(CoE) Commissioner O'Flaherty calls for greater efforts to protect press freedom

Date of article: 02/05/2024

Daily News of: 06/05/2024

Country:  EUROPE

Author: CoE - Commissioner for Human Rights

Article language: en

Ahead of World Press Freedom Day 2024, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Michael O’Flaherty, issued the following statement:

“Despite a growing awareness of the importance of the press for democracy and of the threats it faces, journalists across Europe face increasing challenges.

Government repression, and a worrying lack of accountability for crimes committed against journalists contribute to a culture of fear and self-censorship. Moreover, the use of vague criminal charges and abusive lawsuits to stifle independent reporting remains a widespread problem. 

Addressing these issues requires police protection for journalists, thorough effective investigations of crimes committed against them, and legislative reforms to protect media professionals from undue pressure. It is also essential to promote awareness and a political discourse that supports journalists. These measures are crucial both for the protection of journalists and to uphold the public's right to have access to information.

An independent, pluralist and ethical press is a public good which serves the public interest. It requires a safe and secure environment. I will play my part in ensuring that journalists can work freely and safely, so that the press can continue to perform its essential role in a democratic society.”

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Judgment of the Court in Case C-670/22 | M.N. (EncroChat)

Date of article: 30/04/2024

Daily News of: 06/05/2024

Country:  EUROPE

Author: Court of Justice of the European Union

Article language: en




Luxembourg, 30 April 2024

Judgment of the Court in Case C-670/22 | M.N. (EncroChat)

EncroChat: the Court of Justice clarifies the conditions for the transmission and use of evidence in criminal cases with a cross-border dimension

In the context of criminal proceedings in Germany concerning illegal drug trafficking involving the use of the encrypted telecommunications service EncroChat, the Court of Justice clarifies certain conditions for the transmission and use of evidence under the Directive regarding the European Investigation Order (EIO) in criminal matters.

Thus, an EIO for the transmission of evidence already gathered by another Member State may, under certain conditions, be issued by a public prosecutor. The conditions applicable to the gathering of evidence in the issuing State do not need to have been satisfied in order for the EIO to be issued. It must, however, be possible for compliance with the fundamental rights of the persons concerned to be judicially reviewed subsequently. Moreover, an interception measure carried out by one Member State on the territory of another Member State must be notified in good time to that other Member State. The criminal courts must, under certain conditions, disregard evidence when the person concerned is not in a position to comment on that evidence. (...)

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Urteil des Gerichtshofs in der Rechtssache C-178/22 | Procura della Repubblica presso il Tribunale di Bolzano

Date of article: 30/04/2024

Daily News of: 06/05/2024

Country:  EUROPE

Author: Court of Justice of the European Union

Article language: de

Link: https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2024-04/cp240076de.pdf

Languages available: bg es cs da de et el en fr hr ga it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv


Luxemburg, den 30. April 2024

Urteil des Gerichtshofs in der Rechtssache C-178/22 | Procura della Repubblica presso il Tribunale di Bolzano

Privatleben und Verfolgung schwerer Straftaten: Das Gericht, das für die Genehmigung des Zugangs zu Telefonverbindungsdaten zur Ermittlung der Täter einer Straftat zuständig ist, für deren Verfolgung das nationale Recht einen solchen Zugang vorsieht, muss befugt sein, diesen Zugang zu verweigern oder einzuschränken

