El Ararteko pide al gobierno vasco que valore adoptar medidas que faciliten cumplir con el uso de la mascarilla a las personas con dificultades económicas

Date of article: 18/12/2020

Daily News of: 18/12/2020

Country:  Spain - Basque Country

Author: Regional Ombudsman of the Basque Country

Article language: es


El Ararteko ha recibido varias quejas referidas al gasto adicional que implica para algunas personas el uso obligatorio de las mascarillas establecido legalmente para hacer frente a la crisis sanitaria originada por el Covid-19.

Por ello se ha dirigido al Departamento de Salud del Gobierno Vasco para saber si ha valorado o está valorando la posibilidad de adoptar alguna medida para que esas personas puedan abonar por la compra de las mascarillas un precio menor que el establecido.

El departamento nos ha informado de que el lehendakari, en el marco de las reuniones semanales con el presidente del Gobierno para hacer frente al Covid-19, expuso su preocupación respecto al coste de las mascarillas quirúrgicas y propuso valorar la exención del IVA de las mascarillas higiénicas para las personas que recurren al copago farmacéutico.

A la vista de que la adopción de la medida propuesta por el lehendakari es competencia del Estado, y dado que en la respuesta facilitada por el departamento no se hace ninguna mención de la posible adopción de algún tipo de medida dentro de su ámbito competencial, el Ararteko se ha dirigido nuevamente al Departamento de Salud para conocer si ha valorado la posibilidad de adoptar algún tipo de medida al respecto. La respuesta ha sido negativa.

Somos conscientes de la importancia del uso adecuado de las mascarillas por parte de todas las personas para detener la expansión del virus. Pero también creemos, al igual que las personas que han acudido a esta institución, que el establecimiento de su uso obligatorio deriva en un gasto adicional que puede hacer resentirse la capacidad económica de las personas más desfavorecidas.

Con posterioridad a las intervenciones llevadas a cabo por el Ararteko se ha aprobado la reducción del IVA de las mascarillas quirúrgicas desechables, algo que valoramos como positivo. Sin embargo, nos preguntamos si será una medida suficiente para solucionar el problema planteado, si no va acompañada de otras actuaciones.

Según datos facilitados por Cáritas, con la actual crisis el 15,2% de la población vasca que ya estaba en una mala situación y no contaba con ingresos suficientes para el desarrollo adecuado de su vida, va a ver multiplicada su exclusión en todas las dimensiones de la misma (ingresos, empleo, vivienda, red de apoyo,¿). Además, las personas que habían ido abandonando la exclusión social derivada de la crisis del año 2008 podrían precipitarse, de nuevo, a una situación de exclusión definitiva.

Por ello, el Ararteko sugiere al Departamento de Salud del Gobierno Vasco que valore la posibilidad de adoptar alguna medida complementaria que facilite el cumplimiento de la obligación del uso de las mascarillas por parte de las personas que se encuentran en dificultades económicas.

Vitoria-Gasteiz, 18 de diciembre de 2020

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IOI Ombudsman News 49/2020

Date of article: 18/12/2020

Daily News of: 18/12/2020

Country:  WORLD

Author: International Ombudsman Institute

Article language: en

WORLD | United Nations recognises importance of independent Ombudsman

Ombudsman, and President of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI), Peter Tyndall has warmly welcomed the United Nations resolution on the Ombudsman institution, which was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 16 December 2020.

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Ombudsman's report on tower lockdown

AUSTRALIA | Victorian Ombudsman finds tower lockdown breached human rights

The timing of the lockdown of North Melbourne and Flemington public housing towers on July 4 was not based on direct health advice and violated Victorian human rights laws, an investigation by the Victorian Ombudsman has found. 

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FRANCE | Protéger les droits fondamentaux à l’ère de l’intelligence artificielle

Ce lundi 14 décembre, George Pau-Langevin, adjointe à la Défenseure des droits chargée de la lutte contre les discriminations et de la promotion de l’égalité a participé à la conférence en ligne « L’IA au sein de l’Union Européenne :  Protéger les droits fondamentaux à l’ère de l’intelligence artificielle », organisée par l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne (FRA) et la Présidence Allemande du Conseil de l’Europe.

