La valedora do Pobo, Dolores Fernández Galiño, inaugura el curso de igualdad entre mujeres y hombres en las relaciones laborales

Date of article: 20/01/2022

Daily News of: 24/01/2022

Country:  Spain - Galicia

Author: Regional Ombudsman of Galicia

Article language: es

La valedora del Pobo, Dolores Fernández Galiño, inauguró ayer en la Universidad de Vigo el Curso de Igualdad entre Mujeres y Hombres en las Relaciones Laborales con el relatorio: “Perjuicios de género en las relaciones laborales y evolución histórica en el Derecho del Trabajo”.


En el mismo participaron la Conselleira de Empleo e Igualdad y la Profesora de Derecho del Trabajo, Belén Fernández Docampo.

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(EQUINET) Webinar: the potential of equality bodies getting involved in the united nations work on ageing

Date of article: 20/01/2022

Daily News of: 24/01/2022

Country:  EUROPE

Author: European network of equality bodies - EQUINET

Article language: en

This webinar will is aimed at equality body staff responsible for working on age discrimination. It will provide tools to engage more effectively with the UN system, with a focus on the UN OEWGA.

Register here by 18 February

The UN Open-ended Working Group on Ageing (UN OEWGA) was established by the UN General Assembly in 2010. Every year the UN OEWGA brings together Member States, NHRIs, NGOs and UN agencies to consider the existing international framework of the human rights of older persons, identify possible gaps in law and in practice, and how best to address them. The principle of non-discrimination is at the heart of these discussions.

Equality bodies have a crucial role to play in bringing forward their experience in tackling Ageism and Discrimination. Through their various competences and unique insights into the state of equality and discrimination, their ability to develop an intersectional approach to ageism, as well as the main issues and gaps in legislation and the jurisprudence, equality bodies can be particularly valuable to the UN OEWGA.

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Wölfe in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Date of article: 19/01/2022

Daily News of: 24/01/2022

Author: Regional Committee on Petitions of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Article language: de

Seit Anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts breitet sich der Wolf in Deutschland und seit dem Jahr 2006 auch wieder in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern aus. Mit der Wiederausbreitung des Wolfes steigt zugleich das Konfliktpotential im Umgang mit dem streng geschützten Tier. So haben Nutztierhalter Angst vor zunehmenden Wolfsrissen und in der Bevölkerung gibt es Befürchtungen, dass der Wolf eine akute Gefahr für den Menschen darstellt. Um die hierzu geführten Diskussionen auf sachlich fundierte Grundlagen zu stellen, führte der Petitionsausschuss heute eine Ausschussberatung mit Vertretern des Landwirtschaftsministeriums durch.

Dieser Beratung liegt eine Petition zugrunde, in der der Petent um Aufklärung bittet, welche Maßnahmen ergriffen werden, um die Bewohner eines Ortes vor den dort lebenden Wolfsrudeln zu schützen. Seitens des Landwirtschaftsministeriums wurde hierzu ausgeführt, dass in dem vorliegenden Fall, aber auch generell, alle gemeldeten Wolfsbeobachtungen umgehend untersucht würden.

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Parliamentary Ombudsman receives again record number of complaints

Date of article: 19/01/2022

Daily News of: 24/01/2022

Country:  Finland

Author: Finnish Parliamentary Ombudsman

Article language: en

In 2021, the Parliamentary Ombudsman received a record 7,732 complaints. This is around 700 complaints more than in 2020 (7,059), which was also a record year for complaints. The amount of complaints has increased with more than 38% during the last three years.

Case numbers rose in nearly all administrative branches. The largest number of complaints concerned health care (1,322), social welfare (1,142) and the police (922). The strongest growth was observed in complaints related to health care. In 2021, 1,322 complaints related to the health care administrative branch were received, compared to 802 the previous year. This means a growth of almost 65%.

The Ombudsman also issued 155 statements, which is again a record number. The Ombudsman also took 67 own initiatives.

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Complaints handling principles approved by the Assembly

Date of article: 19/01/2022

Daily News of: 24/01/2022

Country:  United Kingdom - Northern Ireland

Author: Northern Ireland Ombudsman

Article language: en

The Northern Ireland Assembly today (19 January 2022) approved our complaints handling Statement of Principles.  The six principles set out the basic approach public bodies should take when dealing with complaints from members of the public.  They are:

– Start off right

– Fix it early

– Focus on what matters

– Be fair

– Be honest

– Learn and improve

In the coming weeks we will announce the first sector we will be working with to create complaints handling procedures for all bodies in that sector.

We aim to help all public bodies create a culture in which complaints are dealt with quickly and effectively.

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