Getting an appointment with the child welfare supervisor took too long: Deputy-Ombudsman issued a reprimand and proposed recompense

Date of article: 12/01/2022

Daily News of: 17/01/2022

Country:  Finland

Author: Finnish Parliamentary Ombudsman

Article language: en

The Deputy-Ombudsman Maija Sakslin issued a reprimand to the Joint Authority for Health Care and Social Services in Kymenlaakso (Kymsote) which has acted unlawfully in neglecting the proper organisation of child welfare supervisor services.


The Deputy-Ombudsman also proposed recompense for one complainant. A long waiting time to meet with the child welfare officer thus caused the family financial losses since the child had been left without confirmed child maintenance and entitlement to maintenance support. 

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Dossier de la semaine. Agrément des professions de santé

Date of article: 12/01/2022

Daily News of: 12/01/2022

Country:  Belgium - Wallonia and Federation of Wallonia-Brussels

Author: Regional Ombudsman of Wallonia and Federation of Wallonia-Brussels

Article language: fr

Les faits

Mme F. effectue une demande de valorisation des acquis auprès de la Direction des Agréments des Professions de Santé et ne comprend pas la décision reçue.

En effet, elle dit être assistante en médecine générale et antérieurement assistante en médecine d'urgence. Elle explique avoir effectué une année de formation de médecine d'urgence (composée de 3 mois de gériatrie, 3 mois de gastroentérologie et 6 mois d'urgences). Elle explique que son année a été validée par la Commission d'agrément de médecine d'urgences.

Elle introduit alors une demande pour que cette année soit revalorisée comme une année de médecine générale.

Or, la décision reçue évoque une valorisation d’une formation de 6 mois en chirurgie plastique. Elle tente de joindre le service concerné en vain, elle saisit donc le Médiateur.

L'intervention du Médiateur

Face à l’incohérence de la décision émise, le Médiateur interpelle l’Administration pour signaler l’erreur commise.

L’issue de la médiation

L’Administration vérifie le dossier de Mme F. et confirme qu’il s’agit d’une erreur dans la rédaction de la décision. Une nouvelle décision lui a donc été transmise, accordant la revalorisation demandée.

Attention : chaque cas évoqué ne peut pas nécessairement être généralisé à d’autres situations. En effet, quand il traite une réclamation, le Médiateur examine la situation concrète et prend en compte les arguments invoqués et les pièces probantes apportées.

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Encuentro con el Defensor del Pueblo Vasco

Date of article: 11/01/2022

Daily News of: 12/01/2022

Country:  Spain

Author: National Ombudsman of Spain

Article language: es

El Defensor del Pueblo, Ángel Gabilondo, se ha reunido hoy en Vitoria con el Defensor del Pueblo Vasco (Ararteko), Manuel Lezertua. 

Ángel Gabilondo ha visitado la sede del Ararteko en su primera visita oficial al País Vasco desde que tomó posesión de su cargo como Defensor del Pueblo el pasado 18 de noviembre.

El Defensor ha mostrado su intención de impulsar la colaboración entre ambas instituciones. En este sentido, Gabilondo considera que se debe proseguir en la línea de cooperación entre el Defensor del Pueblo y los defensores autonómicos con el objetivo de velar por los derechos de los ciudadanos y las libertades públicas.

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Focolai in alcuni istituti penitenziari, il garante: “prestare la massima attenzione”

Date of article: 11/01/2022

Daily News of: 12/01/2022

Country:  Italy - Marches

Author: Garante regionale dei diritti della persona (Regional Ombudsman of Marches)

Article language: it

Giulianelli richiama l’attenzione sulla necessità di effettuare quanto prima le terze dosi e di valutare la situazione sanitaria nel suo complesso. La consueta azione di monitoraggio prosegue con collegamenti da remoto

L’emergenza Coronavirus non risparmia gli istituti penitenziari marchigiani. “Una situazione che – evidenzia il Garante regionale Giancarlo Giulianelli – desta ovviamente preoccupazione su diversi fronti. Nell’ambito del nostro consueto monitoraggio abbiamo appreso che durante le ultime settimane si sono sviluppati diversi focolai in alcune strutture carcerarie. Nonostante l’attivazione di tutti i protocolli previsti, l’aumento generalizzato dei contagi ha purtroppo varcato anche le soglie degli istituti”.
Giulianelli richiama l’attenzione sulla necessità di effettuare quanto prima le terze dosi e di prestare attenzione alla situazione sanitaria nel suo complesso, che già da tempo presenta diverse criticità.
“Sappiano che lo sforzo comune messo in campo in tutti i settori per fronteggiare la pandemia è notevole e che le difficoltà sono altrettanto considerevoli. Il nostro auspicio – conclude Giulianelli – è che anche per il mondo carcerario ci sia la dovuta attenzione. Questo per evitare che i problemi esistenti vadano ad acuirsi e per salvaguardare la salute dei detenuti e di quanti operano quotidianamente negli istituti penitenziari”.
Il Garante proseguirà l’azione di monitoraggio da remoto, garantendo in questo mondo una presenza costante ed i colloqui richiesti dai detenuti, che non si sono fermati anche durante il periodo festivo.

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Deputy-Ombudsman Sakslin: shortcomings in treating pain patients

Date of article: 10/01/2022

Daily News of: 12/01/2022

Country:  Finland

Author: Finnish Parliamentary Ombudsman

Article language: en

Maija Sakslin, Deputy-Ombudsman, gave a decision on a complaint made by 913 persons concerning the treatment of pain patients. The Deputy-Ombudsman has identified shortcomings in the realisation of adequate health services for patients with pain, especially in relation to adequate resources, competent personnel and smooth care chains. In its oversight of legality, the Deputy-Ombudsman will monitor the fulfilment of the rights of pain patients.

According to a report related to the matter, patients have access to pain clinics within the time required by law, except in one hospital district. Valvira’s task is to monitor the deadlines for access to specialised medical care, so Sakslin asked Valvira to take the measures it deems necessary in this case as part of supervising the care guarantee.

In all hospital districts, the responses of pain clinics highlighted the already prevailing shortage of competent professionals. Almost without exception, the responses also raised concerns about the provision of services in the future, as special experts in pain management will retire. The increased number of referrals and the resulting need to provide more services were also seen as a challenge.

Carrying out statutory duties

According to the Constitution of Finland, public authorities have an obligation to ensure adequate health services and that fundamental and human rights are realised. The Deputy-Ombudsman emphasised that hospital districts have an obligation to reserve sufficient resources in order to perform their statutory duties. The Deputy-Ombudsman considered it understandable that recruiting staff with special expertise in pain management can be challenging if competent personnel are not available. The Deputy-Ombudsman expressed her serious concerns about the current insufficiency of competent personnel and about ensuring that there are enough competent personnel in the future.

The Deputy-Ombudsman asked the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health to state what measures it will take to ensure the good care of pain patients, adequate health services and sufficient competent personnel in primary healthcare and specialised medical care as well as in future welfare areas. 

The full text of Deputy-Ombudsman Maija Sakslin’s decision 8381/2020 was published (in Finnish) on the Parliamentary Ombudsman’s website at

Further information is available from Anne Ilkka, Senior Secretary to the Ombudsman, tel. +358 9 432 3346.


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