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Complaint Handling Guide

CANADA | Ombudsperson calling on public sector organizations to strengthen complaint handling systems during pandemic

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the BC Ombudsperson is releasing a new best practice report today aimed at helping public sector organizations deal with complaints fairly, efficiently and effectively.

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NEW ZEALAND | Chief Ombudsman says Auckland Prison has to change

New Zealand Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier says Auckland Prison’s culture remains one of containment rather than rehabilitation despite promised changes. Ombudsman Boshier today released the report of his first unannounced inspection of New Zealand’s only maximum security prison.

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Covid-19 and Human Rights

CYPRUS | NPM visits reception and accommodation centre in Kokkinotrimithia

The Commissioner for Administration and the Protection of Human Rights (Ombudsman), published a report regarding a visit to the Reception and Accommodation Center in Kokkinotrimithia on 4 December 2020, which was made within the framework of her jurisdiction as National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) and National Preventive Mechanism (NPM).

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AMÉRICA LATINA | XI Asamblea y seminario virtual “Hermanas Mirabal”

Entre los días 26 y 28 de noviembre del corriente año, se llevó a cabo de modo virtual, la XIᵃ Asamblea General del Instituto Latinoamericano del Ombudsman – Defensorías del Pueblo (ILO) “Hermanas Mirabal” y el seminario “Derechos humanos en el marco de situaciones de excepción.

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EUROPE | EU Ombudsman asks Commission to improve approval process for substances in pesticides

The Ombudsman has made three suggestions to the European Commission to improve the process of approving “active substances” – the components in pesticides that act against specific pests or plant diseases – for use in pesticides. The Ombudsman asked the Commission to approve active substances only for uses that have been confirmed as safe by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA); to publish an explanation of its approvals of active substances in language easily understandable to the public; and to use the confirmatory data procedure with particular restraint.

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Ombudsman Winnie Chiu presents reports

CHINA | Ombudsman Hong Kong announces reports on two direct investigations

The Ombudsman, Ms Winnie Chiu, held a press conference on 17 December 2020 to announce the results of two direct investigations, namely "Effectiveness of Joint Office for Investigation of Water Seepage Complaints in Handling Water Seepage Reports" and "Arrangements for Production, Distribution, Stocktaking and Use of CSI Masks".

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Ombudsman Syed Jamal Ud Din Shah

PAKISTAN | New Provincial Ombudsman takes post for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar

Syed Jamal Ud Din Shah, has taken over charge of the post of Provincial Ombudsman of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. He follows Aqal Badshah Khattak, whose term of office ended earlier this year.

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Rapport annuel 2019-2020

CANADA | La Commissaire recommande que chaque ministère dépose un plan pour l’amélioration des services en français

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Ombudsman presents Annual Report 2019-2020

BAHRAIN | Ombudsman office published Annual Report 2019-2020

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OVO Annual Report 2019-2020

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(CoE) The French Senate should amend the General Security Bill to make it compatible with human rights

Date of article: 18/12/2020

Daily News of: 18/12/2020

Country:  EUROPE

Author: Commissioner for Human Rights - Council of Europe

Article language: en

n a letter to the Chair and members of the Law Committee of the French Senate, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, urges the senators to make substantial amendments to the General Security Bill to make it more human rights-compliant.

The Commissioner invites the senators to remove the ban, imposed by Article 24 of the bill, on disseminating images of the faces of law enforcement officers engaged in police operations, or any other means of identifying them, with the clear intent to do them physical or psychological harm. “This ban is an infringement of the right to freedom of expression, which includes the freedom to impart information, and is liable to exacerbate the breakdown of trust between a section of the population and some parts of the law enforcement agencies, which will not help to protect the latter”, says the Commissioner. She points out that the European Court of Human Rights has acknowledged the crucial role played by the media in informing the public about the management of public demonstrations by the authorities and considers that the infringement by Article 24 of the freedom to impart information is especially unjustified in view of the fact that law enforcement officers are already protected from such harm by many existing legal provisions.

