El Defensor del Pueblo va a abrir una actuación de oficio sobre la situación de los damnificados por el volcán Cumbre Vieja

Date of article: 14/01/2022

Daily News of: 17/01/2022

Country:  Spain

Author: National Ombudsman of Spain

Article language: es

El Defensor del Pueblo, además de valorar y atender la queja registrada esta mañana en la Institución por un colectivo de afectados por el volcán Cumbre Vieja en la isla de La Palma, va a abrir una actuación de oficio sobre la situación de los damnificados por los efectos producidos por el volcán en esa isla canaria, y sobre la respuesta de las administraciones a esta situación sobrevenida.

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Social Benefit for Inclusion. Ombudsman welcomes regulation but emphasizes that there are still serious situations that need to be safeguarded

Date of article: 13/01/2022

Daily News of: 17/01/2022

Country:  Portugal

Author: National Ombudsman of Portugal

Article language: en

The Ombudsman sent a letter to the Secretary of State for Inclusion of Disabled Persons, in which she notes as positive the approval of Administrative Rule no. 230/2021, of 29 October, nevertheless drawing attention to the persistence of serious situations of social unprotection.


The aforementioned Ministerial Order made it possible to render feasible the entitlement to Social Inclusion Benefit (PSI) for persons who acquired or developed a disability after the age of 55 or who, having acquired a disability or incapacity before the age of 55, only requested the respective certification at a later date. Thus, one of the recommendations made in the Recommendation that the Ombudsman addressed in February 2020 to the Minister of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security, regarding several issues related to the PSI, was accepted.

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Reunión sobre la situación de la trata de seres humanos

Date of article: 13/01/2022

Daily News of: 17/01/2022

Country:  Spain

Author: National Ombudsman of Spain

Article language: es

La institución Defensor del Pueblo ha mantenido un encuentro con la Embajada de los Estados Unidos, respondiendo a su solicitud de colaboración, para contribuir a la elaboración de su próximo informe sobre análisis y experiencias de la trata de seres humanos en España.  Elena Arce, responsable del Área de Migraciones e Igualdad de Trato, y Carmen Comas-Mata, de Relaciones Internacionales, han participado en la reunión en la que se ha abordado la situación de este asunto en España y en qué modo afecta al respecto a los derechos humanos.

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Over 118,000 people with disabilities and health problems are facing injustice by the Department of Work and Pensions after being denied the right to compensation following a government blunder over benefit payments, the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman has said today.

Date of article: 13/01/2022

Daily News of: 17/01/2022

Country:  United Kingdom

Author: Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

Article language: en

Ombudsman Rob Behrens is calling on the Government to urgently rectify the injustice, something which it is so far refusing to do.


The call comes after a PHSO investigation revealed a seriously ill woman had her benefits payments severely cut by around £80 a week due to a government blunder, leaving her unable to heat her home and buy food. The same error has affected over 118,000 people with disabilities and health problems but they are being denied the opportunity to claim compensation for the same mistake.


62-year-old Ms U, who lives alone, should have received her Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) payments in full when she was moved from Incapacity Benefit. But like thousands of others her benefits payments were mistakenly cut.

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El Defensor del Pueblo recibe en la sede de la institución al Defensor del Pueblo andaluz

Date of article: 13/01/2022

Daily News of: 17/01/2022

Country:  Spain

Author: National Ombudsman of Spain

Article language: es

El Defensor del Pueblo, Ángel Gabilondo, se ha reunido hoy en la sede de la Institución con el Defensor del Pueblo Andaluz, Jesús Maeztu. 


Se trata del primer encuentro institucional entre ambos desde que Ángel Gabilondo tomara posesión de su cargo como Defensor del Pueblo.


El Defensor del Pueblo, que también se ha reunido ya con otros comisionados autonómicos, ha mostrado a Maetzu su intención de impulsar la colaboración entre ambas instituciones.

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