Nach italienischem Recht gehört der schwere Diebstahl zu den Straftaten, die es rechtfertigen, dass nach vorheriger richterlicher Genehmigung von einem Betreiber elektronischer Kommunikationsdienste Telefonverbindungsdaten erlangt werden. Der Gerichtshof ist der Ansicht, dass der Zugang zu solchen Daten nur in Bezug auf Daten von Personen gewährt werden darf, die im Verdacht stehen, in eine schwere Straftat verwickelt zu sein, und stellt klar, dass es Sache der Mitgliedstaaten ist, die „schweren Straftaten“ zu definieren. Allerdings muss das für die Genehmigung dieses Zugangs zuständige Gericht befugt sein, diesen Zugang zu verweigern oder einzuschränken, wenn es feststellt, dass der durch den Zugang verursachte Eingriff in die Grundrechte auf Achtung des Privatlebens und auf Schutz personenbezogener Daten einen schweren Eingriff darstellt, und demgegenüber offensichtlich ist, dass es sich bei der betreffenden Straftat angesichts der im betreffenden Mitgliedstaat vorherrschenden gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen nicht um eine schwere Straftat handelt. (...)

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The European integrity network, NEIWA, highlights the importance of a strong whistleblower protection

Date of article: 29/04/2024

Daily News of: 06/05/2024

Country:  Belgium

Author: Federal Ombudsman of Belgium

Article language: en

A colleague from our Integrity Centre took part in the annual meeting of the European network NEIWA, which took place in Valencia. The network brings together 33 organizations from 24 different countries that are committed on improving the integrity  and protection of whistleblowers and taking a stand against corruption. 

During several workshops, participants shared their knowledge and experience. The outcome of the meeting was the "Valencia Declaration", in which they highlighted the importance of whistleblowing.

"Whistleblowing is the best tool in the fight against corruption" say the members of the network in their Declaration. In the Declaration, they also condemn any form of suppression or limitation of the independence and efficiency of integrity and whistleblowing authorities. 

NEIWA members highlighted the importance of strengthening the work and coordination of all actors involved in the field of whistleblowing and the fight against corruption such as police and justice but also the civil society, as their contribution is essential for the establishment of a “Speak up” culture

A major issue for the network is the European Directive on the protection protection of whistleblowers, which has since been implemented in several European countries, including Belgium. Paul Hafellner, Legal Officer in the Fundamental Rights was invited to this meeting and made a presentation on the status of the transposition of the European Directive on the protection of whistleblowers of corruption. 

Finally, the network decided to admit new members, including Ombudsman of Wallonia (Belgium) and the Federal Institute of Human Rights (Belgium).

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Maeztu destaca el papel "imprescindible" de las Defensorías para garantizar los derechos humanos en una jornada de Ciencias del Trabajo en Cádiz

Date of article: 29/05/2024

Daily News of: 02/05/2024

Country:  Spain - Andalucía

Author: Regional Ombudsman of Andalucía

Article language: es

El Defensor del Pueblo andaluz, Jesús Maeztu, ha destacado hoy el papel de las defensorías como instituciones "imprescindibles" para garantizar los derechos humanos y el futuro de un Estado social y democrático.

En la III Jornada organizada en el marco del día de su patrón, San José Obrero, por la Facultad de Ciencias del Trabajo de la Universidad de Cádiz, el Defensor ha afirmado que "las defensoras y los defensores de derechos humanos somos personas que actuamos de manera pacífica en la promoción y protección de los derechos humanos; impulsando el desarrollo, la lucha contra la pobreza, realizando acciones humanitarias, fomentando la reconstrucción de la paz y la justicia, y promoviendo derechos civiles, políticos, económicos, sociales, culturales y ambientales".

"Nuestro papel, por tanto, es esencial para visibilizar situaciones de injusticia social, combatir la impunidad y dar vida a los procesos democráticos", ha enfatizado Jesús Maeztu, quien ha abogado por "trabajar para conseguir la igualdad real, en una sociedad justa, igualitaria y cohesionada".

Jesús Maeztu, ha trasladado reflexiones sobre el papel de la Defensoría en la garantía de los derechos humanos universales en la Comunidad Autónoma y ha valorado en qué estado se encuentran los mismos. Asimismo, ha compartido algunas historias de vida y de superación de personas, jóvenes migrantes, que han reclamado ayuda y amparo a la Institución "en una ciudad de acogida y solidaria como es Cádiz".

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