The Commissioner also recommends measures to enhance the right to privacy. This implies placing stricter limits on the conditions listed in Articles 20 to 20ter of the bill regarding access to CCTV footage of public spaces and certain private spaces.

This also calls for a better definition of the legal framework for the use of body cameras. Commissioner Mijatović notes that the possibility introduced by the bill to use these cameras “to inform the public about the circumstances of operations” seems to be designed more to enable police officers and gendarmes to mount a public response to images broadcast by third parties than to increase transparency. “This does not seem to me to be a legitimate purpose justifying interference in the right to privacy of the persons being filmed”, writes the Commissioner. She also invites the Senate’s Law Committee to clarify what conditions and procedures apply to direct access to images by the persons who have recorded them so as to guarantee the proper integrity of recordings and ensure that the right to privacy is respected, including protection of the personal data of the persons on film.

The Commissioner recommends measures to enhance safeguards for the human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons subject to surveillance through airborne cameras or drones. She invites the Law Committee to define the grounds for resorting to such technology more strictly, to improve the means of informing persons targeted and to ensure that the rules on the recording, processing and storage of images are compatible with international standards on the protection of privacy, personal data and freedom of peaceful assembly. “The use of recorded images for identification purposes, including through facial recognition software, should be limited to circumstances in which criminal offences have clearly been committed or there is reasonable suspicion that a crime is about to take place”, says the Commissioner.

The Commissioner also considers that some clarification is called for regarding provisions changing the conditions of access to private security jobs, enhancing the powers and responsibilities of private security guards and granting some municipalities the right to experiment with enlarging the scope of activities of their municipal police. She invites the senators to make the legal framework proposed clearer and to eliminate any risk of discrimination, taking full account of the opinions expressed by national human rights structures in this respect. 

“Forging closer ties between the law enforcement agencies and the public means improving the full and harmonious protection of each side’s rights. There is no doubt that the law enforcement agencies’ operations can be complex and are sometimes carried out in a context of violence. In this light, as stated in my Memorandum of February 2019 on maintaining public order and freedom of assembly in the context of the “yellow vest” movement, I consider it crucial where possible to avoid placing the law enforcement agencies in situations of extreme tension and to secure full respect for their members’ economic and social rights; this is both a duty we owe to them and an important means of reducing the risks of abuse and excessive use of force, which it is essential to combat”, concludes Commissioner Mijatović.

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Infanzia e adolescenza, il “report” quinquennale del Garante

Date of article: 18/12/2020

Daily News of: 18/12/2020

Country:  Italy - Marches

Author: Garante regionale dei diritti della persona (Regional Ombudsman of Marches)

Article language: it

L’attività svolta negli ultimi cinque anni da Andrea Nobili illustrata nel corso dell’incontro promosso in videoconferenza dall’Aiaf (Associazione italiana degli avvocati per la famiglia). Decine di iniziative, incontri e progetti su varie problematiche. Attivazione di alcuni codici e nascita dell’Osservatorio sul disagio

