El Síndic investiga de oficio las afectaciones que puede tener para la población vulnerable el cierre progresivo de oficinas bancarias de atención presencial

Date of article: 14/01/2022

Daily News of: 17/01/2022

Country:  Spain - Catalonia

Author: Regional Ombudsman of Catalonia

Article language: es

Actualmente el 12% de la población tiene problemas de accesibilidad a los servicios de bancos o cajas

Los servicios bancarios son un servicio de interés general y es necesario que la Administración garantice el acceso a dichos servicios con calidad

El Síndic ha pedido información al Banco de España y a las entidades bancarias que operan en Cataluña sobre el cierre de sucursales


El Síndic es conocedor de los problemas de accesibilidad a los servicios de bancos y cajas que sufren muchas personas mayores a raíz de la progresiva supresión de oficinas bancarias en el territorio y la necesidad de operar online. Para estas personas, la realización de cualquier gestión o la disposición de efectivo a menudo requiere trasladarse a otras localidades, con la consiguiente pérdida de tiempo y dinero.

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(AOMF) Les projets d’amendement aux lois constitutionnelles posent problème selon le Défenseur des droits de l’Homme de la République d’Arménie

Date of article: 13/01/2022

Daily News of: 17/01/2022

Country:  EUROPE

Author: Association des Ombudsmans et Médiateurs de la Francophonie

Article language: fr

– Défenseur des droits de l’Homme de la République d’Arménie –


Le défenseur des droits de l’Homme considère que les projets d’amendements aux lois constitutionnelles proposés par le Ministère de la Justice d’Arménie (sur les amendements au “Code judiciaire d’Arménie” et sur les amendements à la “Cour constitutionnelle”) sont problématiques.


Les projets, en particulier, prévoient qu’un membre du Conseil judiciaire suprême, un juge et un juge de la Cour constitutionnelle soient considérés comme violant les conditions d’incompatibilité, qui est la base de la cessation des pouvoirs, lorsqu’ils ont commis une violation délibérée d’un droit humain fondamental par une décision d’un tribunal international ou d’une autre instance internationale.

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(CJEU) Entry into office of three new Members of the General Court of the European Union

Date of article: 13/01/2022

Daily News of: 17/01/2022

Country:  EUROPE

Author: Court of Justice of the European Union

Article language: en

bg es cs da de et el en fr hr ga it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv


By decision of 21 December 2021, the representatives of the governments of the Member States appointed Mr Damjan Kukovec and Ms Suzanne Kingston, who replaces Mr Anthony Collins, for the period from 22 December 2021 to 31 August 2025 and Mr Ioannis Dimitrakopoulos, who replaces Mr Dimitrios Gratsias, for the period from 22 December 2021 to 31 August 2022, as Judges of the General Court of the European Union. A formal sitting of the Court of Justice will take place today on the occasion of the entry into office of the new Members.

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(CJEU) Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-110/20

Date of article: 13/01/2022

Daily News of: 17/01/2022

Country:  EUROPE

Author: Court of Justice of the European Union

Article language: en

es de el en fr it pt


A Member State may, within the geographical limits set by it, grant several licenses to the same operator for the prospection, exploration and production of hydrocarbons, such as petrol and natural gas, for adjacent areas, provided that it ensures non-discriminatory access to those activities for all operators and assesses the cumulative effect of projects likely to have significant effects on the environment.


These requirements follow from the relevant EU legislation on public procurement rules and on protection of the environment. In 2013, Global Petroleum, an Australian company operating in the offshore hydrocarbons sector, submitted four applications to the Italian authorities seeking four hydrocarbon exploration permits for adjacent areas situated in the Adriatic Sea, off the coast of the Puglia region (Italy). Each of those applications relate to an area of slightly less than 750 km2 . Under Italian legislation, the area covered by a permit may not exceed 750 km2 .


In 2016 and 2017, the Italian authorities found the four exploration projects presented by Global Petroleum to be compatible with the environment. Regione Puglia (the Region of Puglia) brought actions before the Italian courts seeking, ultimately, to prevent Global Petroleum from exploring approximately 3000 km2 of seabed, in total. It claims that, to prevent the law being ‘circumvented’, the 750 km2 limit should apply not only to each permit, but also to each operator.

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(CJEU) Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-282/19

Date of article: 13/01/2022

Daily News of: 17/01/2022

Country:  EUROPE

Author: Court of Justice of the European Union

Article language: en

bg es cs da de et el en fr hr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

Teachers of Catholic religious education: the requirement to hold a suitability certificate issued by a Church authority does not justify the renewal of fixed-term contracts. There is no discrimination on grounds of religion or based on the fixed-term nature of the employment relationship.


YT and 17 other persons (together, ‘the applicants’), who have been Catholic religious education teachers in public establishments for many years, were recruited by the Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca – MIUR (Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, Italy) under successive fixed-term contracts. Having observed that they were not eligible for the tenure provided for under Italian law concerning teaching staff, on account of the fact that their contracts lasted one year, which precluded their inclusion on the permanent ranking lists, the applicants brought an action before the referring court, seeking primarily to obtain the transformation of their current contracts into contracts of indefinite duration.


The referring court, observing that the Italian legislation transposing the framework agreement on fixed-term work 1 excludes the transformation of successive fixed-term contracts into contracts of indefinite duration in the teaching sector, takes the view that the action cannot be upheld. According to that court, having regard to that exclusion and to the fact that the Catholic religious education teachers in question were not eligible for the tenure provided for under Italian law, that law does not provide for any measure to prevent abuse arising from the use of successive fixedterm contracts for those teachers, within the meaning of Clause 5 of the framework agreement.

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