalten werden - insbesondere Moratorien für Zwangsräumungen und für die Abstellung der Energieversorgung sowie die Bereitstellung vorübergehender Unterkünfte.

Wohnraum erschwinglich halten

Die Abgeordneten fordern die Mitgliedsstaaten sowie die regionalen und lokalen Behörden auf, rechtliche Bestimmungen, einzuführen, um die Rechte von Mietern und Eigenheimbesitzern zu schützen. Eine Wohnung gilt als erschwinglich, sofern dem Bewohner nach Erbringung der dafür fälligen Kosten zumindest die Mittel für sonstige grundlegende Ausgaben für ein menschenwürdiges Leben zur Verfügung stehen. Während dieser Schwellenwert derzeit bei 40% liegt, geben mehr als ein Viertel der europäischen Mieter, die zu Marktpreisen mieten, einen höheren Prozentsatz ihres Einkommens für die Miete aus, wobei die Mieten im Durchschnitt stetig steigen.

Schließlich weisen die Abgeordneten darauf hin, dass das expansive Wachstum im Bereich der Kurzzeitvermietung dazu führt, dass Wohnraum vom Markt verschwindet und die Preise steigen, was sich negativ auf die Lebensqualität in städtischen und touristischen Zentren auswirken kann.


Berichterstatterin Kim VAN SPARRENTAK sagte: „Die europäischen Vorschriften sind oft besser geeignet, die auf dem Wohnungsmarkt erzielten Gewinne zu schützen als die Menschen, die ein Dach über dem Kopf brauchen. Die EU muss mehr tun und alle verfügbaren Instrumente nutzen, um zusammen mit den Mitgliedsstaaten diesen Menschen zu helfen. Der Bericht bietet konkrete Lösungen, um auf allen Ebenen entsprechende Maßnahmen zu ergreifen. Wir können die Wohnungskrise lösen, wenn wir es wollen, und wir können die Obdachlosigkeit bis 2030 beenden."


Nach Schätzungen von Eurofound kostet unangemessener Wohnraum die Volkswirtschaften der EU jedes Jahr 195 Milliarden Euro. Eine wachsende Zahl von Menschen in der EU kann sich Wohnraum nur schwer leisten und gibt unverhältnismäßig viel dafür aus. Insbesondere Alleinerziehende, kinderreiche Familien und junge Menschen, die in den Arbeitsmarkt eintreten, stellen fest, dass ihr Einkommen nicht ausreicht, um marktübliche Mieten bestreiten zu können, aber zu hoch, um für Sozialwohnungen in Frage zu kommen.

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Cancer Patient Dies Without Suitable Palliative Care: Ombudsman Investigation

Date of article: 22/01/2021

Daily News of: 22/01/2021

Country:  United Kingdom - Wales

Author: Public Services Ombudsman for Wales

Article language: en

A cancer patient died without suitable end-of-life care following surgery, an Ombudsman investigation has revealed.

Mrs W (anonymised) complained about the care provided to her husband, Mr W, (anonymised) by Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board, following his oesophageal (relating to the food pipe between the throat and stomach) cancer surgery in February 2018.

Mrs W said that Mr W never really recovered after his surgery; he struggled to eat and became emaciated, immobile, incontinent and depressed. Although palliative support was eventually arranged, this was only arranged just two weeks before Mr W died in September 2018.

Consequently, relevant palliative care aids, such as a commode and a hospital bed, were still in the process of being delivered and installed and Mr W never had the benefit of them.

Mrs W said that witnessing her husband’s slow deterioration and death as his sole carer and without advice or support left her with feelings of pure terror and helplessness that would stay with her forever. She said could not understand why Mr W was not given the help and support that he needed and deserved.

The Ombudsman found that there were communication failures around explaining diagnosis, prognosis and likely outcomes to the patient and provide providing psychosocial support and specialist dietetic support before, during and after his surgery.

The Ombudsman concluded that there was no evidence that the Health Board provided adequate and appropriate palliative post-discharge care and support to the patient and his family following his unsuccessful surgery and failed to deal with the requests from the patient’s family for contact and support promptly.

Swansea Bay and Cwm Taf Morgannwg Health Boards, have agreed to a number of recommendations including a written apology for Mrs W and to implement compulsory training for all doctors and nurses treating and managing patients with gastro-intestinal cancer, covering advanced communication skills and the need for patient involvement in care.

Commenting on the report, Public Services Ombudsman for Wales, Nick Bennett, said:

“This is a deeply shocking case where a man has died without suitable end-of-life care, and sadly, I think that both Mr and Mrs W’s human rights are likely to have been compromised.

“Mr and Mrs W were not given the time to prepare for his eventual outcome, both mentally and with suitable palliative care aids and support. This impacted on Mr W’s rights as an individual, and on both his and Mrs W’s rights as part of wider family life.

“This is particularly important at the end of someone’s life and the failures identified therefore represent serious injustices to both Mr and Mrs W.

“The lack of support given to Mrs W has left her with unimaginable emotional pain and I can only hope my investigation brings her some small comfort.”


For further information please contact Matt Aplin, Head of Communications and Public Affairs, at or call 07957 440846.

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