Un’attività a tutto campo con decine di iniziative e incontri su varie problematiche. E’ quella portata avanti dal Garante regionale dei diritti, Andrea Nobili, nei cinque anni del suo mandato relativamente al settore dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza. L’occasione di ripercorrere il percorso compiuto, è stata fornita dall’incontro promosso in videoconferenza dall’Aiaf (Associazione italiana degli avvocati per la famiglia), proprio per fare il punto sulla figura del Garante per l’infanzia e l’adolescenza.
“La nostra è stata un’attività – ha sottolineato Nobili – che ha volto lo sguardo in più direzioni. Sicuramente non esaustiva, perché quando si parla di minori gli ambiti d’intervento sono in continua evoluzione e le risposte da fornire cambiano in base alle esigenze del momento. L’attenzione non è mai troppa, né i percorsi possono considerarsi definitivi”.
Testimonianza diretta del lavoro svolto, tre report riguardanti rispettivamente l’accoglienza dei minori nelle Comunità delle Marche (2016), quella inerente gli stranieri non accompagnati (2018) e quella dei ragazzi fuori della famiglia d’origine (2020), frutto di visite ed incontri nelle diverse realtà territoriali.
Accanto a questo la nascita dell’Osservatorio regionale sul disagio adolescenziale e giovanile nelle Marche (con il coinvolgimento di Presidente del Tribunale e Procuratore della Repubblica per i minorenni, Asur, Anci, Regione Marche, Centro per la Giustizia minorile di Emilia Romagna e Marche); la sottoscrizione del Codice etico sui diritti dei minori alla salute e ai servizi sanitari (con Asur Marche) e di quello etico per l’intrattenimento (con Confcommercio Marche centrali e Cogeu), proposto dal Garante dopo la tragedia della discoteca di Corinaldo nel dicembre 2018. Quattro i corsi per tutori di minori stranieri non accompagnati attivati sul territorio regionale e particolare attenzione anche oltre i confini, così come esplicitato nel corso della due giorni dedicata proprio ai minori nell’ambito del sesto “Governing Board Eusair” (Strategia europea per la Regione Adriatico Ionica), ospitato nel 2017 ad Ancona.
Numerosi anche gli incontri e le iniziative con esperti del settore per quanto concerne il contrasto al Cyberbullismo e a tutte le insidie presenti in rete per i minori. Da ultimo, il capitolo dedicato all’emergenza epidemiologica, con un monitoraggio costante della situazione e diversi interventi sul versante dei problemi emersi in ambito scolastico, con la didattica a distanza e con i provvedimenti adottati, non ultimo quello delle mascherine per i più piccoli, per contenere la pandemia. Ma anche un approfondimento sulle ricadute determinate dal periodo di lockdown nella vita quotidiana dei ragazzi, che ha portato il Garante ad attivare lo sportello “Supporto alle famiglie – In linea con i diritti”, progetto d’intervento a distanza realizzato con la collaborazione di Save The Children.



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20 ayuntamientos canarios disponen de una Concejalía de Accesibilidad

Date of article: 18/12/2020

Daily News of: 18/12/2020

Country:  Spain - Canary Islands

Author: Regional Ombudsman of the Canary Islands

Article language: es

Rafael Yanes abrió una queja de oficio para pedir informe a todos los municipios del Archipiélago sobre esta medida

La Diputación del Común insta a los consistorios a impulsar la creación de estos recursos de accesibilidad para el cumplimiento de los derechos de las personas con discapacidad física y cognitiva

El Diputado del Común, Rafael Yanes, inició una queja de oficio con la finalidad de comprobar las previsiones de las administraciones públicas del Archipiélago en el cumplimiento de los plazos establecidos en la Ley 8/1995 de Accesibilidad y Supresión de Barreras Físicas y de la Comunicación, y del Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2013 de derechos de las personas con discapacidad y de su inclusión social.

Yanes mantuvo una reunión con la Asociación de Discapacitados Visuales y Auditivos de Fuerteventura (ADIVIA), en la que se arrojaron datos sobre la importancia de crear  Concejalías de Accesibilidad en los municipios canarios. Una medida pionera para el derecho de accesibilidad del colectivo.

Tras este encuentro, la Institución intervino mediante la petición de informe a los 88 municipios de la Comunidad Autónoma. Un documento en el que se reflejase el grado de cumplimiento de la normativa vigente y, en concreto, la disposición o no de Concejalías de Accesibilidad y Movilidad que supervisen el derecho de accesibilidad de las personas con discapacidad física y cognitiva en los espacios municipales.

74 ayuntamientos han dado respuesta a la información solicitada por la Diputación del Común, mientras que aún se espera la contestación de los 14 restantes. De los primeros, 20 han afirmado haber aprobado una Concejalía de Accesibilidad y Movilidad, frente a los 54 municipios restantes que afirman no disponer aún de esta medida.

El Diputado del Común pide a todos los ayuntamientos de Canarias crear estas Concejalías para que se cumplan los derechos de las personas con discapacidad física y cognitiva, y solicita la actualización de la Ley Canaria de Accesibilidad.

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